SKKN Some experiences in guiding students in grade 8 (new) at Nhu Ba Sy secondary school to learn Pronunciation part effectively

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 8
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Lượt tải: 5
Số trang: 24
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Hồng Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THCS Giồng Ông Tố
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 24
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Hồng Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THCS Giồng Ông Tố
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm SKKN Some experiences in guiding students in grade 8 (new) at Nhu Ba Sy secondary school to learn Pronunciation part effectively triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

a. Guiding students to learn some cluters
In English text book 8, students will master some clusters in couples: /br/ and/pr/; /bl/ and / cl/; /sk/ ,/sp/ and /st/
b. Guiding students how to mark stress correctly and pronouce them exactly
Most students are worried to learn the rules about stress and do exercises about this. Teacher can help students to have some small tips so that they can be confident to learn this part.


Mô tả sản phẩm



1.1. Reason for choosing the reseach.

Vietnam is in the process of integration and cooperation with the world community. That requires a lot of factors to successful integration. One of those factors is the foreign language and English is an international language and it helps our integration success in all aspects. In other words, English is the key to success. The teaching and learning of English in secondary schools has its own advantages and challenges, requires teachers to constantly strive to improve the qualifications, expertise and pedagogical. As an English teacher with over ten years of experience, I realize that there exist many problems in teaching and learning English, including Phonetics section of students. Most students master knowledge of grammar well, but when doing homework about phonetics  students are afraid and worried. In my opinion, there are two basic reasons for this: first, theoretical part of learning about phoneics is very troublesome and confusing. Second, students do not have a favorable environment for communication or in other words the environment to practice what they just learned is weak.

It is also the root causes leading to poor listening and speaking skills of learners. Fortunately, the program English textbooks 8 (new) has a dedicated section for the pronunciation. To teach and learn this part effectively, I boldly choose the theme: “Some experiences in guiding students in grade 8 (new) at Nhu Ba Sy secondary school to learn Pronunciation part effectively .” And I think that choosing my subject is necessary and appropriate at the time now when new textbooks are being taught in some schools in our district.

1.2. Research purposes.

I chose this research topic to help teachers with the training tips section to teach pronunciation to achieve greater efficiency and help the learners more confidence in communication. Since then communication will lead to success. It is the output of the language and the best result of learning a language.

1.3. Research objects.

This topic I will research on how to guide students in grade 8 at Nhu Ba Sy secondary school to pronounce module in the program 8 English textbooks effectively.

1.4. Research methods.

I have chosen method Schroeder survey, collecting information to perform the subject.


2.1. The theoretical basic:

Everyone knows the basis of the following reasoning:

Tell me -> I will forget

Show me -> I will remember

Let me join -> I will understand

While teaching English, teachers should let students participate in activities as much as possible. For example, for students to participate in learning through games that will help students understand and remember it.

2.2 .The realities of the research issue:

When I didn’t apply those methods in teaching students how to pronounce in grade 8 term I  (………school year) , I received  unsatisfactory results, which is  presented in the following statistical tables:


School year



Term 1

Grade 8

Total students: 122

Medium students 1 student 0,9%
Fairly good students 27 students 22,1%
Good students 94 students 77%


2.3. Implementation and solutions:

To solve this matter, I divide them into two parts. The first is some cluters and the second is some rules of stress.

  1. Guiding students to learn some cluters:

In English text book 8, students will master some clusters in couples: /br/ and/pr/; /bl/ and / cl/; /sk/ ,/sp/ and /st/.

In unit 1, students will learn /br/ and /pr/. Firstly, teacher can ask students to give examples of words that contains the clusters: /br/ and /pr/. Teacher may divive class into 2 or 4 groups to play a game. In 5 minutes, which group can find more words will be the winner. This help students feel eager to study.


                  /br/               /pr/
Brige, brown, bring, bread, bracelet, brocoli, brick, brush, branch, broom. Prince, princess, president, present, presentation, apricot,prawns, prize.

After that, teacher let students listen and repeat those words according to tapecrips in text book. There are some ways to check again these words. Teacher can ask students to play jumble words or write the words under each picture.


1.prince         2.   ……………….        3……………………  

4……………….            5………………..           

6……………..                 7………………….

8…………………            9…………….                        10………………….

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