SKKN Using some games in teaching English in grade 3

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 3
Bộ sách:
Lượt xem: 624
Lượt tải: 8
Số trang: 26
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Minh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Tôn Đức Thắng
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 26
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Minh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Tôn Đức Thắng
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Using some games in teaching English in grade 3” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. The general solution
2. Design the learning games in English
3. How to organize games.
4. Introduction of the games in primary school

Mô tả sản phẩm


1.1 The reasons of choosing topic:

Nowadays with the trend of development and economic integration between the countries in the region and the world, the use of English in communication has become extremely popular and important. In recent years English has been taught in most schools as an elective subject. Yet, it is the basis, the premise for children to learn these subjects well in secondary school and higher levels.We want the primary  students to be good at English, each teacher not only impart, explained according to the documents available in textbooks, in the manual and the design of a lecture We make students learn passively. With such teaching, the learning of students will take place very monotonous, boring and the learning results will be limited. It is one of the causes obstructing their training into the dynamic, confident, creative people which willing to adapt to the new change on a daily occurrence.

Language acquisition for primary school learners is an important step in becoming effective students and communicators. Educaters cannot offord to oversee the significance of acquired and used by primary students if teachers include games and play in their teaching .

Through games,teachers can enhance motivation and stimulate further interest. Also, using appropriate games , teachers can help students build self- esteem and self- confidence , such important elements when dealing with second language learning .Children are said to be natural learners of a foreign language because they can learn it quickly and easily . But for teachers who have taught children this is not completely true : children are able to pick up language quickly; however they are likely to forget it quickly , too.The reason for this could be that a young child faces and has lots of new things and experiences each day .A child is thought to operate pragmatically: she or he only remembers the important things . When a child gets to live in a foreign community she or he needs to learn the languge quickly for communicating and making friends .

Games can focus on various skills , grammar, listening , speaking, writing,reading, pronunciation, so they can be extremly complex. Games also help the teachers to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. 

In recent years, the requirements of today’s education requires to change the teaching methods at all levels of education, to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Therefore, in general in English and English in primary school in particular should have a stronger innovation, promote positive, creative initiative of students, student-centered. So the teacher has to make attraction to learning for children by attracting them to participate in learning activities.

 Learning game is an activity that interests children most. The game has the rich content, using interesting and rewarding language suitable with their awareness. Through the game they will comprehend the knowledge and ability to use language to communicate easily, consolidate, deepen knowledge in a firm manner, giving them the passion, excitement in learning as well as in  working.

When we give the game in English class regularly, then surely scientific quality in English teaching will more improve. Because of these reasons  I chose the subject innovative experience “Using some games in teaching English in grade  3”.

1.2 The  purpose of the topic:

          To contribute to innovating English teaching methods in primary schools following the direction of promoting a positive, creative initiative of students, enhance individual coordinate activities with academic exchanges. Formating and drilling skills to apply knowledge to perform the communicative  process.Create interest in learning English for students. To insert games in learning  not only helps students comprehend knowledge, word, but also help them strengthen and deepen knowledge further. The more variety we can introduce into teaching, the more likely we are to meet the needs of all the different learners. What is more, as children need to be motivated, exciting and relevant classroom exercises appear to be necessity if real understanding and acquisition is to take place. For games are activities with rules, a goal to achieve, and an element of fun; they seem to be challenging and interesting enough to keep the young students occupied and eager to complete the task. The majority of activities, which are found in resourceful materials for teachers, are based on the belief that the games children enjoy and are interested in playing outside the classroom can be adapted and exploited for use in the English language classes. Furthermore, as they use English for real purposes, they make the children play and learn at the same time. Moreover, games help to create a context in which children’s attention is focused on the completion of a task without realising that language items are being practised. As a result, language learning takes place in a context that children can directly relate to. However, it is always necessary to keep in mind the interests and needs of the learners. Games can provide a valuable learning experience in which the children practise and revise language only if they are carefully chosen, according to students’ styles of learning.

On the other hand, it is noteworthy that games like any other activity or tool can be overused when exploited too much so that the motivating element disappears rapidly.

1.3 The object of the topic:   

    Students in grade 3 at  Thi Tran Primary School .Choose  class 3A and 3B  with 75 students                                                                                                               

 1.4  Researching methods of the subject :                                                                                  To research a topic, people often choose many different methods. With this topic, I use the following meth                                                                                    1 / Theoretical research method  :I read the conducting material issues related to my research needs. 

  1. Learning experience from my colleagues                                                        Attend the colleagues’ lesson to follow their good method.                                   3. Experimental matching method.                                                                        4. Observation method.                           

2.1  The theoretical basis of the subject:

We can say: playing is a necessity for students in primary school, it is as important as eating, sleeping, studying in their lives. Therefore, they are always find the ways to spend time and in any condition playing. When they join the games they will try the best voluntarily and proactively. At that time they express their feelings very clear, They feel happy with victory and sad with failure. 

Glad to see the team to complete the task, they personally do not feel guilty when good is his duty. Because of a collective they overcome difficulties and try their best to bring victory to the team, including their group. This characteristic is very high emulation of the game. So when joined the game,students often use their best effort, focus attention, intelligence and their creativity.

Learning games is the game that its laws includes rules associated with the knowledge and skills have been in learning activities, close to the lesson content, which helps students to explore their own experience to play . Through playing students are applied the knowledge and learned skills in the situation of the games and therefore students do a practice to consolidate and expand knowledge and skills learned. Thus in the learning games, learning skills of English are included in the games.

Learning game changes forms of children’s activities, help students acquire knowledge in a positive voluntary way. It helps students to practice and consolidate knowledge and develop experience through playing activities.

Learning games train skills, promote intellectual activity, Thank to using learning games the teaching process to become a fun activity and more attractive, learning opportunities more varied.

The learning game is not only the means but also the methods of education.

So I have used the method “Using some  games in teaching English in grade 3” in the teaching process in the past year.

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