SKKN Using video, music to excite and reinforce knowledge in learning English in grade 3

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 3
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Lượt xem: 425
Lượt tải: 7
Số trang: 31
Tác giả: Trần Thị Tuyết
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Huỳnh Văn Nghệ
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 31
Tác giả: Trần Thị Tuyết
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu học Huỳnh Văn Nghệ
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Using video, music to excite and reinforce knowledge in learning English in grade 3” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

To promote the use of best video combinations and flexibility needed to use some of the following basic methods:
– Method entire physical responses (Total Physical Response – TPR) helps students with a comprehensive response based movements the link between language and natural action, this approach helps students to think and remember longer.
– Method functionality (Functional Approach – FA) emphasizes the ability to use language in the sample sentences in context, specific situations and appropriate.
– Methods of communication: considered the language used in the classroom have to be notified to exchange ideas and feelings between teachers – students and students with students.
– Methods hear – say (Audio – lingual Approach – ALA) emphasizes the ability pronunciation .

Mô tả sản phẩm

Part I: Opening topic

  1. Reason base:

           Nowadays, education has been positively changed to meet the needs of an open economy policy. Primary education plays an important role in laying the groundwork for developing personality of students. Teaching English in primary school as well as other disciplines provides much initial knowledge, awareness of the English. Therefore, improving the quality of education in general and quality of the subject English in particular is one of the problems which is concerned. And it is especially important for students who are in elementary – beginners access to foreign language.

Teaching English in primary schools helps children improve the capacity of using  English simple words. The basic English skills helps students develop their thought as well as give them new ideas. Moreover, the students have many chances to get emotional health and form the good qualities by themselves .

I do not know how to help students have a rich vocabulary as well as create their passion for English courses? That’s a question which I always pose after each lesson. That is why I have been searching, reading and testing new ways to contribute to innovative methods of learning English in primary school. As a result, We can enhance the coordination of individual activities with academic exchanges. 

 Learning vocabulary methods through pictures, music let the students 

learn- play, play- fun during their lessons, it can make them be able to remember and practice what they have learnt effectively. Moreover, the songs can help children improve their listening skills and pronunciation, besides that it also helps them improve their speaking skills. The songs are considered as a useful tool in learning vocabularies, sentence structures. And perhaps the biggest benefit of using songs to teach is that brings joy to children. The fun is an important part of learning a new language, the songs makes school become more interesting. 

          Researchers believe that music potentially profound mark on our brains, “the song can affect both the short and long term memory”, “you can’t touch music, music can touch you”.

         For the above reasons, I have decided to choose the topic:”Using video, music to excite and reinforce knowledge in learning English in grade 3.”

  1. Researching purposes:

Using videotapes, music lessons helps English classes to become more interesting, effective. In addition, It does not put pressure and tension on our students. Otherwise, It gives the student so much excitement and enthusiastic in every lesson. As a result it promotes children’s creative ability. Therefore, the students not only have a  plenty of vocabularies but also be able to make different sentences. 

  1. Research subjects:

– Students in grade 3 in ….. primary school. 

  1. Method of research:

In this topic, I used the following methodology:

– Theoretical research methods.

– Investigation, observation method.

– Experimental teaching methods. 

– Method of summarizing lessons learned. 

Part II:The content experience initiatives

2.1. Theoretical bases of experiences initiatives

      The teacher’s task is to find out the best ways to organize activities which are in the textbook so that  the students can get basic knowledge in their grade. The new mothods have shown that the role of teachers is largely controlled, leads students in active learning activities and actively in class (teacher is the instructor and academic institutions). The teacher have to make students interested in learning and become fond of their lessons. This is not a new problem, but not easy to implement. How do students love English courses? How English became the subject be respected students like other subjects, is the problem posed to each teacher every school. Therefore in the framework of this initiative experience I raise the issue and initially proposed measures to improve the quality of English lessons and help students enjoying this course.

My research project is based on the golden rules when teaching English for children in primary schools such as:

–  Play more than teach.

It is said it is  the method of “teaching without teaching”. While the teacher is in the class, They don’t have to follow their teaching plans that they have prepared. The teachers are free to organize plentiful and effective activities during their lessons. These activities are mostly controlled by students. While they are in the games, Their teacher is considered as an advisor . 

Students need images than theory.

The activities used by pictures, games, music, painting, theater …That helps children use English with a natural way. The various ones will bring them the best way to self study. Additionally, their own style is the foundation of quality and effectiveness of learning English for children.

Listening, speaking more than writing:

By listening to the video images are the songs, chants or even films, help the studennts to imitate the pronunciation, intonation standards. Speaking skills are easy to learn and imitate in learning foreign languages. And when it is, the children has gradually built up confidence sentiment in using English. In addition, focusing on speaking skills they also need to correct pronunciation. This depends greatly on teachers, teachers help children correct pronunciation easy. One drawback to teaching English for children cannot pronounce correctly, this program is to strengthen the pronunciation through tapes, television, music…

Learning more specific curriculum:

The use of high-tech devices such as music players, phones, TV or computer and the included software will help accelerate the capture language. 

Imitating than grammar.

Imitation will help students a lots in developing the child’s pronunciation. Students close to the natives.

More fun for points.

Typically, in our country after each lesson  parents often ask them “how many points you have today ” more than asking them “how do you feel at school”. Because of this, children have to pay attention to get a high score without playing funnily .    

Need to combine with their parents  at home :

Parents should create an environment for children in the English language. The loving of parents helps children learning English to learn well and make emotional return home sticking. Planning a method for children learn English correctly and help children to learn more effectively. Nowadays, information technology is developing so parents can guide their children learning English at home by taking part in online courses, or watching programs on TV or youtube … Besides, their parents regularly exchange with their teacher so that they can achieve the best results.

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