SKKN Some solutions help advanced students in grade 9 do Reading Exercises effectively in the examination

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 9
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Lượt xem: 787
Lượt tải: 5
Số trang: 24
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Hồng Nhung
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hà Vinh
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 24
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Hồng Nhung
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Hà Vinh
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some solutions help advanced students in grade 9 do Reading Exercises effectively in the examination” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. Equipping the reading method
a. Skimming
b. Scanning
2. Improving the reading skill
a. Broadening the vocabulary and knowledge
b. Improving the ability of reasoning
3. Providing the skills to do some types of reading exercise
a. Filling in the gap with one suitable word
b. Answering the questions by choosing the best choice
c .Reading the passage and answering the questions

Mô tả sản phẩm


Content Page 
INDEX …………………………………………………………………………………..                         


I. The reason for choosing the topic  ………………………………………                                

II. The purpose of research…………………………………………………….

III. The objects of research……………………………………………………..

IV. The method of research…………………………………………………….

B. The content of the experienced initiative……………………………..

I. The rationale of the experienced initiative………………..

II. The real situation before applying the experienced initiative

III. The solutions of implementation………………………………

1. Equipping the reading method……………………………..

a. Skimming ……………………………………………………..

b. Scanning ………………………………………………………

2. Improving the reading skill…………………………………..

a. Broadening the vocabulary and knowledge……………………..

b. Improving the ability of reasoning…………………………

3. Providing the skills to do some types of reading exercises….

a. Filling in the gap with one suitable word………………….

b. Answering the questions by choosing the best choice………

c .Reading the passage and answering the questions………….

4.  The effect of the experienced initiative……………………………

C. Conclusion and suggestion:

I. Conclusion

II. Suggestion


  1. The reason for choosing the topic 

Nobody can deny the vital role of English in the development of our society these days. It is the effective implement to integrate into the region and the world, the mean to approach the information technology and science, the good way to understand the culture of the countries in the world as well as the important events… With all above reasons, Vietnam’s education and training has given the vital target for the foreign subject: the syllabus of English is to form and develop students’ knowledge and basic skills about English, especially build the necessary virtue to help them study further specialized level of education or apply to their life flexibly. 

Learning English well is not easy so the teachers who are assigned a task to cultivate good students of English meet lots of difficulties in finding the most effective methods to impart knowledge for students well and help them get high results in the examinations. In the process of cultivating good students in English, I recognize that Reading exercises are still quite difficult for students and they always make mistakes and go wrong when they do those reading exercises such as: Filling in the gaps, choose the best answer, read and answer the questions…. While all types of reading exercises are often in the examinations and occupy high mark in the exam paper. With my experience in the process of revising and drilling students and reference from my colleagues, I have observed, studied and recognized some reasons which students often meet when they do the exam as well as found out some solutions to help them overcome those mistakes above.

With all above reasons, I choose the topic “Some solutions help advanced students in grade 9 do Reading Exercises effectively in the examination” to research.

  1. The purpose of research

When I write the experienced initiative, I really wish my students will  not only have more useful knowledge to do reading exercises well but also give them the most effective methods to do the exam with high result. Moreover overcoming the mistakes, difficulties which students meet in doing Reading exercises mentioned in the topic will help them reduce difficulties and be more confident in doing tests. Besides it is a useful document for English teachers to refer in the process of teaching good students in English.

  1. The objects of research
  • Good students in grade 9 take part in revising for English’s exam at Secondary schools.
  • Reading texts in the English tests for talent students.
  • The method of research
  • Studying reasoning: reading newspaper, books, documents, lesson plan
  • Investigating the real situation
  • Counting figures and result of studying
  • Observing the reality: observing students when they do tests
  • Experimenting the teaching methods
  • Summarizing the results, learning from the colleagues’ experiences.
  1. The rationale of the experienced initiative

English at secondary school improves students a basic, useful knowledge and it is also the first step for them to study at advanced level at universities or colleges, even for their jobs in the future. According to some experts, teachers of English should pay attention to the factors which effect on the quality of student’s task in doing reading exercises such as: the ability of concentration, reading the instruction, reasoning and judgment… However, students are usually get used to reading word by word and do not notice in reading generally the whole task. Therefore teachers need to form the basic skills to do the types of reading exercises that will help them develop the ability of awareness and capacity of action.

  1. The real situation before applying the experienced initiative:

In fact, students at rural areas like our Thach Quang secondary school are still learning in the difficult studying conditions so it is not easy for them to get access to reference books or modern technology equipment. Furthermore, the students’ ability of analysis, mentality and summarizing are limited; the skills of doing tests are confused. While students need to have good basic knowledge, various awareness about every field combining with summarizing thought and flexible judgment that will help them get high mark in the exams. 

Before applying the experienced initiative, the result of cultivating good students in English I was assigned in ………: 

Order  Full name Class  Mark 
1 Nguyễn Hà Thanh 9 12,0
2 Bùi Thị Thắm 9 11,5
3 Nguyễn Văn Nam 9 8,0
4 Trịnh Đức Trường 9 9,0

The result made me worried too much and I always tried my best to find out the solution. Because students do grammar exercises and writing quite well but reading exercises which account for one third in the paper exam, they made too many mistakes. After observing students do these exercises I realized that they didn’t know the method of reading, the shortage of knowledge (both vocabulary and other field), the limited reasoning and do not have the skills to do each type of reading exercises.

  1. The solutions of implementation.
  1. Equipping the reading method: 
  1. Skimming: 
  • What does skimming mean?
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