SKKN How to teach listening skills for students in grade 8 effectively

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 8
Bộ sách:
Lượt xem: 725
Lượt tải: 4
Số trang: 22
Tác giả: Đặng Thị My
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Việt Nam-Angiêri
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 22
Tác giả: Đặng Thị My
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Việt Nam-Angiêri
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN How to teach listening skills for students in grade 8 effectively” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

a. Listening to obtain more detailed information
b. Listening for information
c. The different listening forms
d. Don’t catch up with the speed of the speakers


Mô tả sản phẩm


       Nowadays , the Party,the State, the Department of Education and Training has many resolutions and directives to direct, guide and implement innovation, reform the curriculum and learning methods in many subjects, English is also considered to be the main subject in all grades.

     As identified, English is  the main subject , we wonder why? There are probably many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is the strong development of the open time of economy, especially in the current integration phase, when our country has been a member of the World Trade Organization, has made needs to use English in high social interaction increasingly.

1.1.The reasons for choosing topic

     Everyone recognizes that foreign languages, especially English, is the capital needed to live and work everywhere. Therefore, in studying English, teachers have to ensure that students learn and develop  all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing in which listening plays an important role.Hearing is to be able to speak, read or write. Especially, feature of the method is the method in English communication. With this method of teaching,teachers often hold many conversations in class.Those conversations  are successful or not depend on the comprehension of the problems that the speaker wants to say. In a conversation, roles of speaker and listener change quickly.Thus, if the ability of hearing is bad, the conversation will end quickly or will lead to misunderstandings. Besides,if students have good listening skill, it will help students read well  because students can easily listen and recognize how to pronounce  the words.In summary, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are always mutual support and development in which listening plays a very important role . For high achievement in studying English, we can not overlook the training skills, explore methods to improve learning outcomes in these skills including listening skill. This is one of the most important skills in communication. Therefore, I have chosen and performed the theme: “How to teach listening skills for students in grade 8 effectively?”

 1.2.The aims of study.

        As we all know, the Department of Education and Training  has always been the Party and the State, the sectors and all social levels are interested in a particular way because of the training where people have the knowledge, talent  to meet the development needs of the country during the international integration. So, the schools have put the efforts in the teaching of English to students in order to equip them with the language to become knowledgeable in the integration of the country.

    Understanding the meaning and importance of this, the Department of Education and Training,Quang Xuong Education and training committee,Quang Long  Secondary School has organized many conferences, many thematic trainings on: renewing teaching, improving the quality of teaching and learning in English. This is the primary basis for myself always searching, researching strive to improve skills in order to meet the develop of education.

   Under the direction of the Department of Education , in a foreign language lesson for students, as well as one more test to achieve four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, in the fact  that students can not hear any information, no matter where neither easy to understand and write. When marking the first survey of the classes in charge of teaching, I found that more than 80% of students do not have listening skills, leading to many low points. Since then disseminating and implementing a number of teachniques to teaching this skill is essential for improving the quality of students’ assignments.

1.3.The subject of study.

-The students at Quang Long Secondary School.

1.4.The methods of study.Studying about the theme “ How to teach listening skills for students in grade 8 effectively”…



2.1.The basis of the theory.

     Listening skill is considered difficult by most English learners and students as well.They only hear and understand the words which  teachers have to reapeat, even students can not even hear the familiar questions. For example, the requirement of teachers to students is often used in the classroom as: come on, who can? What about? … Some students have done these requirements thanks to remind your side.

For more complex sentences, the average students from relatively older should at least be heard more than once.Therefore,what is the reason of this problem?

2.2.The real situation of the problems before applying the experience initiative.

     First: Because of the poor facilities at  school, The school doesn’t have a listening room and the rooms are not well- equipped for learning process such as : radios, tapes, disks, ear phones … Therefore, students have few opportunities to learn English with new teaching methods today.

   Second: So far the tests from one period or more new mandatory details have been heard, the students are already familiar with the focus on grammar and vocabulary.

   Third: Most students do not pronounce English words correctly, they only pronounce the main sounds and the more negative end, audio connectors, stress, diphthongs, vowels are not often exact . This leads to distortions to hear.

   Fourth: Before listening ,the teacher do not orient students to the context, the relationship between the speakers. Therefore, students are not highly focused on listening and lead to more effective learning of listening is not high. Thus, students do not feel like learning to listen.

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