SKKN A number of measures to help improve the efficiency of vocabulary teaching enghlish class 4

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Tác giả: Trần Thị Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Hoàng Văn Thụ
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang: 29
Tác giả: Trần Thị Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Hoàng Văn Thụ
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN A number of measures to help improve the efficiency of vocabulary teaching enghlish class 4” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

3.1 Some game applications in teaching English
3.2 Some other methods improve the efficiency of learning English subjects
3.3 Use the test procedure and reinforce new vocabulary
3.4 Instruct students to learn vocabulary at home.
3.5 Some specific examples

Mô tả sản phẩm

  2. Why choose topics

Education plays an important role in the survival and development of society and is the standard mark of a country’s development because education provides for human and social talents . Especially in this day and age, science industry is growing very fast, our country is in the period of international integration. To comprehend the essence of culture, science and technology advances, the modern development of the country requires that we must have a certain level of foreign language. Thus, subjects in English is equally important for the young generation especially students .

Thus, the key issue is not only the “Students should know” that in addition to “What happens to students” as they engage in the learning process. Teachers need to care about the learning process, to the construction of knowledge of learners. When learner centered teachers should determine how the learning process is most effective. On that basis, teachers need to adjust the teaching activities to fit with the capacity, interest and needs of the learner. This requires teachers to have a new perspective, a new way of thinking about work, about the relationship of teacher and student related issues. So the problem that I am interested in the teaching is how excited students, active in school lessons to achieve the highest efficiency.

Moreover, in the present context, the entire education and training is attempting innovative teaching methods towards promoting positive, initiative and creativity of students in learning activities. In foreign language teaching orientation is more practical innovation because no one can replace the learners in understanding the foreign language media and use them in communication activities with the energy of his communication. Communication is the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching and learning in schools in general. This means that teachers must be trained to coordinate and all four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing for children. But to practice any skill requires you to have a certain vocabulary, learning vocabulary is a problem for students. For elementary school students, new students beginning the course should be familiar with much surprise. So they feel learning vocabulary learning English is difficult and forgetful because writing systems and other vernacular pronunciation.

As my English teacher always think is how the children memorize vocabulary effectively , how to improve teaching and learning vocabulary from which to make a solid starting point for the whole process student learning ? That is the big question always makes me posing in my concern and was also motivate me to find the answers. After a period of research and study, as well as references from colleagues, with accumulated knowledge may I boldly launched “A number of measures to help improve the efficiency of vocabulary teaching English class 4”

  1. For the purpose research

Improving the quality of teaching vocabulary, launched a number of measures to actively engage students learning vocabulary .

  1. Research subjects

              Teach vocabulary for students in grades 4 .

  1. Research method

           + Academic research method

           + Synthetic analysis

           + Investigation .

           + Experimental

           + Conversation

           + Observations

           + Statistics

           + Review

  2. Background theory

The goal of education is currently focused on the development direction of the dynamism, creativity and positive in order to enable students to identify and solve their problems. To help achieve this goal, the use of tips when teaching vocabulary to students instead of teaching vocabulary tradition style offering from teachers and semantics are essential. Based on innovation oriented teaching methods of English primary schools Ministry of Education and Training. Basic criteria of the new teaching methods that operate independently, actively, activeness of students in solving the tasks to communicate in the language. Key criteria to assess the learning outcomes of students are communicative competence, competence in the language behavior in specific social situations that vocabulary is the main component in the communication activities. Thus, helping students to accumulate the necessary vocabulary is a work equally important. As we all know the purpose of learning a foreign language is not known phonetic system, vocabulary, grammar, which is known to use that system to achieve the purpose of communication. Thus, helping students know to use vocabulary in context communication is an indispensable work and not simply a teacher. On the other hand, today’s children are fast gathering information and sharing of information in society with breakneck speed, every child has the ability to search information in different ways . The use of new technologies that have the ability to solve youth problems and process information simultaneously. This is a difference of Vietnam today children and children in Vietnam a few decades ago .These studies were carried out in many countries in the past century in part to prove that each student has a learning problem hobby aka learning styles. Yes student interest in the way the study material, based on the theoretical analysis, there is student interest in the experience, discover, try, there is student interest through applied practice, with students like to learn past … If such observations are not interested in learning the characteristics of learners, teachers instill a way, identifiable knowledge taught simultaneously announced it will limit the ability of learners to acquire, people completely passive learning in the knowledge Congress will also passivity in the face of difficult challenges of life. So how to change from passive learning to active learning? One important factor is the need to consider the characteristics of the school or in other words, learning style of the learner. Interested in learning styles of learners are factors promoting the development of the maximum capacity of the school. (Quote document active teaching and learning Page 13 and 14).

To meet the demands on the learner to active, creative, knowledgeable and highly professional skills, willing to shoulder the responsibility Requirements for students not only knowledge but also the capacity to solve the problem. How to solve problems flexibly and creatively advance the difficult situation, the complexity of life. Thus, as a person in the industry I think need to constantly innovate, regardless of which method of teaching innovation to train human resources to meet the requirements of socio economic development
2. Factual basis 

2.1 Status the problem before applying the experience initiative

In foreign language learning environment at present, when it comes to new language comes mainly grammar and vocabulary. Vocabulary and grammar always have a close relationship with each other, has always been taught in collaboration to clarify each other’s meaning. The fact is that in the communication, the listener can still understand the content of the sentence although that sentence has grammatical error. However, if students are firmly grasp the grammatical structure but from too little capital, when listening – speaking or be confused, not express. For example, when teachers took the measure and asked “What is this?” The student just said “It’s a …….”. The children listen to and understand the question, but did not know how to answer complete because they do not remember the words. Complete answer them is “It’s a ruler.” Or when teachers ask students to ask my friend if you regularly play football or not, students are often confused: “Do you …… ..?” Although I can understand the structure of the question simple present.

This does not mean that we underestimate the importance of learning grammar, but to point out that for the teaching and learning of any language vocabulary is the foundation. Although there is no separate section in each unit of study in English books but it plays a very important role.

But the question is if we are still keeping the vocabulary taught traditional method is the master teacher sample reading, then ask students to read in unison several times, calling some of them own reading, he fixes it meaning of the word translated into Vietnamese, ask students to memorize new words, new capabilities from their memory is very limited, while learning vocabulary for them will be extremely boring, tedious, monotonous, its ability to use words to communicate not obtained good results.

2.2 Situation of teaching vocabulary.

  1. Advantage

– Itself subject teachers are caring, enthusiastic student teaching, always crystal  high responsibility and tried to find out the new teaching methods in line with the actual conditions of the school. Also received support from the teachers and professional groups and colleagues .

– The majority of the students loved learning English and prepare books and utensils for learning .

– The majority of parents are interested and create conditions for their children’s learning.

  1. Difficult

As a school located in rural areas, most of the students are children of farmers so the learning conditions of the children remains limited. To the parents, is also very difficult to check or guide them to learn English at home by subjects parents are not always aware.

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