SKKN Some experience to teach conversation to cause excitement in english for students in Grade 6

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 6
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Lượt xem: 629
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Số trang: 18
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thanh Loan
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Ái Mộ
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 18
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thanh Loan
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Ái Mộ
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some experience to teach conversation to cause excitement in english for students in Grade 6” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

* Conversation approach
Step 1 Presentation
Step 2 Practice
Step 3 Production
– The reference works for the steps taught conversation:
+ Using visuals: Using real objects, paintings or pictures to showcase.
+ Using tape cassettes.
+ Practice.
– Here are some suggested activities to help students practice conversation.
– A model lesson plan.

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1. Reasoning of the topic:

 Teaching and learning of foreign languages in General, in particular in the schools today are inadequately addressed and far-reaching development in the country.  In middle school, teachers teach English to students with other subjects on the basis of equipping the children necessary knowledge system aimed at training workers have highly skilled, knowledge, practical skills, dynamism and creativity, … The establishment and practice of skills for students of teachers not only pay attention to the passive transfer of knowledge in textbooks, use the medium of teaching. Teacher has to be interested in the organization of the teaching process in the direction of the positive operation of the learner, which plays an active role in creative initiative of students in learning, organizations for students to master the knowledge of their own operations.

English conversation in secondary schools are unevenly distributed in 4 blocks from block 6 to 9 block from easy to hard. In block 6 of the children only just be familiar with the form of the conversation short, saying simple easy to understand, not because of the ease in which we believe, we have to create for students interested in studying in the first grade to the solid foundation and has the passion to learn well the next year. If teacher does not truly innovative in lesson plans, conversations are easy for students to be forgotten soon. I always wondered how help students to pay attention more, not neglected studying and learning conversations.

Over the years are the direct assignment of teaching in English class, I have developed some experience in teaching process. Among them, 

Some experience to teach conversation to cause excitement in English for students in grade 6” is the subject of attention.

1.2. Research purposes.

  Make for the students in acquiring new ones, work-skills of heard. Helping students with admissions and the exchange of information, improving their English skills, learn more about the society, creating routines for immediate response in the language of communication.

1.3. The object of research. 

Some methods to teach conversation to cause excitement in English for students in grade 6.

Students in grade 6 of Town primary and secondary school.

1.4. Research methods. 

Research method bases on theory. 

Method of investigating reality and collecting information.  

Statistical method.

Data processing method.


2.1. Reasoning base.

– According to the II National Resolution II period 8 “Renewing a educational method of education, overcoming the way to convey passively, practicing a creative mindset for learners. Gradually apply advanced methods and modern methods in the teaching process, to ensure conditions and duration of study, self-study for students. “

– The orientation above was legalized in the Education Law, Article 24, 2nd paragraph as follows: “Method of general education has to promote activity, creativity for students, consistent with the characteristics of each class, foster methods for self-learning support, train skills to apply knowledge to practical life, impact emotion, bring joy, excitement for student in learning”

– In fact there are many forms of learning: study at classroom, at home, self – study, study under the guide of teachers, study in groups. The important thing is that teachers must understand students, have to think about exploring, to find out the most appropriate and effective teaching method.

– Base on the core innovation of teaching methods that attract students’ attitude toward active learning, against passive study habits. Especially, foster self – learning method for children. The topic “ Some experience to teach conversation to cause excitement in English for students in grade 6”, with measures of reviewing vocabulary creatively, innovatively and effectively, it integrates with Art – keep up with the innovation, overcome the way to convey passive and boring old method. Moreover, guiding students to expand vocabulary and structures is a part of the initiation to promote innovation and foster students’ self-study, self-discipline.

Role-play and using of conversation in English that is to follow the new teaching methods, students are directly involved in the process of learning and active musically patterned. According to the document on methods of teaching the subject has to meet the above mentioned issues of teaching methods, teacher created situations, learners have the opportunity to work out and develop the capacity of thinking.

2.2. Status of problem. 

Comes from the habit of high school students to see conversation just skimming through then solve the exercises below. If teachers do not really creative and investing curriculum, for students of that conversation are easy to be forgotten soon. Status in the academic subjects, students or have a habit of passively, familiar listening, taking notes like a copy. Most students do not have the habit of actively learning and discover lessons if not assigned or if which was then also still embarrassing when solving problems. Children don’t have the needs themselves reveal the thoughts, feelings, interests and talent of the individual before the collective. The sense of preparation, almost no exist they are always waiting to receive knowledge from the teacher. If there are difficulties, the students are waiting for explanations from the teacher. The situation is clearly shown by the results of my investigation. 

*. A number of students get excited about learning and understand conversation Semesters I

 – the school year ……… Town primary and secondary school.

Order number class Number of students A number of students get excited about learning and understand conversation A number of students are not interested learn and understand conversation
Number % Number %
1 6a 10 4 40% 6 60%
2 6b 12 4 33% 8 67%
3 total 22 8 36% 14 64%


According to the view of “learner-centered”, teaching and learning methods, there have been fundamental changes. The teacher are not the only person who hold the knowledge and impart knowledge that is just the instructor, counselor, support people who check … The school is no longer a passive person to acquire knowledge that is central to the process of teaching, innovative initiative in the learning process in order to reach the goal of his teaching. The renewal method of teaching is very clear and important particularly in communication in the language. From the point on the students directly involved in the learning process, specific role and use the conversation naturally interactive will create joy elation in English.

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