SKKN Some kinds of exercises apply to poor students in English 9

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Tác giả: Trần Thị Thu Ngân
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Quảng Hưng
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 18
Tác giả: Trần Thị Thu Ngân
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Quảng Hưng
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some kinds of exercises apply to poor students in English 9” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

2.3.1. Understand students’ learning capacity
2.3.2. Help students recognize the importance of the subject.
2.3.3. Respect students’ opinions, encourage learning and bring confidence to students
2.3.4. Use types of exercises to fill the void of basic knowledge of poor students

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1. Reasons for choosing the topic.

Nowadays our country has integrated with the world in all fields, so it requires each person must have a certain level, in which the foreign language (English) is not out of this process, it is important that it becomes an compulsory subject in the school today. However, the teaching of English in high school has many difficulties, the quality of subjects is not the same in all school, especially at Quang Trung secondary school where I am working. 

With the specificity of being a school located in the outskirts of the Bim Son town, people’s life is still difficult, some families are less interested in their children’s education, and the sense of learning of some children is limited, so it influences the results of the teaching. For this subject, in order to study well, besides the students’ sense of learning, diligence, the students also have a chance to practice with others, and one of the most important thing is the teachers’s tenique they must have suitable methods for each student. I am an English teacher myself, I always want to teach quality as a prime target, always wish good results for students, at least they have a basic knowledge. From that thought, I researched and selected the subject ” Some kinds of exercises apply to poor students in English 9 at Quang Trung Secondary school “

1.2. Reseach purposes.

By studying this topic, I would like to present some of the reasons that affect the poor teaching quality and some solutions to improve the quality of teaching English 9 at Quang Trung Secondary school. This is one of the core tasks of the school’s teachers and students to help students keep up with friends and learn the basics to fill the gap. I myself can be more confident in teaching English 9 program.

1.3. Reseach subjects.

  Research projects are carried out within the English program level of the secondary school.

I myself do not stop studying and applying innovative methods to help students have the abilities to approach and implement effective doing exercises. To estimate the abilities of students, I have conducted researches and surveys on the audience mainly students with moderate learning capacity or higher in courses taught directly by me from the school year of ………to present at Quang Trung secondary school.

1.4. Methods of study.

1.4.1. The method of Research Methodology:

Research the documents related to kinds of exercies. 

1.4.2. The method of observation: 

Refer my colleagues’s ideals and teaching methods, observe, estimate  students’ language receiving in English lessons, especially with the test to assess  students’ progress or not .

1.4.3. The  method of chatting:

Discuss directly with students about the advantages they gain, while removing obstacles they are facing. Thereby, it also helps them confidently discuss their problems  encountered.


2.1. Basis for argument. 

In today’s teaching methods, the teaching of student-centered dissemination is applied effectively, in a class of students’ ability to absorb the knowledge of students is not equal, so when applied the method we should pay attention to the characteristics of each student object, if the method is applied to the whole class, the students will not follow up with the class, not absorb the knowledge that teachers want to convey, sometimes broken knowledge. If teachers in the teaching process pay attention and classify the students, on the basis of which the knowledge transfer, use teaching methods suitable to their ability to absorb the children will get the best results.

In order to do this work, it requires teachers to spend a lot of time on the lesson planning, especially, select the focus knowledge, advanced knowledge to communicate appropriately for each student.

Actually, I applied this method to the teaching process at the school where I work, because of the characteristics of agricultural school so when they were in grade 9 they had to spend time to help the family, moreover, there is still a part of students who did not catch up the subject, they did not feel much interested in the subject. Therefore, when I was assigned teaching in grade 9, in order to ensure the quality of teaching, I have to pay attention to classify students, from that to determine the knowledge of communication and develop appropriately teaching methods.

2.2. Reality of research issues.

The current situation, in English subject, the rate of poor students is still a lot, due to various reasons leading to the children learning, with the desire to improve the quality of teaching subjects, I myself is not only thinking to find out the methods of teaching but also choose the types of suitable exercises  for poor students to help them study progressly.

2.2.1. Advantage

About material facilities, teaching and learning equipments for English subjects is adequate

The Manager is sympathetic, always listening and paying close attention to each teacher in all aspects, especially in profession.

The team of  teachers is enthusiastic to help each other in or der to cultivate knowledge and skills, create solidarity in the collective pedagogy.

Professional team  help each other to improve the quality of the subject.

2.2.2. Disadvantage:

Program of textbooks and teaching innovative method requires thinking to many students. Using a combination of skills in lessons. Quality lessons on skills is unsatisfactory.

Students have less chance to improve their skills at home so skill development is limited. Moreover, opportunities for contact with foreigners or communication in English are very hard, so students are gradually afraid of this subject. So how do students get to know each other more interesting and effective? That is the problem we are trying to solve.

2.3. Contents of experience initiative.

The fact that students are weak in English is quite common in localities in my province, I have been teaching for many years and most of the classes I taught also have weak students. In grade 9, the percentage of students below the average for the academic year ………is 16.5%.

With the above situation, I always look for solutions to help students study progress, to improve the quality of subjects, through research to find appropriate teaching methods, effective, I have stepped to encourage, and empower students. The results of my teaching now are more advanced than in previous years.

2.3.1. Understand students’ learning capacity:

To gain as much information and knowledge about each student, beginning the year, I have explored the students through a lot of forms such as : contact with each student as requested. I want to create something that is friendly with students through situations such as : at the receess, I sit back and ask students about their learning situation throught it I know that they wonder their exercises are right or wrong but they  dare not to ask when there are more excellent students in the class. I create a friendly relationship by asking them in the other subjects the teacher often call the students up on the board to do the exercises or not ? Do teachers praise you ? how do you  prepare homework? … After that, they find it easily to get close to the teacher and start asking questions, often raise their hands when they know the answer.

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