SKKN Some ways to practise listening skill for pupils in class 3b and 3d of quang chau primary school

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 3
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Lượt tải: 6
Số trang: 30
Tác giả: Lê Thị Mỹ Linh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Trần Quang Khải
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 30
Tác giả: Lê Thị Mỹ Linh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Trần Quang Khải
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Some ways to practise listening skill for pupils in class 3b and 3d of quang chau primary school” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. To achieve the target related to listening skills, the teacher plays a very important role
2. Some techniques to help pupils in the process of listening test
3. Developing listening skill for pupils (in conjunction with speaking skill).

Mô tả sản phẩm


1. The reason for selecting topic

From the reality of teaching English for pupils at Quang Chau Primary School in many years, I have realized that Listening skill is still considered as one of the most difficult skills for English language learners although they have been learning English for few years. Most pupils have problems in listening because they still could not complete the basic listening skills in tests. Furthermore, most of them considered that listening classes are challenging for them due to some problems and difficulties during the teaching and learing activities. Besides that, there were five factors influenced pupils’ listening skill: lack of practice, limited vocabulary mastery, native speaker’s accent, pronunciation and uninteresting learning materials. 

Any languages  when communicating we need to have a certain vocabulary for expressing presentation.On the other hand, with elementary age pupils acquire a deeper essence of language is too difficult. We just ask them to understand and know “the English” is what? English words means what in Vietnamese meaning? In addition, pupils also ought to learn the skills well: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing. In the four skills, Listening skill is one of the most difficult for pupils who are learning English.To hear and to understand the language is not their native language is not easy at all, so that pupils must also follow the inquirements of all listening tasks.This skill is considered to be difficult because pupils always have pressure for not understanding every word in the listening content.

This is also the reason I think and choose this topic for the purpose of giving the ways to help pupils, especially the pupils in grade 3 are no longer afraid of learning the periods which have the listening tasks, even more they can listen more effectively.

2. The purpose of researching this topic

English is a language that is used in many countries around the world.This is a period of intergration, communicate with foreign friends so to know and understand this language is extremely important.The purpose of this topic is to contribute to improve the quality of teaching and learning English, helps pupils learn better four skills in English in general and in particular listening skill. Listening well, understanding English will help pupils feel interested in studying and learning better. Also listening well will help pupils use this language competently, help them confident in communicating with international friends.

Moreover, the purpose of research of this topic also help improve my own pedagogical. After a period of teaching in a primary school and learning from friends and colleagues, I found that my pupils are often afraid of listening and achieve weaknesses a lot when they do listening tests. So I’ve done a number of ways to help pupils learn how to listen better.

 3. Object of researching of this topic.

This research aims to investigate the real state of teaching and learning listening skill of English in Class 3B and 3D of Quang Chau primary School and suggest solutions to practise listening skill for pupils to learn English better.

4. The methods of researching this topic. 

The study used mixed methods to find answers to the two questions. Tools for data collection in this study were questionnaire, interview (face-to-face), 


1. Theoretical basics

This is a narrow issue, with the aim to promote positive, creative abilities of pupils, to creative the ability to identify and solve problems for pupils, help pupils who are the subjects work actively, creative initiative strong in communication and have a good usage of foreign language in reading and searching.

To research the subject, I refer to the actual process of teaching myself and colleagues. In addition, I also rely on a number of specialized materials such as: English Book 3, Teacher’s Book, Work Book and Teach Young Learners English.

2. Real state

Through the teaching of English in primary schools. I noticed a common reality is that most pupils have not realized the importance of learning English. There are many pupils neglect, snobbery of English in primary schools so during learning they still have not concentrated on learning to reach a high result.

One of the common difficult realities is that the level of pupils is limited but duration for this course is too short. In addition specific class in Viet Nam is generally over crowded pupils so they focus on training and practising are limited.

Although the textbooks are very mordern in structure, thematic lessons, close to daily life with the aim of monitoring the needs of pupils’ interest, but through the lectures and contact with pupils I always think how to teach and learn more effectively, more creativity for pupils who can both understand and be excited, lessons are taught more quality in depth. A lesson is divided into several periods, intergrated instruction in vocabulary, grammar and practice in a period with forty minutes duration. But here I only mention one particular teaching listening in one period as appropriate to each object with pupils and teachers also easy to implement.

I have made a survey with pupils in class 3B and 3D by doing a test in the middle first term in fifteen minutes to survey and classify the pupils before I applying the techniques and procedures to teach listening

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