SKKN Some experience teaching students to learn listening skills in grade 6

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 6
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Lượt xem: 1614
Lượt tải: 1
Số trang: 28
Tác giả: Trần Thị Minh Hằng
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Phú Thượng
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 28
Tác giả: Trần Thị Minh Hằng
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Phú Thượng
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some experience teaching students to learn listening skills in grade 6” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

– Prepare plans for an English listening lesson
* To the teacher
*To the students
b. Perform better teaching listening process
* Pre – Listening
* While – listening
* Post – Listening

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1. Reason for choosing topic

   English pilot books are being taught from grade 6 to grade 9 at some secondary schools. As an English language teacher at Hoang Long secondary school and I always wonder how to help students reach English easily through four basic skills: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing. But there is a skill always that  causes  students the most troubled, which is Listening.  There are many students who are very good at the application of grammar exercises, but the  English listening ability is very bad. What should teachers do to help students overcome these difficulties? For English communication will be English, so communicating with friends overseas will  students listen to understand foreign friends what they are saying, which will  help them more boldly confident in communicating in English.

The goal of English is to establish and develop in student’s the basics of English is the intellectual property necessary to further education or go into academic life and their work in all aspects of work and their life. As English textbooks in junior high school from grades 6 to 9 are compiled in the same building perspective program. This is the perspective point (Thematic Approach) and enhances the learning method of proactive students.

    All the 4 skills: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing are interested,  focused and coordinated with the exercises and classroom activities.

    One of four skills English language learners in general, and secondary students in particular courses, often certain difficulties in the process of learning English listening skills.

1.2. General  purposes

 In fact,  to get good listening skills, the English language learners need to have a process of regular exercise daily, weekly and monthly with the content and form of different technologies. Teaching Listening  and learning skills in English,  though not new, but it is a very difficult skill for both teachers and students at the junior high school level. That’s the reason why the actual situation like this, I figure research ideas into this subject partly in the hope of helping the English teachers and students gradually overcome the difficulties to carry out implementation of teaching and learning in English Listening carefully horizontal effective better help students learn English more positively,  more proactively in acquiring,  perceiving knowledge of the lesson.  This is also the reason and purpose that I chose this topic.

1.3.  Object research

– The purpose of foreign language teaching is not to give students knowledge of the language, the main purpose of the training is to teach students English communication skills in English daily communication of school. The good  students are represented by skills: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing.  which English Listening skills of students is formed through the process of learning, language training in English language environment. Besides learning English at school, in class, the students also have to learn, self-discipline skills play through the forms,  methods and content to hear different English.

More specifically, English Listening skill is the ability to use language knowledge and listening comprehension purposes conversations daily communication in English.

Fundamental factors directly impact the effectiveness of teaching information technology.

* To the teacher

 – With innovative teaching methods, teachers play a positive role in directing and controling students in active learning at school.

– To conduct a successful lesson Listening  effectively,  the teachers need to make the following basic elements well:

+ Choosing and using flexible techniques to teach Listening skill to suit each lesson content with the students.

+ Organization,  good classroom control and distribution reasonable time.

+ Fluency means, the teaching aids for teaching Listening to serve in English.

+ Research, creative, self- made ​​and appropriate teaching aids, well serve Listening skills lesson.

+ Teachers must inspire, passionate and they must be charismatic to attract and activate students  eager to learn in English.

* To the students

– The relationship between teaching and learning, the teacher is the organizer, controller. As students occupy themselves with the knowledge of the actions,  the actions of his own intellect under control  teacher’s organizations.

– Listen to English lesson successfully and effectively,  the students should also have the necessary skills in listening comprehension, conversations, and communicate with each other on topics of practical life and daily work in English.

1.4. Method –  vocational – technical (Listening techniques)

– Teaching Listening is regulated by the listening content. Other words, the listening content dominates the selection, use, flexible coordination of teaching methods, teaching techniques.Every technical teaching in accordance with a specific form of lessons (teaching grammar,  teaching speaking, teaching,

writing, teaching listening .. )  

– Using both intensive listening and extensive listening effectively in each period to help students improve listening skill

* Equipment, teaching aids for teaching skills to serve listening

          – The use of pictorial devices very good support and positive for Foreign Language teaching and learning in general and English in particular subjects, this work is considered to be an important mean, represents the majority of main content of the lesson. During all lessons unit of a new textbook program, the content of Listening recorded in cassettes or CD , VCD , DVD  and just in textbook exercises ear training.  If they want to have good skill to do listening exercises,  the learners must  listen to the lesson content in the tape drive. Moreover, teaching equipment is also active in media innovation which will be innovative teaching methods, high efficiency, motivation and learning caused much excitement for students learning English in the process.

* The equipment needed for the course:

+ Transceivers cassettes.

+ Recorders readings and listening textbook.

+ Pictorial content and didactic lesson.

+ Computers, Computer speaker.

+ The illustrations, equipment, utensils because teachers do …..

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