SKKN Using songs to teach some English vocabularies and structures for grade 6

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 6
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Lượt xem: 749
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Số trang: 19
Tác giả: Lê Thị Hồng Hạnh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hà Long
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 19
Tác giả: Lê Thị Hồng Hạnh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hà Long
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Using songs to teach some English vocabularies and structures for grade 6” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

Firstly, I carefully selected the songs and did not use them widespread
Secondly, I copied the entire lyrics of the songs and composed them into a song to teach in the order as arranged in the CDs.
Finally, I improve my music skills, so I can confidently sing the sample song in front of my students if they ask
– Example 1: Unit 1: Greeting
– Example 2: Unit 1: B. Good morning
– Example 3: Unit 1: C. How old are you?
– Example 4: Unit 2: A. Come in
– Example 5: Unit 2: B. Where do you live?(B3)
– Example 6: Unit 3: At home (A3,4,5)
– Example 7: Unit 3: C. Families
– Example 8: Unit4: C: Getting ready for school
– Example 9: Unit 5: C. Classes
– Example 10: Unit 9: The body
– Example 11: Unit10: A. How do you feel?
– Example 12: Unit 10: C. My favorite food
– Example 13: Unit 14: A. Vacation destinations
– Example 14: Unit 15: Countries

Mô tả sản phẩm

  1. Preamble

1.1.  Reasons for choosing the theme.

English has been chosen as the international language and many countries use the most. It becomes the native language of more countries, the language of human beings’ communication worldwide.

With the trend of international integration, Vietnam is increasingly promoting the availability of its all abilities in all fields. Today, English plays an increasingly important role. Therefore, Vietnamese education attaches great importance and puts the English program as a core subject in the education level courses in the education system.

We also see the position of the course for the development of the whole society: as a tool to facilitate integration with the international community and the region, access to information and advance science and technology, access to other cultures as well as an important international event. English program in secondary level to the formation and development of students with the knowledge and basic skills in English and intellectual qualities need further studying or traveling higher up into working life.

As we see the magic of human beings is to use language not only to communicate but also to combine language sounds to create something that stirs the heart and mind that we called music. Thus, in the native language teaching in general and teaching foreign languages ​​- English in particular will be very interesting and effective if we use some songs fit into the specific class.

I myself, in the position of a teacher of English in secondary school, through several years of working, I know the method characterized by their respective departments track. I always research,  improve the quality of teaching and studying English, especially with distant regions and with many difficulties as Luan Thanh, a mountainous commune of Thuong Xuan district.

I noticed at this psychology age, most of these children are very fond of singing, it was demonstrated in the details of their favorite music lessons. Especially if they can sing a song in English language not only brings excitement of learning that language knowledge but it is also etched forever in their minds. Because of these concerns, I have boldly choosen  the theme, that is: “Using songs to teach some English vocabularies and structures for grade 6 students at Luan Thanh Secondary School” in order to help students learn and remember vocabularies together with new structures more easily.

1.2. The purposes of research.  

From the current status of teaching new English vocabularies and structures  over the years at secondary school where I am working, I have improved a positive teaching method appropriate to each lecture and student. But the scale of this subject I have no ambition and not enough time to make all the methods of teaching and learning English vocabularies, with the hope that this approach can help the students learn, practice and hone another to make some necessary vocabularies. Thereby, they gain experience easier in learning and practicing their vocabularies.

1.3. Subject of research.

Because of limited time, I just mentioned applies the method of teaching and revising new vocabularies and structures in a number of lessons in grade 6 for Luan Thanh secondary school’s students  in this topic.

1.4. Research methodology.

– Theoretical research methods: Research documents and curricula related to research problems by means of analysis, synthesis, comparison to draw the theoretical issues-oriented nature as a basis for solving problems and tasks study.

– Survey method: Find out the status of teaching and learning of teachers and students acquire specific knowledge in order to detect the problem to be solved, determine the popularity, in preparation for the next research step.

– Conversational method: Talking to colleagues about the advantages and difficulties in teaching and using new methods available today.

– Observation method: Through the project more time colleague, his own lessons in school, good teachers’ competitions at district and province to be able to directly observe the situation of students. Thereby, learnable ability to acquire all, capture knowledge through lectures. Besides, learning receptive colleagues in the district as well as other areas through the Internet and found out the limitations of teaching.

– Test method evaluation: Through the lessons of myself, of positive test career and student surveys.

  1. Contents.

2.1. Theoretical background.

In current socialization, learning English is a huge demand of students, especially in the period of integration, the need to communicate in English is essential. The goal of education is currently focused on the development direction of the dynamism, creativity and positive in order to enable students to identify and solve the problem for them. How students can confidently apply an effective way the knowledge they have learned in their life? This is the goal that  the education is always towards to.

Stemming from the above requirements, we may find that the importance of offering courses taught in English in education is undeniable. But how can students acquire language in the most effective way, especially when catering facilities for teaching and learning this subject has not yet been fully met? This requires a lot of factors but the most important is still students’ passion to English and teachers must have appropriate, attractive and charismatic teaching methods to students.

2.2. The status of the problem.

Each the school’s English Department has its own characteristics, causing amorous curiosity of many students learning but also inevitably cause difficulties dampened apprentice position. Therefore, teachers must pay attention to all of  students interested in learning  English.

Stemming from the point ” learner-centered ”, methods of teaching and learning have made fundamental changes. The teacher is not the only one who holds the knowledge and imparts knowledge that is only a guide, facilitator, mentor and checkers. Learners no longer a passive acquisition of knowledge which is the center of the teaching process, initiatives and creativity in the learning process to achieve high results in learning and know how to apply in real life.

General language teaching, teaching English in particular the renewal of teaching methods is crucial. To master the language knowledge, implement 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing was very difficult for them, especially for the 6th grade students to be acquainted with the discipline department. Because they do not have many new vocabularies and structures to use.

From the point on the use of appropriate songs for the lessons to help the students are extremely interested in the subject, especially help them much easier to memorize new words and structures.

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