SKKN Training life skills for students through some english lessons in grade 9 effectively

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 9
Bộ sách:
Lượt xem: 1862
Lượt tải: 6
Số trang: 21
Tác giả: Lê Thị Quế
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Mạc Đĩnh Chi
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 21
Tác giả: Lê Thị Quế
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Mạc Đĩnh Chi
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Training life skills for students through some english lessons in grade 9 effectively” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

2.3.1. Institution communication skills training
2.3.2. Institution, skills training cognitive behavioral adjustment
2.3.3. Institution, skills training to improve health, health protection and environmental protection
2.3.4. Institution, skills training disaster or epidemic

Mô tả sản phẩm



Starting from the goal of education is to train people to develop comprehensive Vietnam, ethics, knowledge, health, and beauty profession, faithful to the ideals of national independence and socialism; formation and nurture the personality, qualities and abilities of citizens; meet the requirements of building and defending the country. The goal is to teach not only give students some basic knowledge and practical activities revolve around the theme of life that was initially formed and trained them some life experiences. Moreover, not only as educational process itself conveys that life, the school is not separate from society, and the student is the center of the educational process. Such students are not only the center of the school but also the center of our lives and society. So educating students life skills is a very important thing, is a necessary requirement to meet this goal.


       In my school, how to help students improve their life skills is still a top concern of many foreign language teachers. Stemming from the fact that, I launched an initiative this experience no more ambition than the purpose of helping grader 9 improve their life skills and contribute with colleagues solve difficulty in the teaching process.


1.3.1.Object of study

Communication skills, adjusted cognitive skills, behavior, skills to improve health, health protection and environmental protection, skills disaster or epidemic.

1.3.2. Research object

Refer to certain lessons, such as: Unit 1: “A visit from a pen pal”, Unit 2: “Clothing”, Unit 4: “Learning a foreign language”,  Unit 5: “Read”, Unit 7: “Saving energy”,  Unit 9: “Natural disasters”…  


 Research reference material

–  Audiovisual method  

–  Statistical method

– Experimental method


Helping the children have the opportunity to demonstrate the capability, and the wisdom of them. 

– Educating students life skills, training them to develop comprehensive Vietnam, ethics, knowledge, health, and beauty profession, faithful to the ideals of national independence and socialism. In essence, the life skills that can understand simple human way “to treat people like” in the community in which they live. it is life skills training process to help students be aware of attitudes, their behavior to adjust in a positive direction.



Facing the rapid development of the social sectors of education, the new era has been striving to innovate for the content, quality and method of how to achieve 2 major objectives which are to train human resources and life skills for students. However, besides the achievements of the whole industry, the recent reality we often see teenagers tend to increase in school violence, susceptible to social vices, selfish, heartless, closed her… At the same time practical skills, communication skills, problem solving skills, self-service capability reduces itself… Furthermore entering international integration requires young people to self- information; to capture timely opportunities as well as to have some skills: healthy living, healthy living, good programming, good English…

Today, life skills training for young generation which is typical students is a joint responsibility of the family, school and society. In it, the teacher plays a crucial role. This is also one of the content of the movement “Building friendly schools – students positive” that the Ministry of Education has proposed.

For secondary school students, this is the age many changes in terms of psychological and physical, like to learn new things to explore, strange thing. Have you not discern something good, something bad; what to do and what not to do so sometimes confused. Having developed love for men and women lead to improper relations in heterosexual relationships. Under pressure in examinations leading to easy to fall into a state of negative impact on the health, mental.

For these reasons, along with the theoretical were perceived topic I have chosen “Training life skills for students through some English lessons in grade 9 effectively” to help students overcome the above limitations may also become more flexible in dealing with real life.


2.2.1. General situation

Skills to understand how to live? Life skills training for students to carry out the stars? This is also causing many questions concern not only for the family, the school but also the responsibility of the whole society.

In essence, the life skills that can understand simple human way “to treat people like” in the community in which they live. In essence, it is life skills training process to help people be aware of attitudes, their behavior to adjust in a positive direction.

In fact, the current students are limited skills and behaviors can handle situations when problems arise in learning and in life for many different reasons: because of academic pressure, due objective conditions, by awareness of each individual, because they are not trained.

2.2.2. Situations in secondary school

Secondary school students are puberty, especially for students in grades 9, psychological and physical development has pretty much complexity. They want to express themselves as adults, but the behavior of the gesture is very young and the very superficial and ebullient, sometimes do not understand the consequences that they themselves caused. So, if adult timely orientation, shape it can easily lead to unnecessary mistakes. Students most of the agricultural families, many children still subject to the poor and near poor. Besides the family aware of the combination of three hands in the education of children, the child was not at the subject has not been taught proper attention. And many families working away, at home with grandparents, brothers or parents do worry eat, less interested in their children…


With the teaching of English, in addition to general mandatory requirements, in the teaching process contact the actual combination of education they handle situations in life is essential. When they role play (to speak), essay writing (writing practice) or do other exercises (practice listening, reading…) not only help them get the skills formation Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing that also help the children have the opportunity to demonstrate the capability, and the wisdom of her. With content specific, focused education and training 4 basic life skills groups following:

– Communication skills.

– Adjusted cognitive skills, behavior.

– Skills to improve health, health protection and environmental protection.

– Skills disaster or epidemic.

2.3.1. Institution communication skills training

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