SKKN Teaching English vocabulary to Mai Lam junior high school students of class 7 using the method of mind map

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 7
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Lượt xem: 645
Lượt tải: 4
Số trang: 14
Tác giả: Lê Thị Thu Phương
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Thiệu Dương
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 14
Tác giả: Lê Thị Thu Phương
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Thiệu Dương
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Teaching English vocabulary to Mai Lam junior high school students of class 7 using the method of mind map”:

Mind Map is a well-known tool around the world, and you have probably used it in class notes, ideas, plans, problem solving, and more. The results are very interesting. Have you ever tried the English vocabulary learning application with mind mapping? Let’s go to Mai Lam Junior High School to find out!
Do you remember how to learn English vocabularies in school? The teacher will include the words of the vocabularies and pronunciation. One day you will probably have to memorize from several dozen to hundreds of different words that if you do not review often will forget immediately. You are also prone to being discouraged for learning boring vocabulary, rigid and less used. So when you learn English vocabularies by thinking diagram, you solve these problems

Mô tả sản phẩm


TT Contents Pages
1 1. Opening 2
2     1.1. Reason for choosing topic 2
3     1.2. Research purposes 3
4 1.3. Research subjects 4
5     1.4. Research Methods 4
6 1.5. New points of experience initiative. 4
7     2. The content of the experience initiative. 4
8   2.1. Basis for argument 4
9 2.2. Situation of the problem before applying to experience. 5
10   2.3. Solutions to organize the implementation. 6
11 a. Check vocabulary using mind map. 6
12                 b. Teaching vocabulary 12
13 2.4. The effectiveness of the experience initiative for educational activities, with self, colleagues and the school. 13
14     3. Conclusions and recommendations. 14
15     3.1. Conclusions 14
16 3.2. recommendations. 14
  1. Opening

Mind Map is a well-known tool around the world, and you have probably used it in class notes, ideas, plans, problem solving, and more. The results are very interesting. Have you ever tried the English vocabulary learning application with mind mapping? Let’s go to Mai Lam Junior High School to find out!

Do you remember how to learn English vocabularies in school? The teacher will include the words of the vocabularies and pronunciation. One day you will probably have to memorize from several dozen to hundreds of different words that if you do not review often will forget immediately. You are also prone to being discouraged for learning boring vocabulary, rigid and less used. So when you learn English vocabularies by thinking diagram, you solve these problems:

1.1. Reason for choosing topic

      Today we are witnessing the interdependence and interdependence of the nations of the world in information technology, knowledge and science, technology, education and culture. In this context, English acts as an important communication tool for the country’s economic, scientific and technological development and regional integration, as well as for cultural exchanges between countries. in the region and in the world. The ability to communicate in English is one of the basic skills that need to be formed for the young generation in Vietnam in general and the 7th grade students in Mai Lam secondary school in particular. Therefore, the teaching and learning English in junior high school in general and junior high school students Mai Lam secondary school in particular should be formed and develop communication capacity in English. Teaching English at the lower secondary level helps students to broaden their horizons, enrich their life experiences, develop their thinking ability and improve their cultural and social understanding. the nation, the people of the world as well as the deeper understanding of the social culture of their own nation, laying the groundwork for continuing higher education, lifelong learning and comprehensive development student’s. To do that, teachers have to take many measures in which the innovation of teaching methods is a compulsory requirement in order to create a dynamic learning atmosphere, students learn positively, achieve quality and efficiency. high. So, I applied a lot of methods in the teaching process but I found that the method of teaching the vocabulary of the mind mapping is to draw the attention of the students in the class. It helps them to develop their ideas, to form independent thinking minds, so that they can actively participate in the process of knowledge acquisition.

For the above reasons and what is summarized by the application of mind mapping in English teaching and learning in the past time I boldly wrote the subject “Teaching English vocabulary to Mai Lam junior high school students of class 7 using the method of mind map “. I hope to show the application of mind mapping is the most positive method to bring effective teaching and learning in today’s era.

  1.2. Research purposes

     Being aware of the importance of English – an international language – most parents now allow their children to learn English at a young age. However, not all students have the same good learning environment and especially the environment for using English. So in order to achieve the ultimate goal of teaching foreign languages ​​to social communication, each teacher must help students acquire language knowledge, agile thinking, flexible problem-solving and Especially the confidence before the people.

Therefore, in this research I study the effectiveness of using mind maps to achieve the following purposes:

+ Analysis and comparison of actual situation in the teaching and learning process has not applied the map of thinking with the teaching and application of mind map.

+ Analyze and prove the new points, the new solution to the purpose of replacing the old methods have applied. Specify the applicability of the new solution to bring about the efficiency and quality of teaching methods using mind mapping.

1.3. Research subjects.

The target group is Mai Lam Junior High School’s 7th grade students, aiming to develop their thinking style according to their thinking plan. At the same time they must also use the word in a specific sentence according to the thinking diagram.

1.4. Research Methods.

To conduct research on the subject, I conducted some research methods as 


+ Study the regular training materials of the sector during professional training 

and especially through training methods and techniques of active teaching.

+ Consult with colleagues.

+ Research on textbooks in English class 7, instructing the implementation of 

knowledge standards, skills in lower secondary English – Vu Thi Loi, thinking 

mapping – optimal thinking tools will do. Change the life of your friend Tony-


+ Through practice after nearly 8 years of self.

1.5. New points of experience initiative.

Help students to think vocabulary in grammatical terms, and express the vocabulary of the syllabus.

  1. The content of the experience initiative.

2.1. Basis for argument

In the current trend of globalization, we have been implementing open policies to integrate with the international community in many fields such as economics, politics, commerce, tourism, education. Education plays an important role in the preparation of quality human resources of each country and provides learning

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