SKKN Teaching phonics for students in grade 3

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Tác giả: Trần Thị Hồng Hương
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Khắc Nhu
Năm viết: 2020-2021
Số trang: 23
Tác giả: Trần Thị Hồng Hương
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Khắc Nhu
Năm viết: 2020-2021

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Teaching phonics for students in grade 3” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. Here are 5 basic steps to teach phonics that I have
2. Teaching phonics through songs, poems
3. Teaching phonics through practical training
4. Teaching phonics through simple activities
5. Some tips to teach phonics successfully

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1. The reasons of choosing topic

Nowadays, the economy of the countries in the world is growing, exchanges in policy, culture, society are increasingly expanding among countries. 

To communicate with each other, requiring that different nations of the world must know proficient use of a common language besides their mother tongue. 

In the languages of communication in the world, English is the most common language that is considered as the most popular one.
They can use it as their “mother tongue”. However, to help students get what they want to be effective, English teachers need to use their method appropriate to each age level, use their knowledge to teach their students. Beginning students of English often say that their top priorities are to know grammar well and to learn as many words and everyday phrases as possible. Many students think that phonetics is a luxury that they can do without. It’s a big mistake to underestimate  the  importance of pronunciation. If you want to communicate in English, you need to speak English. Speaking to people is the only way to communicate effectively. If not, you can exchange written messages, of course. Or use gestures to show what you want to say. 

But seriously, you need to know how to pronounce what you want to say. How you say something is as important as what you say. It means that it is necessary for you to acquire standard correct English pronunciation if you want to understand English speakers and want them to understand you.                                                                                                          The use of correct English pronunciation can make the opposite understand what he said, and also understand the opposite easier and more accurate.The language skills are closely related to each other; skills to support other skills. Correct pronunciation, therefore, is not only good for oral skills, but also to understand better for listening. However, the pronunciation is a difficult skill; without the guidance and regular exercise, positive, the progress will be virtually impossible. Besides, there are so many different factors related to teaching, learning methods, the influence of the mother tongue or conditions interact with native English speakers also do not much affect the progress of learners.                                                                                                                          From the above reasons, I strongly research and write the experience  initiative named  “Teaching phonics for students in grade 3”. I decided to choose this topic with the desire to help students learn English well and can  communicate in English. Language learners not only communicate corectly  but also self confidently  in lessons. This is more excited than they are willing to learn in order to improve their  English pronunciation.         

1.2. The purpose of the research

The purpose of reseach is to contribute to innovating English teaching methods in primary schools following the direction of promoting a positive, creative initiative of students, enhance individual coordinate activities with academic exchanges. Formating and drilling skills to apply knowledge to perform the communicative  process. Create interest in learning English for students.Language learners communicate not only correctly  but also self confidently  in lessons. This is more excited when they are willing to learn in order to improve their English pronunciation  and this also helps them strengthen and deepen knowledge further.

1.3. The subject of research 

With this research I focused on the Primary students at Minh Khai 2 primary school, especially the students of  grade 3.

1.4. The methods of the research

To research a topic, people often choose many different methods. With  this     topic, I use the following methods: 

  1. Theoretical research method 

I read the conducting material issues related to my research needs. 

  1. Learning experience from my colleagues 

     Attend the colleagues’ lesson to follow their good method. 

  1. Experimental matching method. 
  2. Observation method.


2.1. Rationale 

Through a lot of research material , as well as a combination of theory and practice, we need to rely on the basis of the following reason:                         Facing with a problem of teaching and learning that I think of figuring out a way to teach phonics, and the work that I have written to teach phonics method in a class. Teaching phonics to help students create language learning atmosphere of pronouncing words correctly in English lessons. Much purpose of teaching phonics in a language class is not intended to make students capable of pronouncing similar to the native because it is not practical, unless the school has a special talent and highly motivated. The goal is to teach phonics to help students gain an ability to  pronounce correctly at a certain level to be able to communicate in English with other people. Phonics is a teaching method used to help children learn to read. Phonics breaks down words into individual sounds and syllables and shows children how each sound fits together to make up a word. Children taught with phonics must learn the different vowel sounds, consonants and regular rules of English grammar. Because the learner’s native language affects the pronunciation, English teachers need to have a certain understanding of the sound system. Phonics helps your students learn to read and spell. Without this ability, your child cannot be fully literate. Words are like codes and phonics teaches children how to crack the reading code. Phonics is therefore an important part of any reading development program. That is the reason why Ministry of Education put on phonics lessons to Primary English.

2.2. The situation of the problem 

Analysis of my school’s performance in teaching and learning pronunciation for recent years has showed that our average score in phonics has been consistently below, so has that of other schools in rural areas. It is a situation that needs to be concerned and motivated through a thorough examination of the school’s approach to the teaching of phonics. 

Our school is a public primary school in Thanh Hoa city. It is a large school with around 537 students, ranging from 6 to 10 years old. There are three to four classes in most year levels, meaning that collaboration among teachers is extremely important to ensure consistency in learning programs.  Ministry of Education and Training applied International pronunciation l as the framework in the program of teaching English for primary students. After the first year of teaching the book 3 I found that most of the students cannot pronounce the new words correctly. They only focused on grammar and vocabulary and didn’t like to learn pronunciation during the lesson.  

The organization of teaching English in primary schools meets the needs of students in  learning a foreign language elementary and  accordants with the requirements of educational development. On the other hand, learning English in primary school will help students get a certain knowledge of  English to be able to learn English better when they are at junior high school. Pronounciation  in the general case, particularly in primary schools has long been a problem. Many students encounter new words they do not know how to pronounce. Often teachers must use International Phonetic form and read to students. Some times the students forget how to pronounce it late. In practically, teaching at my school, I notice that  some of them have the ability to read and pronounce very well. Besides, there are some children who have difficulty in pronunciation. They are afraid of the wrong director, afraid of friend’s laugh, resultingly they are shy to say, less communicate and read the words. As well as students mispronounce, this leads to make a marked accent and intonation wrong.So to have methods of teaching reading – speaking – pronunciation well, I have conducted a survey earlier this year to classify  students The following table is the result of students in English in grade 3C at Minh Khai 2  primary school  Academic Year  for ………...

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