SKKN Some measures to improve the teaching of vocabulary for Grade 3 students

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 3
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Lượt xem: 620
Lượt tải: 8
Số trang: 30
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Thu Hà
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Kim Đồng
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 30
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Thu Hà
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Kim Đồng
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some measures to improve the teaching of vocabulary for Grade 3 students” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

Method 1: Principles of teaching English to children
Method 2: How to choose words to teach

Mô tả sản phẩm

  1. Introduction

1.1. Reason for choosing topic.

    From the end of the twentieth century, humanity has entered a new era of scientific and technological revolution, which has made profound changes in all aspects of social life in the whole world. And today, on the threshold of the 21st century, the world is standing at the threshold of civilization of information technology, people not only know manual labor but must work with the mind, must conquer the pinnacle of intelligence apply science to life. Every aspect of social life is linked to the advancement of science. To achieve this, people must have the exchange of international friends. In order to do so, we must know foreign languages ​​and use it in a proficient manner. That is why I find teaching and learning foreign languages ​​in schools, especially elementary schools, a necessity and a necessity. One of the foreign languages ​​currently taught and taught in Vietnamese schools and primary schools is English. Learning foreign languages ​​today is not only to know but also to work, to exchange learning with international friends.Today, English plays an important role in communication. English is considered as a communication language globally. Therefore, learning English is very popular not only for those who are using foreign languages ​​to communicate in the workplace but it is also very necessary for primary school students, who will soon be the owners. the country. As a passionate teacher, devoted to students, I always wondered how to find a way to teach students how to understand and absorb good in the classroom. In order to be so good, the teacher must be creative and passionate about the profession, giving timely lessons to attract the attention of students and to achieve high results. Any language that communicates requires a certain vocabulary to communicate. On the other hand, for elementary school children, deep learning of the nature of a language is too difficult. We just ask them to understand and know what “English” is. What is the meaning of English in Vietnamese? In order to have a good sentence and complete grammar first of all they have to have rich vocabulary and how to use words properly. And how to learn and remember the word? This is also the reason why I think and select the topic “Some measures to improve the teaching of vocabulary for Grade 3 students” aims to show how the children, the main subject Here is a third grade student, remember a better vocabulary.

1.2. Research purposes.

The subject focuses on the use of techniques and methods of teaching vocabulary for third graders.

1.3. Research subjects.

 * Solutions to improve the quality of vocabulary teaching for third graders.

1.4. Research Methods.

   – I have conducted interviews, surveys, survey data.

   – Study relevant materials such as English textbooks 3, English handbooks …, articles by educational researchers on relevant issues. Exchange ideas with colleagues, especially those who have experience in teaching … From which to propose useful solutions to improve the quality of teaching vocabulary for third grade students.

   – Investigate the actual situation of the problem.

1.5. New points of experience initiative.

  – Teachers make logical games, create classy atmosphere and give birth

Fun, turn every activity into an interesting game, easy to attract students.

  – Depending on the content of each lesson, teachers may apply some of these tips in the Warm-up, Lead-in, Free-practice, Consolidation, … sections. or immediately after teaching the vocabulary (check the student’s vocabulary).

  Apply some of these tips to help children not only remember from the classroom but also help them learn and review from home. If you memorize and remember words, they will help you to be confident when you practice or communicate in English. Make them have a motive and sense of learning in this subject.

  1. Content of experience initiative.

2.1. Rationale.

    In the Ministry of Education’s 2008-2020 foreign language project, the specific goal of the elementary English program is that after the end of the school year, students may:

– Have a vocabulary of 500-700 words including oral and written language.

– Students can use vocabulary learned in simple communicative situations through four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The 3rd grade English language course has 4 lessons a week, each unit has a lot of vocabulary and grammar knowledge. So learning vocabulary and vocabulary skills is a very important factor in learning English.

– Have minimum knowledge of the English language, and through English have initial knowledge about the country, culture and people of the English speaking countries.

– Have a positive attitude towards learning English.

2.2. Realize the problem before applying the innovation initiative.

  1. Advantage:

   The student:

 – The majority of children are learning, doing homework before class, passionately speech.

 – The majority of children are learning, doing homework before class, enthusiastic expression.

 – The Board of Directors is interested in teaching.

 – In recent years, many students have achieved high scores in the exchange with their schools. Specifically as you: Minh Thu, Nhat Vy, Tuan Anh ….


+ Through many years of experience and research teaching English I spend a lot of time and enthusiasm to study reflection as well as the effectiveness of teaching hours, especially the lesson of grasp the vocabulary of children.

 + I am hard-working, researching, referring to many documents, grammar, vocabulary … Then I record and accumulate regularly.

+ I often exchange with the company in and outside teaching hours to learn and draw experience needed to apply.

  1. Hard:

– My school is a rural school, and library materials are limited. Therefore, there are not enough documents for students and teachers to consult, study easily, easily. Most of the students are children of farmers, the family is poor so the parents only worry about the economy do not have time to care and urge their learning so the source of good students is quite limited.

– About the distribution of the week, sometimes one session must learn two consecutive English, to load a number of words a lot. This will certainly cause some students to overload psychology, greatly affecting the next class.

– Students do not focus on English as it is optional.

– On the parents side, it is very difficult to check or guide the children to learn at home. Because it is a foreign language, not all parents know. This is also a very difficult problem in managing a student’s home study.

– In addition, the way to learn vocabulary of children is also worth attention, they often learn vocabulary by reading the word in English and trying to remember the meaning in Vietnamese, there is writing practice to deal with me. , but not self-examination, to inculcate new words and capital words available. Therefore, they are very quick to forget and easily confused one word with another. Therefore, many children are tired of learning and forgetting. So I paid attention to this student’s psychology.

   * The actual survey of the year I achieved the following results.

After analyzing the above difficulties, students are afraid to learn English, often not in the unit and the teaching of vocabulary in primary school has not achieved high results. In the ………school year, when I received the 3rd grade English language teaching, I gave them the vocabulary test in ………. I asked them to match the English words with matching meaning. Translate words into Vietnamese, translate words into English. The results of the survey before the implementation of the subject in block 3 with the number of 120 children: 120 em:

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