SKKN Applying English songs in teaching vocabulary and grammar to students grade 6

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 6
Bộ sách:
Lượt xem: 622
Lượt tải: 7
Số trang: 21
Tác giả: Lê Thị Thu Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hà Lai
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 21
Tác giả: Lê Thị Thu Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hà Lai
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Applying English songs in teaching vocabulary and grammar to students grade 6” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

2.1. Choose from teaching:
2.2. Applying the initiative in some lessons in each unit
2.2.1 English 6 – Unit 1: Greetings
2.2.2 English 6 – Unit 2: At school
2.2.3 English 6 – Unit 3: At home
2.2.4 English 6 – Unit 4: Big or small
2.2.5 English 6 – Unit 5: Things I do
2.2.6 English 6 – Unit 6: Places
2.2.7 English 6 – Unit 7: Your house
2.2.8 English 6 – Unit 8: Out and about
2.2.9 English 6 – Unit 10: Staying healthy
2.2.10 English 6 – Unit 9: The body
2.2.11 English 6 – Unit 11: “What do you eat?”
2.2.12 English 6 – Unit 12: Sports and Pastimes
2.2.13 English 6 – Unit 13: Activities and the seasons
2.2.14 English 6 – Unit 14: Making plan
2.2.15 English 6 – Unit 15 Countries
2.2.16 English 6 – Unit 16

Mô tả sản phẩm



As we know, English has become popular worldwide and more than forty countries are using English as a primary language, and nearly 400 million people are using it as a second language in communication. In Vietnam, English is seen as a key that leads to the success today.

As a teacher of English department, we always want our students to understand fast and efectively, especially the children can apply the knowledge in actual communication. For this, we need to have  innovative teaching methods so that each class students are more interested in active learning and memory training class at all.

We all know that any languages ​​in the world which we use to communicate with requires us a large vocabulary because vocabulary is  an integral part of the language. In studying English we can not train and develop the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing that are not based on the foundation of the vocabulary.

Indeed, without the necessary vocabulary, they will not be able to develop good skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing whether they have mastered phrases and grammar is trhuc.

Therefore, to help students master the vocabulary and the grammar in  use is very important that concerns me and I decide to implement the project:

“Applying English songs in teaching vocabulary and grammar to students grade 6 in Loc Thinh Secondary School”


To help Students be  interested in  learning  a foreign language , which give them the chance to widen knowledge about every fields in their lives. Moreover, Students can update modern technology all over the world, so nothing is better than they have a large amount of vocabulary and deeple understanding about grammar in use.

             To help students study the vocabulary well and use it in real life with correct grammar.


  2. 1. Advantages:

     – The school board has always been interested and create favorable conditions for facilities and service literature for teaching subjects: Paintings, music cassettes, ..

     – Local governments and organizations inside and outside schools who always support teachers in the process of work.

   – Teachers themselves always receive support from teachers and professional in groups and colleagues in their school.

     – The majority of students in the class love learning English and prepare books and supplies for learning.

     – Most parents are concerned and they all facilitate their children’s learning.

  1. 2. Difficulties:

      – The majority of them are students in deep, they don’t have method of learning vocabulary really effective. To the parents, it is very difficult for them to check or guide them to learn at home because  they all do not know a foreign language.

     – Some students especially boys often distracted and less interested in studying and learning vocabulary.

     – Some students have little time at home studying outside school hours because they have to help their parents with housework, farm work …

     – They have limited access to communicate in English and they are also afraid to communicate and exchange each other in English outside school hours.

     – The majority of students in the class are disadvantaged so they have little reference to raise capital from outside the vocabulary that provide textbooks.

To promote good positive creative initiative of students in learning, we need to organize the teaching process in a positive way the activities of the school, in the process of teaching and learning, the teacher is only the transmission of knowledge to students, students want better comprehend the knowledge that, then you have to learn by their own activities.

Dominant method of teaching foreign languages ​​in our integrated, meaning that new words should be taught in context, the context can be a reading, a conversation or a keyword. However, it comes with the teaching and learning of foreign languages ​​is still teaching new words like? Teach new sentence structure as students know how to use new vocabulary and structures in communication in foreign languages.

From the beginning, the teacher should consider the various procedures for each step in the processing of vocabulary new context: suggestive, teach, test and reinforce vocabulary.

– There should be taught everything from the new one? Teach how much of the information in a medium?

– Use pre-learned phrases or going to school to introduce new words.

– Use pictures, visual aids to introduce new words.

– Ensure that students understand the structure, using lexical structure to improve communication functions, establish the relationship between the new structure and vocabulary have.

– Fix memory deep vocabulary of students passed through the sample questions and practice exercises.

The result of the first -term  school year:

class/Total Excellent   Good   average     bad 
6A/24 NU % NU % NU % NU %
1 4 3 10 10 43 10 43


class/Total Excellent   Good   Average     bad 
6B/23 NU % NU % NU % NU %
1 3 2 9 10 44 10 44

–   From the survey above, There are only 4% of excellent students in class 6A and 3% of excellent students in class 6B . 

Last but not least, My aim is to guide students how to learn the new vocabulary and grammar in the most efective way. This is the best way to help them love learning and to be active to achieve their daily lessons.


2.1.  Choose from teaching:

English is an important subject, it is a language to communicate with other countries in the world. If we want to communicate well with foreigners we are required to have a rich vocabulary.

In general the current environment, when it becomes to new language is mainly talking about grammar and vocabulary, vocabulary and grammar are always clings relationship with each other, always be taught in collaboration to clarify the meaning of each other. However teach vocabulary is introduced and specific issues. Usually in a lesson always appear new words, new words are not finished yet and should be included in teaching. To choose from to teach, teachers should consider these issues:

We all know how to teach two different types of words. From actively involved in the four skills (listening  – speaking – reading – writing). For this type of investment teachers need time to introduce and guide students to practice more.

With passive teacher just stop at getting to know, do not need to invest time into the application operations. Teachers need to know the options and decide what will be taught from such an initiative from the public and as a passive.

For the initiative was only for students that writing and defined as dictionary is not enough, so that students know how to use them in communication, student teachers need to know how to pronounce, is not unique retail, but also know the correct pronunciation of the word in the speech chain, especially the meanings of words.

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Biện pháp nâng cao hiệu quả giảng dạy về tỉ lệ thức và dãy tỉ số bằng nhau trong môn Toán 7 (CD)

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