SKKN Some methods to improve the efficiency of teaching listening skill in grade 8

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 8
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Lượt tải: 6
Số trang: 28
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Minh Anh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Xuân La
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 28
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Minh Anh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Xuân La
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some methods to improve the efficiency of teaching listening skill in grade 8” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. The solutions:
* The equipment needed for the course
* The Ten principles of listening
* Procedures of a general listening
2. Implements:
Prepare plans for an English Listening Lesson
Comprehension questions


Mô tả sản phẩm


I.The reasons for topic:

       Today the economy of the countries in the world is growing the politics of cultural exchange, between the national society is increasingly expanding. To communicate with the others, requiring different countries in the world have to know the proficient use a common language apart from their mother tongue. In the popular language of communication in the world, English is a common one which is considered to be the most popular language.

     For years, learning foreign language is increasingly popularized and this subject has become a compulsory subject in all schools. Therefore, the requirements set out how to achieve quality teaching hours and high efficiency. This requirement requires the teachers to improve themselves not only on the qualification but also on teaching methods and teaching techniques.

     Comprehending and understanding a language is necessary when students are learning a new language due to the fact that people always need to communicate and interact with others in different moments or situations in their lives. This paper will focus on listening, but always combined with grammar, as a way of helping learners to understand the language system and to develop their ability by using it to communicate successfully inside and outside the classroom. Communication skills comprise receptive skills and productive skills. Listening and reading are receptive skills while speaking and writing are productive skills. Receptive skills are these in which students receive and process the information but do not need to produce a language to do this, while productive skills require the production, for instance, a speech .

         Listening, as we know, is the skill of understanding spoken language. Listening is an essential skill, present in most of the activities we carry out throughout our lives. We listen to a wide variety of things, for example; what someone says during a conversation, face to face or on the telephone; announcements giving information, for example, at an airport or railway station; the weather forecast on the radio; a play on the radio; music; someone else’s conversation; a lecture; professional advice, for example, at the doctor’s, in the bank; instructions, for example, on how to use a photocopier or other machinery; directions; a taped dialogue in class.

      In fact, to get good listening skill , the English language learners need to have a process of regular exercise daily, weekly and monthly with the content and form of different technologies. Teaching Listening  and learning skills in English, though not new, but it is a very difficult skill for both teachers and students at secondary school level.That’s the reason why the actual situation like this, I figure research ideas into this subject partly in the hope of helping the English teachers and students gradually overcome the difficulties to carry out implementation of teaching and learning in English Listening carefully horizontal effective better help students learn English more positively, more proactively in acquiring, perceiving knowledge of the lesson. 

     For these reasons above, as an English language teacher in Ai Thuong secondary school and I always wonder how to help students reach English easily through four basic skills: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing. However, Ai Thuong secondary School students are mainly ethnic minorities , so many children have the habit of using their national language – Muong in class caused many dfficulties in the teaching process. They also find listening skill the most difficult skill though some of them are very good in the application of grammar exercises. They are interested in learning English in Grade 6, 7, but over time they feel afraid, decreased interest, learn and lead his people to the quality department increasingly decline in the grade on, especially because of their listening skill in grade 8. Through practical research and teaching to remedy this situation, I boldly launched an innovative experience Some methods to improve the efficiency of teaching listening skill in grade 8 at Ai Thuong secondary school.”

  1. Research purpopes:

        My purpose in writing this innovative was to find out what the most common  and effective methods in developing listening skill and improve the quality of teaching English at Ai Thuong secondary school, help students understand the importance of listening skill in learning English. Beside that I can cultivate myself the professional capacity in teaching, improve the teaching methods appropriate for each positive post, each subject students to improve the quality of teaching and learning English at Ai Thuong secondary school.

III. Research objects:

    Innovative experience focused on teaching methods to improve the efficiency of  listening hours and improve the quality of  English 8 at Ai Thuong secondary school .

  1. Research methods:

          In the process of implementing innovative I have used the following research methods:

– Research methods build the theoretical basis through of the search documents on teaching listening skills.

– Survey method, comparative. analysis and synthesis

– Research  method  the tables


  1. Rationale:

     During the process the teaching, the application of teaching methods to guide students perceive knowledge as quickly as possible, the best use of knowledge that is both a big issue for the cultural subjects in general and English subject particularly. The use of some tricks in the organization of English teaching activities is both a success to help students develop positive perceptions of students in learning and eloquence, helps students focus mentality to grasp the knowledge and help students use English in a foreign language environment with real situations and vivid.

        I remembered someone said that : “The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.”

       There is no doub that Listening skill is the skill that learners must towards the first .Listening is the most often used skill of communication and good listening is an integrated part of the communication process

    Through the above situation and causes I saw: as a teacher to teach subjects in these two classes, I need to give them the pleasure of learning passion and love in English in order to improve school quality and the quality of subject.

   To improve the quality of subject we should improve the quality of teaching hours which content of listening because listening is one of the important skills to help them acquire knowledge.

   Like reading skill, listening skill as well as a receptor, but listening often harder to read because the receptive language through listening to the words, there are other characteristics with the written text.

       In grade 8 listening activities are used widely-are important means to introduce target language or new contents, listening skills are trained and developed through different listening exercises: listening for the main idea, listening out details or listening guess means, guess through contextual comprehension exercises .Listen is relevant to the topic, on the one hand aims to strengthen structure, vocabulary, on the

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