SKKN Some information technology applications in teaching English for the students in grade 7

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 7
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Lượt xem: 785
Lượt tải: 9
Số trang: 20
Tác giả: Trần Thị Hồng Hoa
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Trương Công Man
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 20
Tác giả: Trần Thị Hồng Hoa
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Trương Công Man
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some information technology applications in teaching English for the students in grade 7” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. Theoretical basis of the initiative experience.
2. The real situation before applying the initiative experience.
3. Innovations or solutions used to solve the problem.
4. The effectiveness of the initiative experience for educational activities, with myself, colleagues and the school.

Mô tả sản phẩm

1. Introduction. 2
1.1. The reason for choosing the topic. 2
1.2. Research purposes.  2
1.3. Research subjects. 3
1.4. Research Methods. 3
2. The content of the initiative experience. 4
2.1. Theoretical basis of the initiative experience. 4
2.2. The real situation before applying the initiative experience. 4
2.3. Innovations or solutions used to solve the problem. 4
2.4. The effectiveness of the initiative experience for educational activities, with myself, colleagues and the school. 17
3. Conclusion  and  recommendations. 18
4. References. 20
5 The list  of initiative experiences was assessed. 21





1.1. The reason for choosing the topic.

Nguyen Chich secondary school is equipped with cable and wireless networks which can satisfy the connection speed for multiple computers. The teachers equip with the best training equipments such as laptops, microphones, … In addition, parents are equipped with school supplies for their children, such as tables, smart phones, laptops …. From these advantages, combined with extensive research and shared from colleagues in other locations. In the process of teaching English I have applied the knowledge, tools, softwares to maximize the features of the equipment which I have been offered, at the same time, making the level of my English teaching becomes more professional, efficient and attracts  more students to become interested in learning English.

          In this topic I want to share the experience and the tools, applications of some software programs to teach English at secondary schools: “Some information technology applications in teaching English for the students in grade 7 at Nguyen Chich Secondary school”

1.2. Research purposes .

Research and learn maximum features of the equipment that has been provided to make teaching more effective and professional

– Formation and development of student self-learning methods. Approach gradually changed from “teacher-centered” to “student-centered”. 

– Create awareness and excitement for students through beautiful images, rich sound or the ranking points from the contest quick. 

– Use tools and software to create interaction hold teachers and students, students with students …. 

– Students hear the correct pronunciation of the native  through Quizlet 


– Using this tool will help teach the average students getting better because we 


are interested in the technology equipment Which can save time in preparing lesson plans instead of using Power point presentation tools, save time teaching in class compared to traditional methods. At the same time, teachers have more time to develop these outstanding students as well as help for the average students improve. 

– Parents can help track, monitor, or can learn along side their children through homework with the provided URL.

1.3. Research subjects .

  – Subjects: The application  of information technology into the school program.

          –  Performed on the students in grade 7 at Nguyen Chich secondary school.

1.4. Research Methods .

During the study of the topic,  I have used many methods such as: 

          –  Methodology of reasoning

          –  Method of reading and using materials, books in teaching English, learning form software on the internet related topics.

          –   Observation method.

          – Observation the activities of the students and the ability of the students’learning when applying the  information technology in English lessons.

          – Method of summarizing and drawing experience through the activities of myself and colleagues.


2.1. Theoretical basis of the initiative experience.

– The objective of the scheme in 2020: Completely change the teaching and learning applications English. Promoting ICT to teach English.

– Software, utilities, tools cater for the growing education

– Psychological characteristics of secondary school students

– English Teaching Resources

2.2. The real situation before applying the initiative experience.

The application of ICT in teaching English is not popular. Almost teachers use the software only Powerpoint, software book,  But, the software is not dedicated to lesson plans. Therefore, to get a good lesson, the teachers have to spend a lot of time preparing the lessons. 

Experience gained from ICT of my experience and learning from colleagues in other places or from the internet.

Nguyen Chich secondary school and other schools in Dong Son district are equipped classrooms with multiple device support for learning English

2.3. Innovations or solutions used to solve the problem.

Information technology is changing day by day in every part of our lives in which the application of information technology in the field of education is also the top of the  concern and investment of the society today. The application of ICT helps teachers teach more and more smoothly, professionally and effectively. All the basic software applications mentioned below are a practical demonstration of what has been used in grade 7 at Nguyen Chich secondary . In this way,  the  teachers are not  too hard and time consuming to prepare the lessons. Teaching materials and equipments are provided to maximize the effectiveness of the use. Students are more  active with what they are learning in class and practice after school. The students will become more excited and positive about being directly involved in online post editing for their friends.

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