SKKN The steps of teaching model sentences in grade 4

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Môn: Tiếng anh
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Số trang: 21
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thanh Hằng
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Tố
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 21
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thanh Hằng
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Tố
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN The steps of teaching model sentences in grade 4” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

2.3.1. Introduce new words or phrases in the lesson. 2.3.2. Practice listening and practicing the conversation in the lesson.
(Part 1. Look, listen and repeat)
2.3.3. Introduce model sentences.
2.3.4. Practice model sentences. (Section 2. Point and say)
2.3.5. Game activity to deepen the sentences learned.
2.3.6. Some examples of demonstration classes have been applied
effectively in grades 4.

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1 Reasons for selecting the topic.

Our country is in the process of developing the knowledge economy as the foundation for development and consider education and training as the top national policy and improve the quality of teaching and learning to successfully complete the training. human resources for industrialization and modernization of the country. In order to survive and develop our nation’s construction and defense to keep pace with the developed countries, we need to capture the most advanced achievements. Aiming to make Vietnam a civilized and prosperous country.

Today, according to the development trend of the times, English gradually became the common language in many fields in social life. English helps us to access more effectively with the rich source of human knowledge to integrate with other countries in the world. Therefore, learning English has become more important than ever. In recent years, English has been taught in popular schools. And there are many small and large research projects on English teaching and learning, aiming to find effective teaching and learning methods. For effective teaching and learning in the primary school walls, I am the person who directly teaches many questions about how to help elementary school students access to a new language. Wanting to learn and communicate well in English requires students to have a certain vocabulary, and students need to master the sentence structure with grammatical functions, usage, reading and meaning. To help them speak English smoothly, coherently and above all to help them become more confident in communicating and absorbing the language. I would like to give you some reference experiences on how to guide students to learn the grammatical structure that I have accumulated in the process of learning and teaching. That’s why I chose the topic ‘The steps of teaching model sentences in grade 4 at Thach Dong primary school’.

1.2 Purpose of the study.

– Learn about solutions for improving English teaching and learning for teachers and students.

– Learn about the student’s learning situation.

– Study the optimal methods for teachers to apply when students practice in the classroom effectively.

– The steps for effective teaching are changed by changing some of the methods that teach students to easily learn the lesson. At the same time instruct students to train themselves to have skills, skills when learning English.

Therefore, the implementation of this method aims to promote students’ activeness, initiative and creativity, contributing to improving the quality of teaching English.

1.3. Research subjects.

– Students in grades 4A, 4B in Thach Dong Primary School.

1.4. Research methods.

– Application of practical teaching experience.

– Refer to the practice materials related to the subject

– Refer to the experience of colleagues, attendance, exchange ideas.

– Organize and conduct experiential teaching. Prepare teaching curriculum to test the feasibility of the method.

– The teacher asks questions to check the content of the student’s lesson.


2.1. Basis for argument.

At present, the teaching and learning of foreign languages ​​in primary schools has been markedly improved. Elementary school children, including schools in remote areas, are taught foreign languages. Teachers are regularly trained to improve their professional skills and innovate teaching methods to improve the quality of the subject. In all schools, materials and teaching materials are increasingly being added to make learning more effective and students are more interested in learning.

However, due to the student’s unevenness. The foreign language environment of the children rarely have the opportunity to talk with foreigners. The development of communication skills in children is limited.

Moreover, the current situation of learning neglect, students learn coping, rote learning without self-study, students are quite a lot. Most of the students do not pay attention and invest in English, preparing the paper skilfully, coping while they study very weak subject.

How does another condition this condition? How to attract students to focus on learning is an issue that requires educators, dedicated teachers who work hard to come up with plans, programs that improve the way they teach and learn. more, improve the quality and effectiveness of education.

To teach an English language class requires teachers to be prepared and invested both at home and in the classroom, even having to accumulate experience over time can be effective and persuasive. , making them really excited and confident. Therefore, with this topic, I would like to express my thoughts and my wishes with the desire to contribute to the exchange of experiences and sharing of learning together for the same progress.

2.2. Current status of teaching and learning English in Thach Dong Primary School.

* Advantages:

– English is a new discipline applied to elementary students in recent years. So some students feel excited or interested in this new subject, so in most classes most students are very active.

– Having the interest of the school’s board, together with the siblings in front of them, makes the teaching of English better. The school has had almost adequate facilities, materials and equipment to serve teaching and learning.

* Disadvantages:

According to the distribution of the current program, English elementary school has 4 lessons per week, so it is really hard to teach the teacher and the students. But in order for students to become more active, teachers must prepare their pictures and tools to draw their attention to the topic or focus of the lesson. In addition, there are many students here because of conditions and circumstances, parents do not understand the importance of English so not interested, urge the children to study this subject, many to sue there. complete study materials. In addition, due to the limited development conditions, the conditions for elementary school children to be exposed to public information and entertainment programs using English is still low. Their ability to communicate is limited, especially in English.

– Beside some students studying seriously, there are many pupils who learn only through loudspeaker, not in deep memory, do not practice reading and writing frequently, do not have two-dimensional sense. When the teacher asks them not to. Moreover, very few people in the family are learning, knowing English should check and guide the children to learn at home also meet many difficulties.

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