SKKN Some experience on how to teach English speaking skill for students in grade 8

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 8
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Lượt xem: 525
Lượt tải: 3
Số trang: 19
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Minh Lan
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THCS Bàn Cờ
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 19
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Minh Lan
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THCS Bàn Cờ
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some experience on how to teach English speaking skill for students in grade 8” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

a. Ideological education
b. Good use of technical flexibility in developing speaking skills for students in grade 8
+ Organizations working in pairs, groups
+ The objective of the development of speaking skill


Mô tả sản phẩm


   1.1. Reasons to choose theme: 

    As we all know, English is a dificult subject for most students.  A teacher wants to teach successfully one lesson,  the teacher is required not only to have the technical ability, the social knowledge but also the teacher is required to coordinate the appropriate teaching methods with students’ learning activities. The amount of knowledge is more and more advanced, requiring students must try to study as hard as they can. Moreover, students are getting master and master this subject, each teacher in the process of instruction must always improve and choose an active teaching method consistent with the student’s thinking and abilities. 

    The country is transforming itself in the face of the ever-growing humanity. The education sector is also growing to provide the largest, most valuable social resource: Including intellectual resources – human resources of Vietnam, the future owners of the country must be both rosy and professional. People who act in a dynamic, creative way, adapt quickly to the development of science and technology and the relentless transformation of society. Each Vietnamese people, each family and the whole society  respect  the valued education. Our Party determines “education is the top national policy”. Educational reform plays a critical role in general education. Education reform is the foundation, a driving force for industrialization and modernization of the country. Let Vietnam step by step firmly on the way to integrate the economy with the world and firmly to the non-stop development of science and technology of humanity. Market economy in the period of opening and integration, English has long been considered an important communication language,  it is more important in the trend of economic integration today. If students learn  English well , they will be able to use the international language to study, communicate and exchange information. In my opinion, one of the basic and essential skills for every student is speaking skill.

    I discovered the practice speaking skill for students is important. I want to bring my knowledge to impart to students and find out teaching methods appropriate to each lesson.

    After aprocess of exploration, reseach, as well as references from colleagues, with experience accumulate. I bravely chose the theme: “ Some experience on how to teach 

English speaking skill for students in grade 8” to give colleagues references and suggestions for me.

1.2. Research purposes theme:

   Over the years I have taught English at school in new ways. I realized one thing: Most students do not know how to learn foreign languages. The use of English in communication is limited. They do not dare to communicate with their friends in English. Moreover, they are weak in speaking skill. To practice speaking effectively, students must be well-trained and practiced speaking to be familiar with the forms of speech.The more you train your speaking skills, the faster you speak and the better your communication.

 The teaching method as the current innovation primarily focuses more on the creative activeness of the students. Most of the time when their communication is thinking actively practice their English. To have a really good lesson, the students have to prepare carefully for homework. Furthermore one lesson to learn good oral skills they need to be more prepared, especially vocabulary and grammar knowledge. The majority of pupils in schools have conditions to practice speaking English but they are shy shy, underutilized opportunities to speak English. That was the purpose of my research for this theme.

1.3. Object of studying theme:

– English Classes curriculum 8

– 8th grade students of Sao Vang junior high school

– Research scope: 8th grade students of Sao Vang junior high school

– Range in grade

1.4. Methodological theme:

– Research methods through practical work in English at junior high school

– Research methods through experience, teaches English at junior high school

– Research methods through training through professional training, learning peers, the study documents


2.1. Rationale of initialtives experiences:

      English is an international language, so it is very important to everyone. If we know English we can easily communicate with everyone in the world. Currently in Vietnam we attach importance to English, especially in learning and teaching English in new ways. Students have the opportunity to communicate with people in English. Students easily manipulate them into life. A highlight of the program is to create new textbooks maximum opportunities for students to practice skills 4. Speaking as one of the skills development focused in the new methods of teaching foreign languages.. Speaking of importance because it is the skill that students communicate in English words.

2.2. Current status of the problem before applying initialtives experience:

  Perhaps none of us deny the importance of English for Vietnam in the period of economic integration, political and cultural world, especially when the speed of globalization is taking place rapidly cool. Knowing English helps us more confidence in communication. 

  Otherwise English has become the focus subjects as diverse course but is still difficult subjects and also students who are not gifted to learn English easily. In recent years under the old program and textbooks new textbooks. new methods of teaching and learning, many students enjoyed the course, active in learning, but mainly students quite well. Subjects many poor students, they have not mastered the knowledge, learning passively, waiting for the outcome of his friends made, many of them are accidental practice speaking in class, afraid to say the wrong, many children not read or write is the most simple sentence patterns, thereby affecting speaking skill. On the other hand, most eighth graders face many difficulties in the process of learning English, especially oral skills. Often they do not know where to begin telling her how, lack of ideas, lack of knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and lack of sentence structure. Moreover, according to the distribution frame of the educational program for new books, each unit pilot lessons taught in 7 more. Reading skill   paired with speaking skill. Thereby making the teacher’s teaching and practicing speaking skills of students more difficult. 

        Entering the school year in order to understand the learning situation of pupils of grade 8. Subjects were experimentally studied English at grade 6.7. I did a survey steps early experiences with social situations suggest the following:

– Introduction, making new friends.

– Ask about where you live.

– Introduction, meet people in the family.

– Ask about school teachers and friends.

– Ask about hobbies and daily work time.

– Ask about the weather, the seasons 

– Ask about the distance and transport …

*   Result of reseach situation.

Class Total


Good Fair Moderate Weak Poor
SL % SL % SL % SL % SL %
8B 36 2 5,6 6 16,8 15 41,4 7 19,4 6 16,8
8C 33 1 5,7 3 9,1 6 18,2 10 30,3 12 36,7

    Student results showed that students’s speaking skill is limited.

2.3. Solutions used to solve problems:

  1. Ideological education:

    When actually teach 8th grade English at school, I was always interested in strengthening developing speaking skills for  students, as a prerequisite for them to practice speaking, reading and writing skills can find new subjects they learn.

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