SKKN Some methods improving English communication capacity for grade 4

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Tác giả: Phạm Thị Hồng Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Hà Huy Tập
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang: 29
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Hồng Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Hà Huy Tập
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some methods improving English communication capacity for grade 4” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

3.1. Remedial measures 1. Teachers should create the maximum opportunity for students to use effective English language during English lessons.
3.2. Measure 2. Encourage the development of communication skills in the English language for students through group and pair.
3.3. Measure 3. Improve communication skills through the establishment of the English Club of grade 4.
3.4. Measure 4. Always encourage students to present their ideas to the class.
3.5. Measure 5. Through a number of learning games to help students increase their ability to communicate in English.

Mô tả sản phẩm

  2. Reason for choosing an initiative:

In view of the Party and the State, education aims to develop people to meet the general needs of industrialization and modernization of the country. Foreign languages ​​in general and English especially play an important role as a means of actively supporting the country’s most effective integration process. Therefore, improving the quality of education in general and English in particular is considered one of the most concern of education today.

In the new general education program, English as a Foreign Language 1, beginning in grades 3 through 5 in elementary school, identifies communicative competence as the goal of the teaching process.

As one of the high school curriculum subjects, English not only helps students shape and develop communication skills in English, but also contributes to the formation and development of common skills. to live and work more effectively; to study other subjects as well as to study for life.

The English language provides students with an important international communication tool that enables them to exchange advanced science and technology information and knowledge, and learn about cultures, thereby contributing to the creation of a understanding among peoples, shaping the global citizen consciousness, contributing to the development of quality and individual capacity. [1]

However, nowadays students of Nga Hai Primary School in general, students in grade 4 in particular, active in the communication process is not high so their communication has some limitations such as: shy, self ti and embarrassed when in front of the crowd, no cooperation skills, teamwork, lack of adaptive skills, problem solving skills, especially knowledge of the lives of poor students. In addition, they do not fully equip themselves with content such as the ability to “understand, use familiar English structures; Basic terms meet specific communication needs. Not confident to introduce themselves and others; I do not have the confidence to respond to information about myself such as my place of residence, relatives / friends, etc.

Starting from the above reasons, I chose the Initiative: “Some methods  improving  English communication capacity  for grade 4 students in Nga Hai Primary School”. I would like to contribute a part in teaching English more effectively and attract many students interested in this subject.

  1. Purpose of the study

– In order to contribute to the development of English communication skills for students in grade 4 Nga Hai primary school in particular and elementary students in general in a positive and creative way.

– Create excitement in learning English because communication helps students not only gain knowledge but also reinforce and deepen their knowledge.3. Research objects.

– Current status of English communication skills for students in grade 4 Nga Hai Primary School.

Communication skills education measures for grade 4 students Nga Hai Primary School aims to improve the quality of English communication.

  1. Research Methodology:

– Methods to investigate the current status of communication skills education for primary school students, methods of interview, interview to collect information on the status ; Observation methods are used to identify the communicative behavior of students in learning activities.

– Method of exchange.

  2. Theoretical basis.

In the history of human development, language has an important role in the life of the community and the life of every human being. It promotes the development of thinking, which is the basis of social awareness and a means of communication. Through voice, each person communicates in society. Today, in addition to the mother tongue, to receive and communicate in the human community, people also use foreign languages ​​and non-verbal images to communicate. Therefore, the ability to communicate in society is wide open, diverse and rich. Since ancient times, educators and philosophers have been interested in communication issues. The activities of education, health education, education, capacity building, cooperation capacity has been respected. From the activities of education, personal capacity is promoted, promote human society to develop. Confucius (551-497 BC) was a philosopher, a prominent Chinese educator of antiquity, who had the mentality of linking GD with the practice of creating the “world class” people. He said, “It is not useful to read three hundred good scriptures, given to those who have no ability to respond. Confucius thought that learners in addition to learning professional knowledge and cultural knowledge also have to learn how to communicate in order to communicate successfully and effectively in professional and occupational work. Communication is the tool and means for people to exchange, share information and gather information in the process of labor. [2]

Interpersonal skills are very important for real life, human work. Communication skills are not innate, inherent in its formation, development in the course of life, through activity, experience, training, training ….. Therefore, want to improve the quality It is necessary to develop communication skills for students. Special communication in English.

Education of communication skills in English for students occupy position, important role, it directly affects the quality and effectiveness of primary education in general and of English in particular. Because all teaching, learning and living in the school must be done through communication, especially in English. Communication in English at elementary school is conducted in teacher-student relationship, games and teacher-student relationship with the people around. To communicate successfully, effective teachers and students must have communication skills. Specialized in English for 4th grade students.

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