SKKN Techniques for teaching production in the lesson Listen and Read – English 9

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Số trang: 28
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Phan Đình Giót
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang: 28
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Phan Đình Giót
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Techniques for teaching production in the lesson Listen and Read – English 9” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

Here are some techniques for teaching production in the lesson “ Listen and Read”
1. Discussion.
Discuss in pairs or in groups about the lesson from the content of the dialgue
2.Free Role play.
Two students in front of the class , or students working in pairs
3. Comparision.
Compare the contents of the lesson with the facts
4. Expressing feelings and opinions.
Express feelings and opinions about the content or characters in the dialogue
5. Imagination.
6. Brainstorm.
7. Mapped Dialogue.
8. Survey.
9. Retelling.

Mô tả sản phẩm


Vietnam is in the period of integration and openness to the world. For successful integration requires effort and struggle of all industries and of all citizens. Education is a top national policy. To contribute to Vietnam’s integration is language and English is one of them. Each country has its own language and English is the international language as it is used in almost all areas of the world such as trade, sports, aviation, science and technology.

Along with the great changes of the scientific and technical revolution, our country is the “transformation” in the period of industrialization and modernization. Vietnam is striving to become an industrialized country by 2020. Faced with that reality, the education and training sector is facing new opportunities and challenges. It requires innovations in the educational system of the country.

Therefore, nowadays teaching and learning English is increasingly more important. Each family and each person has a sense of the importance of learning English.

        Learning and using English as a foreign language will contribute significantly in the construction and development of the country, bringing the country to catch up with the progress of humanity in the 21st century.

For our country, learning English has been focused at all educational grades. This has shown to be fully aware and orientation determined by management of Education in equipping a key language to the future owners of our nation. Using excillent English in communication is targeted toward teaching-learning activities of English subject throughout the school level.


         As we know , teaching and learning English  at secondary school has already changed a lot about the teaching contents  as well as teaching the methods  in order to suit with the aims of this subject in the reformed program . The basic opinion of new methods is to learn English for communication . So, our job is to provide our students with the basic skills they will need to practise the language fluently. 

       I have been teaching English at Thieu Duong Primary and Secondary School for several years, I found that students have a lot of difficlty in mastering the knowledge which the teacher has provided  in the first lesson of each unit ( Listen and Read ) . Because this is a presentation period , there are usually lots of vocabulary .So , most of  teachers try to introduce vocabulary and grammar in the lesson , then ask students to do exercises in the book . The “ production” part of this period asks teacher to invest more time and create by herself because it does not have in the book . During teaching time, I recognized this problem and changed something with the hope of improving students’ learning  . It leads me to a reason to choose a topic for this study “  Techniques for teaching production in the lesson “ Listen and Read – English 9” .

I hope this innovation from my teaching experience can add something to enhancing learning and teaching English quality. 


In this topic I study the basic solutions that applicable basically to average pupils who are now in majority in a class. 

– Apply procedures more effectively in speaking lesson. 

– Create maximum opportunities for interaction of pupils.


     Within the scope of this topic I mainly exploit the current situation of the pupils speaking English, due to that basis give out some effective solutions to assist the pupils to improve ability to speak English in practice


– Study documents on teaching methods of communication (Communicative Approach)

– Implement practical surveys in English speaking of pupils. 

– Apply these solutions to actual teaching in my division.


English for academic purposes, assessment and teacher training and provides a view on the current state of technological intervention. Comprehensive because the view is a wide one, supported by numerous case studies which serve to keep the volume grounded in the realities of practising teachers using technologies in innovative and exciting ways. I am sure that this volume will be of practical interest to teachers in search of teaching ideas and examples of good practice, and provide food for thought for policy makers and school administrators studying 



             Speaking skill is very important in teaching Enlish. Beside impoving speaking skill for students, the teacher also help students to improve their listening skill.

            Communication can be caried out every time  in the class and in the lessons but the teacher is the guid who has to control the activities in the class and help students find the easy way to improve their skill.


Our team of teachers to teach English subject to boldly look into the actual weakness of  English speaking of secondary school pupils today. Majority of pupils in Vietnam can not communicate in English. This would have been a lot of interest by the teachers as well as Education Managers.

Through a survey at division in order to determine factors hindering English communication skills of pupils, there are some main following difficulties.

* Results obtained before the test:

Number of students Good Fair Average Fail Poor




Perce-ntage (%) No


Perce-ntage (%) No


Perce-ntage (%) No


Perce-ntage (%) No


Perce-ntage (%)
5 6.9 11 15,2 47 65,2 6 8,3 3 4,1


In addition, certain limitations in the application of methods and skills of teachers in each specific lesson in a long process also significantly affected the ability of pupils. This misconception from teachers and pupils need to be changed.


Here are some techniques for teaching production in the lesson “ Listen and Read” 

  1. Discussion.

         Discuss in pairs or in groups about the lesson from the content of the dialgue . 

 2.Free Role play.

          Two students in front of the class , or students working in pairs 

  1. Comparision.

             Compare the contents of the lesson with the facts  

  1. Expressing feelings and opinions.

Express feelings and opinions about the content  or characters  in the dialogue 

  1. Imagination.
  2. Brainstorm.
  3. Mapped Dialogue.
  4. Survey.
  5. Retelling.
  6. Arrange the events in order.
  7. Interviews.
  8. Chain game
  9. Noughts and crosses.
  10. My red color.
  11. 10- square: Make up a sentence.

Examples to illustrate


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