SKKN Method to teach English listening skill effectively for students in grade 4

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 4
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Lượt xem: 208
Lượt tải: 4
Số trang: 22
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Thu Trang
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Huyên
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang: 22
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Thu Trang
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Huyên
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Method to teach English listening skill effectively for students in grade 4” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

3.1. Flexible use good techniques in listening skill.
3.2. Combining practice listening to other technical groups.
a. The technical team practice facility.
b. Stress training technical Group.
c. Expand technical training group.

Mô tả sản phẩm

  2. Reasons for research

Nowadays the trend of international integration in many areas including the field of education has brought English up a very important position. English as a means of communication is the key to the treasure of humanity. On the other hand, the wide application of information technology has made learning English become urgent and indispensable. So learning English of Elementary School students is particularly concerned by students, parents, all the teachers of education in our country. English has become one of the main subjects in the curriculum of students.

Learning and use of English require a diligent process of creative practice of both learners and teachers. Especially in the situation of education reform as currently, teaching English in view of communication methods is widely supported. According to this method, students have many opportunities to communicate, to practise language and to participate in practical situations: Learning coupled with practising.

Primary level English program has been implemented in all regions across the country. Innovation prominent feature of the content of this program is to provide maximum opportunities for students to practise four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing on the topics and situations, communication content related to environment living at home and abroad. The change in facilitating the teaching and learning of English in secondary schools becomes teaching living language instead of teaching words as many years ago. However, in practical English skills forged for students, teachers confronted with many difficulties, especially listening skill forged. Through my school in the rural areas, when students started to learn foreign languages, ​​most of them were very interested in English, but eventually they fell tired of it. Most of them are very bad at listening skill. It’s difficult for them to understand the content of an essay or dialogue they hear. After each listening lesson, the teacher meets difficulty checking information that students had heard and checking old lesson often not easy.

Facing with that situation as a direct teacher to teach English for students in grade 4, who was exposed to the English language through grade 3, I myself always think of how to help students master, listen comprehension and maturely manipulate information. During both teaching and observing the students, I found the discipline and listening skill of the students having a lot of problems. Most students do not know how to learn listening skill effectively, students often find most difficult while they pracise listening or doing listening tests. In the classroom, students often say that although there are many words in the test they know but they can not hear out. I always ask myself “How to help students to use vocabularies and grammatical structures itself to effective listening”. Therefore, in the teaching process, I find a number of methods for positive, simple, easy to understand practical ensure science to develop thinking ability, speculation and creativity of students. With my little experience I boldly go into a topic “Method to teach English listening skill effectively for students in grade 4 in Dinh Hai Primary School“.

  1. Research purpose.

Learning English requires learners to practice the 4 skills: listening-speaking-reading-writing. The ultimate goal of learning a language is to communicate fluently with everyone. I wrote this topic based on the status of the study English at my school now. The aim of this research is to help students learn English more excitedly in order to remove the difficulties that they have encountered for a long time. I hope my initiative will help my school eager to learn English subject more and become successful learners.

  1. Subjects of research.

Students of class 4A, 4B at Dinh Hai Primary School.

  1. Research methodology.

With this topic I have applied the following methodology:

+Studying the textbook program, instruction manuals.

+Observe students.

+Interview students.

+Check and compare learning outcomes of students.

+Discussing with experienced colleagues in professional meetings.

  2. Theoretical basis.

English, one of the foreign languages, ​​has been being learned by many Vietnamese people for communicating, learning and research. Currently, because of new method in learning and teaching, students have more favorable exposure to the English language. Students have the opportunity to communicate with people in English and easy to apply in life. Prominent feature of the innovation agenda for new textbooks is maximum opportunity for students to practice 4 skills. In that, listening skill is one of the focused skills development in the new methods of teaching foreign languages. Listening is important because students can not communicate with words without understanding what is heard.

  1. Really state of affairs.
  2. Current status of the school.

           Dinh Hai Primary School is located near the central of Yen Dinh district. The school has a teaching staff who are young, fit, enthusiastic, capable of teaching and always love their job. Qualifications and standards are on 100 %. In the field of education, my school is always interested, focused on teaching and learning, always enabling teachers and students to fulfill the duties and assigned targets. And the school has always received the active support of the local government so many years, the school was rewarded as the advanced school in the district. But beside that the school has faced many difficulties in education. The total number of classes and students are overcrowded, but narrow campus, not enough playing and learning space for students, infrastructure is poor. Visual media, pictures, furniture for teaching and learning English are lacking.

  1. About students and parents.

         Due to a commune in the rural areas, people live mainly on planting rice but because of over population, their living standard is low and strenuous. The majority of parents work far from their houses so their sons and daughters, who live with their grandparents, are lack of their parents’ attention. Adding to that, learning self-discipline of students is poor. Everyday communication skills of maritime students compared with students in urban areas is limited. Therefore, learning and communication in English, a second language of the children are more difficult. Pronunciation of their native language also leads to more errors in listening, teaching English and make English more difficult. Most of them are very timid, shy, yet bold communication, language delay thinking leads to low self-esteem, inferiority.

  1. For teacher 

Being a teacher for many years teaching English in primary schools by the method of innovation, I myself noticed one thing: Most students in Dinh Hai primary school, grade 4 in particular and our elementary students generally can not determine approach language learning (foreign language). The use of English is limited in their lives, they do not dare to speak, communicate with friends in English. Moreover, in the learning process, students are weak at listening skill, it is difficult to hear. To listen effectively, students must be trained and practised listening more to get used to the syllables, intonation of language, understand the meaning of information reflected in the pronunciation, word stress and sentence intonation.

The innovation of teaching methods pay much attention to thoughtful, proactive practices of students in English. But most of the children here do not

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