SKKN A number of the measures to promote the positive English learning for students grade 9

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Số trang: 27
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Hồng Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Vĩnh Thịnh
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 27
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Hồng Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Vĩnh Thịnh
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN A number of the measures to promote the positive English learning for students grade 9” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

a. Use intuitive visuals for each lesson
b. Using different tips, and how to organize different activities in each part of teaching and lesson
c. Designing games based on software utilities such as violet, microsoft office powerpoint to introduce or consolidate lesson is also excited for all students at different levels
d.General – Commendation – Award

Mô tả sản phẩm


Content Page
1.  Introduction
1.1. The reasons fo choosing the topic
1.2. Purpose of research
1.3. Subjects of study
1.4. Method of study
2. Content
2.1. Theore tical bases
2.2. The reality of issues before appling
2.2. The result of The reality
2.3.Solutions for problem solving
a. Use intuitive visuals for each lesson
b. Using different tips, and how to organize different activities in each part of teaching and lesson                
c. Designing games based on software utilities such as violet, microsoft office powerpoint to introduce or consolidate lesson is also excited for all students at different levels.
d.General – Commendation – Award
2.4 The results of intiative experiment in operations for education
3.Conclussions and proposals
3.1. Conclussions
3.2.  proposals


  1. Introduction

1.1 The reason for choosing the topic: 

With international integration, many countries are increasingly being used for English becomes the native language of many countries, is the language of communication between people with people all over the world.

In addition to the mother tongue, the Vietnam was regarded English as a second language of communication, attached importance to and put the program in English as a compulsory subject in all schools, even from primary school.
We also identify clearly the location of the subjects for the development of the whole society: is a tool that facilitates integration with the international community and the region; access to international information and technical sciences; reaching out to other cultures as well as the major international events. Ministry of education-training gives objectives for the subjects: English intermediate program to form and develop in students the knowledge and basic skills of English and intellectual necessary qualities  to continue studying or go into labor life.

The new change of textbooks and teaching methods is an objective requirement designed to help people learn the system of knowledge and they have more dynamic, creative and intellectual capacity in development at a higher level, requiring the teaching must invest much research that aims to help students to acquire the basic knowledge. Meanwhile, Nga son is a place where learning conditions, students are also difficult, particularly furniture and learning materials are limited, the children have not had the opportunity to participate in the courses of English, yet there are conditions to communicate with foreigners, the press information is low. So learning and communicating in English of the children became very difficult, especially the passionate excitement of their English learning is more and more decreased. 

To overcome these limitations on I’ve boldly take out “A number of the measures to promote the positive English learning  for students grade 9 at Nga Truong secondary school “, so that the children can see how exciting English.

1.2. Purpose of research

Creating the love for students to learn subjects better, interpreting knowledge easier, helping them practice being with you and the people around them, the skills of listening, speaking, Reading, writing and more perfection to the children are really confident when communicating in English with the Vietnam people and foreigners.

Helping students with admissions and the exchange of information, improving your English, understanding more about the society, creating for the children of the habit which has immediate response in the language of communication.

1.3. Subjects of study

Learn the subject grade 9 students for the school year ………, and the method of English teaching at Nga truong secondary school to find out the cause and solution for promoting English learning positive properties of grade 9 students.
      1.4. Method of study: 

– The method of investigation: understanding in students (swap, meet students),  learning from  the teachers.

– Experimenting, collating, analyzing, comparing actual figures with reasoning.

– To sum up experience.

  1. Content

2.1. Theoretical bases

  If we want to promote a positive attribute of student learning, then first of all we must understand a positive pedagogical thing, manifest the high exertion in many aspects in learning activities and come to computer learning positive is said to count the positive perceptions, it is manifested : Students wish to acquire knowledge, skills, applied skills to communicate, inspire learning, from here they will selfstudy,the experience accrued actively (grammatical rules,words) to imitate, reproduce, inquire how to behave and respond creatively in communi -cation situations. Students actively choose and manipulate knowledge, proper thinking to have the necessary language behavior, be consistent with the circum – stances of communication, know and perception reveal his understanding verbally, through article language. The children know how to work in pairs, in groups, in partnership with you as needed in the course of the training required by language teachers. Students look forward to contributing more new information acquired from different sources, sometimes beyond the lesson Three positive attribute expression levels of learning are: 


         From positive thinking to creative thinking is the result of the continuous operation of both teachers and students. Teachers should find the right teaching method, which is the way to teach learners towards the learner, helping the learner to work in order to be aware of, actively promote, take initiative, create, create a chance for learners to explore, discover and discover knowledge against passive learning habits. The Goverment states: “To strongly renovate the method of education and training, overcome the one-way communication and train the creative minds of learners. Gradually apply advanced methods and modern means to the teaching process, ensuring the conditions and time for self study and self study for students. To strongly develop the self-study movement, to train itself regularly and broadly among the entire population”. ” This is the encouragement of active teaching views, which reflect the “learner-centered” teaching-learning concept’’[1].

 In order to do this well, the teacher needs to build a collective self-learning class. From here, they see the importance of self-discipline in learning and feel like learning, competing in learning. The success of a lesson depends very much on the students.

2.2. The reality of issues before applying the initiative experience

a.About students:

 The developmental structure of the eighth grade book onwards has changed. If in grade 6 and 7th, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are learned in a combination of different practice steps,but beginning in Grade 8,

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