SKKN Vận dụng một số kỹ thuật dạy học mới nhằm phát huy tính tích cực học tập của học sinh vào dạy tiết: getting started, listen and read unit 10: Recycling – English 8

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Môn: Tiếng anh
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Số trang: 26
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Thanh Tuyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Chu Văn An
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang: 26
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Thanh Tuyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Chu Văn An
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “Tìm các câu thành ngữ, tục ngữ, ca dao và viết vào vở hoặc bảng nhóm theo mẫu” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

3. Solutions used to solve the problem
3.1. Select the content
3.2. Develop content for implementation of active teaching techniques
3.3. Methodology
3.4. Specific application
3.5. Apply techniques: “table cloth” , “mind map” to teach the lesson
SKKN Vận dụng một số kỹ thuật dạy học mới nhằm phát huy tính tích cực học tập của học sinh vào dạy tiết: getting started, listen and read unit 10: Recycling – English 8


Mô tả sản phẩm


  1. Reasons to choose the study:

The school year ………is the one continued active implementation of the Action Program for the implementation of  Central Resolution No.29 on November 4, 2013, the 8th Plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee and its documents. The assembly XII on fundamental renewal, comprehensive education and training confirming the new humanity philosophy of the national education system is “teaching people, teaching words and vocational training”. Continuing to strongly renovate teaching and learning methods in order to bring into full play their active, active and creative pupils; enhance practical skills, apply knowledge and skills in solving practical problems; diversify learning forms, focusing on creative experiential activities and scientific research of students and promoting the application of information and communication technology in teaching and learning.

In order to do that, the teacher must incorporate a variety of teaching methods, in which collaborative teaching methods are of particular interest. One of  the methods  has been mentioned for many years and used in various forms is group discussions, and there are now more group teaching techniques more advanced than group activities. The level of simplicity is: the technique of “table cloth”, “mind map” “pieces” … not only in the teacher’s book but in the regularly studying document and then in the teaching methodology innovation materials. At secondary schools, it is focused as the main teaching method today.

Implementing the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training, and the Department of Education and Training of  Thanh Hoa, being aware of the importance of teaching method innovation, following the direction of Nga Son district’s education department, the head of Nga Tan Secondary School has been encouraging and motivating teachers to actively innovate teaching methods, flexible use of teaching methods at teaching hours in class to achieve the best results for learners. Teaching in a new way will enable students to work, to express their opinions and to express their ideas in a bold way, that is, we are successfully implementing teaching methods. By teaching experience and learning process, I would like to give a little experience: “Apply some new teaching techniques to promote the positiveness of students in studying English 8”


  1. Purpose of the study:

 Applying some active teaching techniques in teaching English to promote creativity in learning and improving the quality of teaching and learning for students in grade 8 of Nga Tan Secondary School.

  1. Object of the study:

“Active teaching methods” in teaching English in grade 8 of Nga Tan Secondary School.

  1. Research methodology:

 To study this topic, I conducted the following research methods: theoretical study group: read and analyze, systematize and generalize the material related to the topic. Group research methodology, observation method: I watch, actively observe the teaching and learning English of the students of Nga Tan secondary school. Interviewing and chatting methods: I talked with my colleagues and students to find out about the current situations of teaching and learning in Nga Tan Secondary School. Method of experience summation: Exchange experience with teachers, colleagues. Experimental method: Conducted by a defined process that compares two methods: traditional and positive teaching methods.


  2. Theoretical background of the experience initiative:
  3. 1. What is the technical concept of active teaching?

Positive teaching method (active teaching method) is a shortened term, used to refer to teaching methods in order to promote the positiveness, activeness and creativeness of learners. Teaching method actively aims at activating learners’ cognitive activity, is focusing on promoting the positive of learners rather than focusing on the positive of the learner. However, in order to teach in a positive way, teachers have to make more efforts than passive teaching.

Positive teaching techniques are teaching techniques that are of special significance in promoting active participation of students in the teaching process, stimulating thinking, creativity and working collaboration. The positive teaching techniques presented here are applied favorably in teamwork. However, they can also be combined in the form of classroom instruction to promote student motivation, depended on the application of each teacher. These techniques are also referred to as methods.

1.2. The meaning of using “Active Teaching Techniques” in Teaching English 8.

Organizing this activity is an exchange of ideas about a problem between students and teachers, students and students so it has meaning on both sides:

– For students:

 + Developing positive thought, active participation in learning activities, self-discovery and knowledge acquisition, training skills, building the right attitude and behavior.

 + Strongly presenting and defending personal opinions; actively discussing, debating, asking questions for one’s self.

+ Developing their speaking, communication, debating, and fostering of research methods as well as methods of reading.

+ Through discussion, students can change personal views for reasons on the basis of student information events in the classroom.

– On the teacher side:

+ The process of discussion under the guidance of the teacher also creates a two-way relationship between the teacher and students, helps both students, and teachers understand the effect of education in terms of awareness, attitudes, and point of students’ behavior trend.

– Creation of teaching methods helps promote students’ proactive, positive and self-studying.

 In the course of teaching, there is a positive relationship between teachers and students, between students and students; It conducts through the organization of student learning activities, combines individual learning with collaborative learning, teamwork.

– Focus on the training of skills, capacity for action, use of knowledge, reinforcement of practice, and attachment of lesson contents to real life.

– Designing and guiding students to carry out learning activities in a variety of forms, rich, attractive, appropriate to the characteristics of the unit, with characteristics and level of students with specific conditions of class, school and locality. 

  1. Situation of the problem before applying the study 
  2. 1. Advantages of the study:

Nga Tan Secondary School is one of the schools with a large staff of teachers. There are 35 staff members in the whole school, of which 3 teachers are in English. The school administrators and their professional groups always pay close attention to the expertise of each comrade, organize the examination and assessment, and draw lessons for teaching.

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