SKKN Organizing English Club to develop the communication skill for the grade 6 students

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 6
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Số trang: 29
Tác giả: Lê Thị Hồng Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THCS Lê Lợi
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 29
Tác giả: Lê Thị Hồng Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THCS Lê Lợi
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Organizing English Club to develop the communication skill for the grade 6 students” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. The concept of English clubs in schools
2. The purpose of the club activities
3. Time
4. Budget
5. Type of Organization
6. The principles that teachers should adhere to the extracurricular activities of high efficiency
7. Members of the club and the provisions on membership
8. The contents of specific activities each month
8.1. Games
8.2. Some of the songs
8.3. Some stories
8.4. The puzzle
8.5. The poem
8.6. Reherse a play
8.7. Organize Gala by theme
8.8. Contests

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1. The reason for choosing the theme:

In the trend of globalization, integration and development today, English has become the most important language ​​in the world, in all fields of social life, including the education sector. English as a communication tool is the key to the treasure of humanity. On the other hand, the wide application of information technology has made learning English become urgent and indispensable. So English has become one of the main subjects in the curriculum of students. Learning and using English require a process of creative exercise diligence of both the learner and the teacher. Especially in the situation of educational reform at present, English is widely supported to be taught in view of communication methods. The students have more opportunities to communicate with friends and actively participate in real life situations: Learning goes together with practice. The new English program in secondary school has been implemented across some schools in our country for many years with the goal of creating maximum opportunities for students to practise four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing on the situation or topic and content-related to communication environment in the country and abroad. The  students at my school have been studying the program of new English book for more than one year and it is very difficult for both learners and teachers to find out the best way to study and language is not a formula subject but in reality. When learning English, most students and even teachers often focus on grammar rather than communication. The result is that many students are able to understand English grammar, but when communication situation comes up, they often feel embarrassed and afraid.

In the role of an English teacher at secondary school, I have to try my best to find an effective way to attract my students to participate in course activities and help them feel more confident in communication. I have integrated the games, songs, stories or fun  chant in all the lessons in order to improve skills for students. But with forty five minutes duration for a lesson, teachers and students have to ensure the amount of knowledge required for certification, students can not have more time to participate in extracurricular activities, especially for students in grades 6 at my school  who have been studying the program of new English book. They are fully engaged four communication skills. However, listening and speaking skills are the most important skills in their communication but they are still limited. Most of the students are embarrassed when they work in pairs or individuals. Sometimes their activities do not take long enough as required. The change in facilitating the teaching and learning of English with grade six students in secondary schools is teaching living language instead of teaching words as many years ago. However, in practical English skills forged for students, teachers confronted with many difficulties, especially communication skill forged. Most of them are not good at communication skill. Facing with this situation as a direct teacher to teach English for students in grade 6, who have been studying the program of new English book, I myself  always think of how to help students master, listen comprehension and maturely manipulate information. During both teaching and observing the students, I found the discipline and communication skill of the students having a lot of problems. Most students do not know how to communicate, I mean that they do not know how to use the words and grammatical structures that they know to communicate. In the classroom, students often say that although there are many words that they know they can not speak out. Therefore, in the teaching process, I find a number of methods for positive, simple, easy to develop communication ability, speculation and creativity of students. With my little experience, I boldly go into a problem: “Organizing English Club to develop the communication skill for the grade 6 students at Tinh Hai secondary school.”

1.2. Research purposes:

– Improve the teaching and learning quality.

– Give Students more chance to learn, communicate and practise English.

– Create a good environment for students to make them enthusiastic in English,  and develop the gifted students in English courses.

– Train and develop the skills to communicate in English.

– Contribute inspiration for all students in learning English.

1.3. Research subjects:

– Research theoretical basis of linguistics.

– Students in grade 6 at Tinh Hai secondary School.

– Contents of club activity:

+ Organize some games for students to play.

+ Learn to sing English songs.

+ Discuss the problems in the learning process.

+ Test writing and reading short essays in English.

+ Listen to English stories and take part in English storytelling contest.

+ Quiz in English.

+ Execution themed painting, performance, making postcards, posters, notices ..

+ Organize picnics to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students

1.4. Method of study:

– Research methodology built theoretical basis.

– Methods of actual surveys, collect information.

1.5. New points of initiative:

– Enhance the communicating, social skills and understanding for the students. 

– Contributes innovative teaching methods to improve the educational quality. –  – Create a healthy educational environment to improve the effectiveness of comprehensive education in school. 

– Expand their knowledge of English and feel more confident in communication.

– Encourage students to be curious about learning English.


2.1. Theoretical basis.

English, one of the foreign languages, ​​has been learned by many Vietnamese people for communicating, learning and doing research. Currently, because of new method in learning and teaching, students have more favorable exposure to the English language. Students have the opportunity to communicate in English and easy to apply in life. Prominent feature of the innovation agenda for new textbooks is maximum opportunity for students to practise four skills, especially listening and speaking skills to the teaching of English is really a difficult task. That students use English in real life is a difficult job, especially for coastal students in grade 6 at Tinh Hai secondary school.

To enhance the communicating, social skills and understanding for the students, the school has a lot of care to organize many kinds of extracurricular activities, clubs to stimulate the spirit of learning among students. Beside formal classes, they need to have good environment to interact, and learn about the country, people and culture of English-speaking countries, the value of the language they are learning. Organizing activities of English Clubs in schools also contributes innovative teaching methods to improve the educational quality, create a healthy educational environment to improve the effectiveness of comprehensive education in schools. From the base of the above, I determine that the organizating and maintaining effectively the English club are very practical, which is the ideal destination for those who love English Club, where they have more opportunities to expand their knowledge of English and feel more confident in communication.

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