SKKN Some measures to help students in grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary school develop English speaking skill

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Số trang: 18
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Bảo Hân
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Cừ
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 18
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Bảo Hân
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Cừ
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some measures to help students in grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary school develop English speaking skill” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

Measure 1: Organize extra-curricular activities
Measure 2: Organize learning activities, play with excitement to create interesting learning
Measure 3: Raise awareness for parents, students about the importance of English.
Measure 4: Guide students to study at home
Measure 5: Divide the group into groups according to the village and the place where they live
Measure 6: Coordinate with organizations and mass organizations

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1. Reason for choosing the topic

         In order to keep up with the continuous development of the world, Vietnam is stepping up industrialization, modernization and integration with the international community, especially when Viet Nam is officially a member of the WTO. And Viet Nam is negotiating to become a member of the TPP Trans-Pacific Economic Agreement. The party and the state determine that the decisive factor is the human resources. The human resources must be developed in both quantity and quality on the basis of advanced intellectual level. In response to the demand, the education and training of our country has also gradually changed from the goals of education and training to the renewal of content, methods and forms of teaching and learning organization. To  contribute  effectively to the preparation of resources for the country. Besides, in order to broaden the eyes and exchange with other countries in the world, the first thing to pay attention to is the language level.Which language to communicate in today’s most popular languages ​​is English. From  the economic relations, in the scientific documents, documents … now mostly in English. Therefore, the current school system is aimed at solving practical problems and English is the most important.    

         Although we are introducing English into the primary school system later than other subjects, especially in mountainous areas in general and Ngoc Lac in Thanh Hoa province in particular, it is the key. Opening  the treasure of human knowledge, the common language that ties the world together. So students – future human resources, must be proficient in this language with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. However, one undeniable fact when learning a foreign language in general and English in particular is that students can hear well but say not well. The purpose of learning a foreign language is to communicate but most students have the mentality of “afraid to speak”, shy, afraid you laugh when speaking wrongly, do not confidently communicate in English for various reasons such as: No English communication environment, no speaking at home or no friends to practice communication… This explains in part why after completion of the elementary program the number of students can communicate in English at the basic level. The scale is very modest or absent.

        Currently, the new elementary English language program is developed from the point of view of communication as the main objective of the formation and development of communication skills: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing is the ultimate goal of the teaching process. Teaching, teaching and learning English in elementary schools aims to provide students with the ability to use English as a basic and relatively advanced communicative tool in the form of Listening-Speaking – Reading – Writing, towards the formation of the ability to use English easily, effectively in normal communication.

         Besides, the students of My Tan 2 primary school are nearly 100% of Muong ethnic children, they are still shy and not brave enough to communicate with those around them, especially new students in class 3. Familiar with English, speaking skills are limited. I am always anxious to find ways to help students use English to communicate effectively. However, at present there is no document that discusses this issue, colleagues and schools have no experience to overcome. Therefore, in order to solve this urgent problem, with my humble teaching practice experience and study some references, I boldly put forth, Some measures to help students in grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary school develop English speaking skill.” I hope with this work is useful for my friends, colleagues who can refer, apply  partly to their work in order to remedy the situation “learn” not accompanied “act” for the English subject of high school students in general and  Elementary school students in particular.

1.2. Research purposes

    – Through this topic, I want to contribute a small part to helping them develop their speaking skill, for their bravery and self-confidence to reduce, and then there will be no more short students. Dilemmas and communication are not good in the classroom, in the classroom as well as in the whole school, the future will be the schools in the district.

    – Improve the quality of teaching and learning English for students grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary school, especially speaking.

    – Examine your own experiences on how to organize, how to teach, and how to improve your students’ English speaking skill.

1.3. Research subjects

   – Some measures to help students in grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary School develop English speaking skill.

   – Grade 3A, 3B My Tan 2 Primary School, school year ………..

1.4. Research Methods

  –  Method construction study theoretical basis; Method actual survey, collecting information; PP statistics and data processing.


2.1. Theoretical foundation of the experienced initiative

        We already know that the Education Law 2005 (Article 5) stipulates that “educational methods must promote learners’ self-efficacy, self-awareness, initiative and creative thinking, , The ability to practice, the passion of learning and the will to rise up. “The goal of general education is to” help students develop holistic, ethical, intellectual, physical and aesthetic. Basic ability, personal capacity development, dynamism and creativity, socialist personality formation, character building and civic responsibility, preparing students to continue to study or go into labor, participate in the construction and defense of the country” [1]

In part 2.1. from “ educational methods …the country ” is used by  reference number 3.

The general education program issued in conjunction with the Decision No. 16/2006 / QĐ-BGDĐT dated May 05, 2006 of the Minister of Education and Training also stated: “It must promote positive, self-consciousness. Students ‘initiative and creativity are in line with the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the students, the conditions of each class, the pupils’ self-learning method, the ability to cooperate and practice their skills. Apply knowledge to reality, affect emotions, bring joy, excitement and responsibility for learning for students’’ [2].

         According to the project “Teaching and learning of foreign languages in the national education system 2008- 2020 period” to implement the new program mandatory foreign language training at the School, completed primary education level 1 qualifications according to the Association of foreign language testing organizations in Europe issued (abbreviated as Foreign Language Framework) as ‘can understand and use familiar everyday structures; the basic terms to meet specific communication needs. Can introduce yourself and others; can respond with information about yourself, such as where to live, relatives / friends etc … [3]. Can communicate simply if the dialogue speak slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate to help.

2.2. The real situation before applying the experienced initiative

2.2.1. Advantages:

    – The leaders and the Education Department always pay attention, instruct, direct and help promptly in the teaching of foreign languages ​​of the school.

    – The school always creates favorable conditions for teaching and learning foreign languages ​​such as: funding for teaching aids, attendance classes to draw experience, motivate and promptly encourage teachers and students participate in competitions: English on-line Olympics …

   – The majority of parents are interested in, helping and coordinating well with their teachers in teaching and learning English.

   – Teachers are enthusiastic, close, eager to learn, professional and always try in teaching.

   – Students have the eager to learn, learn, explore new subjects.

2.2.2. Disadvantages:

   – The school does not have classrooms dedicated to English subjects, audio-visual equipment is limited.

   – Most families have difficult economic circumstances, parents have to go to work far away, no conditions to care about the child’s education.

   – Some parents do not grasp the importance of English, so there is a negative attitude to their children’s English learning.

   – The majority of students are Muong ethnic minority language ability is limited, shy timid psychology, not brave in front of the crowd leading to communication skills, especially speaking skills are not good.

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