SKKN How to attract students by adapting some difficult lessons of English 8

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Môn: Tiếng anh
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Số trang: 24
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Minh Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Long Anh
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 24
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Minh Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Long Anh
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN How to attract students by adapting some difficult lessons of English 8” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

2.2.1. Selecting activities which both attract students and control the
number of students involve
2.2.2. Using Techniques from easy to difficult
2.2.3. Change and simplifies the exercises given in the textbook:


Mô tả sản phẩm

1.1. The reasons for topic:

1.2. Research purpopes:

1.3. Research objects:

1.4. Research methods:

2.1. Theoretical and practical background:
2.2. The solution

2. 2. 1. Selecting activities which both attract students and control the number of students involve

2. 2. 2. Using Techniques from easy to difficult

2. 2. 3. Change and simplifies the exercises given in the textbook:

2. 3. Fidings and evaluation:
3.1. Results of the implementation
3.2 Recommendations proposed



1.1 The reasons for topic:

       As we know, English is the official language of over 53 countries and territories, and the official language of the EU as well; it’s also the 3rd language which is widely used. There are more than 1 billion Web pages written in English. The most commonly used software in the world, the most popular social network, the most extensive portal, all are written in English. Knowing a foreign language is an essential capability for the modern Vietnamese. In Vietnam, when being asked “What foreign language are you learning?” ninety percent of students will definitely answer “It is English”. In fact, English has become a compulsory subject in nearly all Vietnamese schools. Students start to learn this subject when they are in the grade two. Not only children but also adults have to learn English, which is one of the valuable tools for them to work effectively

       With communication perspective, learner-centered classroom, the cover is the part which can not be paid attention. We can say that, enhancing the general quality of teaching and studying is one of the leading tasks in most schools but in fact it’s a really extremely difficult task. In most classes, the quality of students is often divided into two distinct parts: only about 15 to 30% of students in the class reaches fairly level. The rest is mostly average and weak students. My colleagues and I also have a lot of troubles in teaching when we want average and weak students to participate in the lessons but these students are also very reluctant to answer the teacher’s questions. The students gradually feel fear and do not want to learn English. Therefore, I thought about how to encourage all students to participate in the English lessons. An English period is considered successfully only when almost students in the class are excited to participate in lessons not only good students. Therefore, I would like to present the topic “How to attract students by adapting some difficult lessons of English 8.

1.2. Research purpopes:

        My purpose in writing this initiative experience was to find out what the most common  and effective methods in developing students’ skills and improve the quality of teaching English at Dien Trung secondary school. Beside, I can cultivate myself the professional capacity in teaching, improve the teaching methods appropriate for each positive post, each subject students to improve the quality of teaching and learning English remarkably.

1.3. Research objects:

    Initiative experience focused on teaching methods to improve the efficiency of  difficult lessons and improve the quality of  English 8 at Dien Trung secondary school .

1.4. Research methods:

          In the process of implementing initiatives I have used the following research methods:

– Survey method, comparative. analysis and synthesis.

– Research  method  the tables.

– Method of investigation.


2.1. Theoretical and practical background:

First of all, we need to understand the definition of these words: adapt, difficult, attract.

What is adapt, difficult, attract?

adapt (verb) /ə’dæpt/ 

to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly,

to adjust oneself to different conditions, or uses, or to change to meet different situations, to adapt easily to all circumstances.

difficult (adjective) /’difikəlt /

not easy, hard to understand or solve (example: a difficult problem), hard to deal with or get on with(example: a difficult pupil), hard to please or satisfy(example: a difficult employer), hard to persuade or induce; stubborn: a difficult old man.

attract (verb)  /ə’trækt/ (of people, things, places, etc.) to pull or draw someone or something towards them, by the qualities they have, especially good ones.

        The changing from the previous textbooks to current textbooks and the old method to the new one have required teachers to be flexible to impart knowledge to students. In fact, in most classes, the number of students has unequal levels. Besides that pair work and group work often bring about big effect in learning English. Meanwhile, the number of students in each class is often more (about 38-42 students) that makes teaching control. One reason is that the choice of teaching method of the teachers isn’t suitable with the students’ levels so the students cannot carry out what teachers set out which takes time and the students are also afraid of the teachers. Since then, it has become bad habits, teachers always ignore these students. A successful lesson is when teaching is covered, a good school means that all students are involved (An effective class = every student is included). My colleagues and I had to face up to these problems before.     

      I think teachers need to choose suitable teaching methods and appropriate activities to simplify lessons and adapt some difficult lessons in the text books to suit the students’ levels as well. That’s easy for students to join an attractive lesson. For me, this is one of the leading important criteria before planning the lessons. I always try to find the suitable ways to lead in the lessons, try to teach new vocabulary using visual aids lively learning activities designed for fun, easy to organize and play games related to draw lessons to attract the attention of all the children, from all the exercises easy to do and you can catch it all down to hard exercise. I always look for ways to simplify lessons to help all students acquire knowledge easily. Not only good students and even the average and weak students

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