SKKN Some measures to teach vocabulary for grade 4

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Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Tâm
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Phạm Văn Hai
Năm viết: 2023-2024
Số trang: 28
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Tâm
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Phạm Văn Hai
Năm viết: 2023-2024

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some measures to teach vocabulary for grade 4” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

2.3.1. Measure 1: Improve the students’ awareness about learning how to learn vocabulary in English
2.3.2. Measure 2. To overcome status students are not interested in learning new words:
2.3.3. Measure 3: How to choose words to teach effectively .
2.3.4. Measure 4: Steps to teach words are interesting for students.
2.3.5. Measure 5: Help students to memorize vocabulary through song or chant
2.3.6. Measure 6. Teaching new words is highly effective through communication
2.3.7. Measure 7. Teaching new words is highly effective through paragraphs
2.3.8. Measure 8. Teaching new words is highly effective through practice
2.3.9. Measure 9. To overcome status students use more Vietnamese :

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1. Reason for choosing an initiative:

When it comes to English, we think of it as a global language. For Vietnam, a country standing in front of the development era, expanding the door of globalization. Therefore, for future students and students of the country, learning English becomes ever more necessary. Good English learning is a good opportunity for them to find high quality jobs, communicate with the outside world, access the science they pursue. Currently in the education system of Vietnam, English is a compulsory subject from the primary level. In order to meet the requirements of the fact that each teacher needs to explore, research and select teaching skill methods in accordance with the reality, how can students comprehend all knowledge of the subject this.

In the process of learning foreign languages ​​in general, English in particular vocabulary can be said to be the most important part. because it is a means of conveying views, ideas and a bridge between listening and reading and writing skills. Through the process of teaching English in Nga Trung over the past year I have found that memorizing vocabulary of students is limited. Therefore, it is not really effective to learn their reading and writing skills. This negatively affects their English learning process in the current period as well as the next levels of study. However, teaching vocabulary is not easy at all, especially young people are taught to start learning a foreign language. Teaching English in general and teaching vocabulary in particular to children, it requires teachers not only to have good language skills but also how to keep students engaged in lessons. To do that, teachers have to create diverse activities in the lessons. Continuous improvement of teaching methods in a positive direction, promoting active innovation and self-learning ability of students is the basic solution to improve the quality of education. , and study teaching vocabulary to students to get the best results and that’s why I choose the topic: Some measures to teach vocabulary for grade 4 students at Nga Trung Primary School, Nga Son District, Thanh Hoa Province”.

1.2. The purpose of the study

I personally find that teaching vocabulary to students is an essential task to help students develop and complete the 4 basic skills of English learners: Listening (Listening), Speaking (Speaking), Reading (Reading) and Writing (Writing) and also gradually improving the quality of English teaching for students in grade 4 of English teaching for students in grade 4 of Nga Trung primary school in particular and elementary students in general in a positive and creative way.

1.3. Research objects.

Introduction of methods and techniques for teaching vocabulary English for students in grade 4 of Nga Trung primary school.

1.4. Research Methodology

Teachers need to apply various research methods such as:

– Methods of investigation.

– Empirical Method.

– Research Methodology  theory  teaching language .

– Research and teaching methods from within the document, online, television.


2.1. Theoretical basis.

In order to promote the positive, self-initiative, creative thinking of students with special characteristics, there are many factors affecting. In teaching and learning English vocabulary is one of three components of The system forms the language of knowledge and acts as a means and condition for the formation and development of communication skills. Can say vocabulary plays a crucial role in communication. English vocabulary as a seed to grow on a solid grammar tree, without vocabulary, any language becomes meaningless. According to the famous linguist David A Wilkins (1972) once said “no grammar very little information can be conveyed. But without vocabulary, no information can be conveyed”. Learning foreign languages ​​the role of vocabulary is very important. We must accumulate many vocabulary and apply flexible language in communication. Thus learning vocabulary and forging skills to use vocabulary is a leading factor in the transmission of a language in general and English in particular. However, the viewpoint of teaching and learning English vocabulary by changing methods leads to many changes in teaching and learning vocabulary. Therefore, the selection of teaching methods such as how to promote positive, disciplined, proactive, creative thinking of students, promote self-study ability, practical ability, passion Learning and the will to rise for students is what all English teachers care about.

2.2. Current situation of teaching and learning vocabulary for grade 4 students at Nga Trung Primary School

2.2.1.The benefit

The school has enough facilities for teaching and learning: there are classrooms, computers, monitors, projectors, headsets.

English vocabulary in the curriculum is used in accordance with the general development of social and psychological characteristics of students. As elementary students are formed and developed cognitive abilities on the basis of specific thinking, teaching vocabulary derived from the system needs interesting topics and topics, close to students so the learning process episodes happen naturally. At this age, vocabulary is best applied when students actively engage in communication activities through specific, familiar topics.

The theme of the lesson is structured according to the topic, interesting topics, close, closely linked from grade 3 to grade 5.

 In addition, providing capital for students to ensure continuity between levels of education. Providing students with a rich vocabulary helps them shape and develop their ability to use English as a communication tool.

Currently all levels and sectors, as well as the vast majority of people are aware of the importance of learning English, so parents are interested in investing for their children to study English such as: full books, equipment and facilities useful for learning are also fully equipped.

2.2.2. The situation results

Primary students are still playing, not focusing on studying.They are not aware of the importance of English. I see that Nga Trung students speak very hard the local language makes the pronunciation of English become difficult and inaccurate, and that affects the psychology of speaking English, they are often very afraid, lack of confidence and hesitant to learn English. so their ability to memorize words is limited. The importance of the initial stage is to develop the ability to communicate simply in a new language without fear of making mistakes, significantly affecting student motivation.

 There is a fundamental factor affecting language learning: children will not learn without motivation. Almost all students pronounce incorrectly. Examples: ‘teacher’, library, e’raser, etc. – Also, they cannot play the ending sound but almost eliminate the sounds like: s, z, t, k. For example: / s / ->, class, student…/ z / -> is, zoo, season… / t / -> eat, hat, kite… / k / -> books, milk, like…

 Primary students are very active, so it is easy to lose focus, forget quickly,

 In particular, many parents in Nga Trung work away from home, they stay at home with grandparents. And most parents do not know how to guide their children to learn English.

        Determining advantages and disadvantages, at the beginning of the  ………. school year, I conducted a survey of grade 4 students 4A (experimental) and 4B (control) in Nga Trung Primary School And the results are as follow.

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một số phương pháp dạy học môn mĩ thuật thông qua hoạt động học tập cho hs lớp 4 trường th cam thượng nhằm nâng cao chất lượng giáo dục môn học
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