SKKN Some techniques to inspire students in warming up English lessons for grade 3

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Số trang: 19
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thu Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Trung Trực
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 19
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thu Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Trung Trực
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some techniques to inspire students in warming up English lessons for grade 3” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. Argument/ talk with students before class
2. Use pictures, illustration, real objects or actions
3. Use English songs, poems, “chant”
4. Use motive games

Mô tả sản phẩm

  2. Reasons for choosing topic

         In the trend of  relentless integration in society today, English is used as an international language, as a mean of communication for the whole of humanity, and it is applied in all fields of  life such as economics, politics, culture and education ….Aware of the importance of  English, in  recent years, Vietnam’s education is particularly interested  in teaching English in primary schools, pupils have approached  this international  language early. Learning English also helps students from the capacity to express individual ideas confidently, independently and creatively.

         However being an English teacher at a  primary school, I realized: To have a successful lesson is not easy, how to the pupils receive, love since then actively study this subject. Once the children themselves are really passionate learning will become  easier. In the process of teaching and research, I found that: A successful teaching hour is a combination of different elements from the professional qualifications, social knowledge of teachers to choose the suitable methods, equipments and teaching aids, … and all external factors are  to promote  initiative, creativity, diligence of the students in the process of acquiring their knowledge.

         To achieve that English teachers need to create comfortable friendly learning environment to help students feel that learning a new language is really interesting. Especially attracting more students through activity “warm-up” is extremely important to get a successful class. So I’ve decided to write a innovative experience with the subject: “Some techniques to inspire students in warming up English lessons for grade 3”.

  1. The purpose of research:

         “Warm-up” activities’ goal is to help teachers understand the importance of the “warm-up” and give them some “warm-up” activities.

III. Subjects of study: Students in Grade 3.

  1. Method of study:
  2. Theoretical basis:

         Read and study the materials related to children psychology, interest, the characteristics of “warm-up” to draw evaluation.

  1. Research Practice:

        – Through attending English classes, observing the exchange ideas between teachers and pupils.

         – Testing the effectiveness and feasibility of the measures applied by ourselves.

  2. Theoretical bases: 

         In English lessons in primary schools, interest plays an extremely important role. It helps students have the proper attitude, determine their seriously motivation from which they will concentrate on English. This is no easy task for teachers, in which the level of teachers is most clearly demonstrated in guiding intellectual activities, guiding the students, thus teachers and students have to study and work incessantly. When children are interested in the subject they will find lessons no longer difficult or dry. The English classes will no longer be boring for them, in addition, excitement increases the effectiveness of cognitive process. Interest increases acting aspirations, work capacity and personal creativity.

         It can be said, passion makes people excited to work tirelessly hard, overcome all difficulties to achieve their goals. Therefore inspire students plays a very important role for the success of the lesson.

         Although the activities account for just a very short time compared to lesson , but they are extremely important . This is the first work done after the teacher enter into classroom.

         The activities’ pedagogical aims are to be:

+ Stabilize classes, give time students to be able to adapt to new lesson.

+ Prepare psychologically, prepare knowledge.

+ Bring out excitement for a new lesson.

         “Warm up” activity usually lasts 3-5 minutes and its aim is to break the freeze in the classroom “break the ice” and reheat atmosphere up before beginning lesson. With the above aim, planning what to do in this section, the teacher should always ask the question: What is the purpose? And whether doing that we achieve purpose or not? Thus, the activities are in all not just for fun, we need to recognize such things are indispensable for foreign language lessons. How to start a lesson will determine largely the result of the lesson. I have applied these tips based on two requirements:

*. Creating a favorable environment

        According to the purpose and characteristics of teaching hours, teachers can choose the activities and tricks which suit certain aims. For example, we will  provide a pleasant atmosphere between teachers and students, elicit initiative, self-confidence for students through the activities such as greeting, talking, telling a joke, playing games, singing songs… to attract their attention, stabilize classes,  lead students into new lessons.

*. Psychological preparation and knowledge for new lessons

Teachers use different tricks flexibly to attract attention and inspire, thereby students will focus on the topic of lesson.

  1. Current status of the problems:
  2. Current status:
  3. Regarding teachers and equipments for teaching English:

         Most English teachers are aware of the importance of the activities “warm-up” at the beginning of class, but not all teachers can fully exploit the benefits of this activity. Some of the teachers choose the method of check old exercises instead of organizing activities in the beginning part because the content is too long to teach or teachers are afraid of taking time to prepare it. Some teachers apply a boring repetitive form.

         The materials used as a reference for teaching English at primary school is still quite modest. Besides, a lot of teachers have not been intensively trained. In professional schools, most of them only are trained to teach English in secondary schools and high schools. Hence, it also causes difficulties for teachers to catch the psychology of students.

  1. Regarding students:

         – This is just the beginning time they get acquainted with this subject so they feel unfamiliar. These days many students have not formed language learning methods. Otherwise a significant number of students are not good at Vietnamese.

         – Students do not learn new words by heart, sentence patterns, especially lots of students do not find joy in the subject.

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