SKKN Enhance the effectiveness of teaching English 8 with mind mapping

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Tác giả: Lê Thị Thu Trang
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hai Bà Trưng
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 21
Tác giả: Lê Thị Thu Trang
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hai Bà Trưng
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Enhance the effectiveness of teaching English 8 with mind mapping” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

2.3. The Solutions and implementation organization

2.3.1. The Solutions implemented

2.3.2. The measures to organize implementation
a/ Use mind mapping to teach English of grade 8 in junior high school
b. Use mind maps to check the old lessons
c. Use mind map to teach new lesson
d. Use mind map to reinforce knowledge after each lessons.

2.3.3. Implement the solution by a specific the lesson.


Mô tả sản phẩm



1.1. The reasons for choosing the topic

The general education program issued in conjunction with the decision No. 16/2006 / QD-BGDDT dated May 05, 2006 of the Minister of Education and Training has stated: “Education must promote positive, self the students ‘sense of initiative and creativity are in line with the characteristics of the subjects, the characteristics of the students, the conditions of each class, fostering the pupils’ self-learning methods, the ability to cooperate the skill of applying knowledge into practice, affect the emotions,bring joy,excitement and responsibility to study for students” [4].

In order to do that, the subjects, educational activities in the school are meaningful, certain role. In particular, English subject in secondary schools is very important to contribute to the achievement of educational objectives. The course helps students develop holistic, ethical, aesthetic and life skills to shape human personality, prepare students for working life, participate in building and protect the country. 

Applying learned knowledge to practice is the goal of the subjects. But the reality is that most students learn English from a mandatory point of view because it is a subject that calculates grade point average. After examining the excitement of the subject, most students are not interested in learning this subject due to many reasons such as the perception of students, parents, some teachers.English in their minds is a difficult subject, not necessarily, “learned to get points”.

At present,teaching is considered as a development process of the students,learning is not only the process of acquiring knowledge but also the process of self-discovery and self-discovery of new knowledge.Therefore, the task of the teacher is to overcome the difficulties in his/ her  teaching hours. It is necessary to innovate teaching methods, promote students’ activeness , stimulate creativity,capacity self-learning,  self research,memorize and help them to learn more easily and have passion for the subject.The students can apply knowledge learned into practice.This is  concern of many teachers every time in class. [2].

 I am a teacher of english,before the requirements of innovation teaching methodology and characteristic of subjects.I am aware that: In addition to teaching the knowledge also pay great attention to the development skills for students, especially hands-on skills. In order to enhance the excitement of  the subject,to direct the students study to active.I boldly selected the content: “Enhance the effectiveness of teaching English 8 with mind mapping” do the research topic.

1.2. Research purposes

To excite the excitement, the ability to find out in learning as well as to the students can  master the knowledge in a certain way, each teacher is always anxious to find the solutions, Optimal method to help children fully comprehend knowledge.

Teach with mind map to avoid reading and copying, allowing the students to take the initiative in learning and giving them the ability to explore, contact.

Exploit the contents the textbook of english 8  for the first semesters,then develop into mind map .Mind map have both creative and suggestive, suggestive and stimulating for the student’s.

1.3. Subjects for studying

Students of grades 6,7,8 and 9 at Junior high schools.

English lessons at Junior High School use mind mapping.

However, with this topic I would like to use the thinking diagram through the lessons in the English grade 8

1.4. Methods for studying

In this subject.I mainly use the methods are:

    + Study to build theoretical basis.

    + Comparison.

    + Collect information, statistics


2.1. Theoretical basis of experience initiative

   ………is the school year,the Ministry of Education and Training continue to innovate teaching methods to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the schools.One in the new teaching methods and the most modern method  is the mind map (BĐTD), a new teaching method applied by many countries around the world. By learning and using teaching methods with mind mapping, I found that this method of teaching very effective in the teaching and learning of the students. The first step is to inspire students in the subjecs.It is also bring for the students thinking new,new creative about subject [5].

Teaching English in the secondary level in general and English 8 in particular requires students to have basic skills to apply into practice,to benefit themselves and to benefit the society.That is, they have to understand and grasp the purpose of the lesson and then apply it to the practice. A teaching aid tool has been highly appreciated and has been encouraged by the Ministry of Education and Training to use mind map in teaching.To increase the attractiveness for the subjects,to help students understand the theoretical knowledge that has been learned,the more important give the students creative thinking and  acumen.

  Being  a teacher of teaching English, through many years of teaching, I found that the application of thinking diagrams in the lectures is extremely necessary to enhance knowledge, help the students remember about the best knowledge. 

Mind map uses a lot of colors,images to expand and deepen the ideas. Mind map is a foundation thinking tool,can describe it as a graphic technique with a combination of words,images,contours,the color is suitable with  structure,operation and function of the brain, helping humans  discover the potential of the brain

Mind maps help the students  learn more effective learning methods,learning method for the students is not only a measure to improve teaching effectiveness but also a target of teaching. In fact, some students study very hard but they still learn badly,the students learn the following lesson has forgotten the previous lesson and does not know how to link the knowledge to each other.They do not know how to apply the knowledge learned into the following sections. The majority of students reading a book or listening to lecture at  the class,they do not know how to take information,

Mind Map helps students learn positively. Some research results show that the human brain will understand deeply, long and boldly what self-thinking, self-writing, drawing on his language so the use of the verbal help students study actively.

The English program in junior high school has a variety of content that is suitable when the teachers organize for the students to design mind maps. Thus, in mind maps,the students can develop ideas, build models and design the models  to solve  problems practical.

Mind map has structured.It like a tree with many small branches grow around it.“tree” in the middle of mind map is a main idea, large branches will be divided into several smaller branches, and smaller branches, , the smaller branch express the topic at a deep level. The branching continues,the knowledge and images are always connected,the connection creates a “master picture” that expresses describe the general idea and clearly.

      Using the Mind Mapping technique in teaching and learning is highly effective, the development of logical thinking, they ablility  to analyze synthesis, the students to understand the lesson, long memory instead of memorized form.

    Use Mind Mapping in teaching in accordance with student psychology, Simple, easy to understand instead of memorizing by memorization  in the form of knowledge map,can be use in any condition of the school without any

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