SKKN Designing Culture/ClIl lessons in textbook English 10 Global Success in the form of games to stimulate and promote cultural knowledge for 10th graders

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Môn: Tiếng Anh
Lớp: 10
Bộ sách: Global Success
Lượt xem: 513
Lượt tải: 0
Số trang:
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thanh Nhàn
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Nghi Lộc
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang:
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Thanh Nhàn
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Nghi Lộc
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “Designing Culture/ClIl lessons in textbook English 10 Global Success in the form of games to stimulate and promote cultural knowledge for 10th graders”triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:


Mô tả sản phẩm



.1. Rationale

As society develops, the need to learn foreign languages is increasing. The fact

that the Ministry of Education and Training stipulates that English is a compulsory

subject from grade 3 to grade 12 in the new general education program (issued

together with Circular No. 32/2018 / TT- BGĐT dated December 26, 2018, of the

Minister of Education and Training) is the clearest evidence affirming that English

is an indispensable medium in the context of globalization and international

integration in many fields. In recent years, teaching and learning English in high

schools has been much more focused when English is a compulsory subject in

national high school exams for most candidates and the percentage of candidates

applying for university admission related to English is increasing. Therefore,

improving the effectiveness of teaching and learning is an urgent need not only for

learners but also for those who are directly teaching English.

As part of the textbook innovation project in the new high school program, this

year is the first year we have applied Global Success’s new English 10 books, after

each lesson there is a lesson on culture and communication / Clil is very good and

practical, the lesson is an opportunity for students to learn and develop more

understanding of culture between regions. and the territories of different countries.

In addition, if culture is integrated with the study of languages, learners can derive

long-term benefits from their language learning experience. Therefore, learning

culture can give impetus to language learning. Moreover, learners who acquire

certain cultural knowledge can grasp information more fully and develop a more

positive attitude towards other cultures. They not only gain knowledge of other

cultures, but also increase their understanding of their own cultures. Therefore,

culture needs to be applied to the teaching of language and skills so that learners can

know how to speak and write in culturally appropriate ways. Besides, Vietnam has

a long-standing traditional culture with outstanding customs and practices and

characteristics of a country in the East. Many Vietnamese conceptions of life,

people, love, happiness, and dress are sometimes a bit traditional and not as liberal

and open as people in many Western countries. That’s why culture shock seems to

be a common manifestation when moving to a new country. Therefore, culture needs

to be at the heart of language teaching, so that students can fully communicate in

real-life situations.




For that reason, to make the culture lesson more interesting, I have designed a

few fun game activities that both increase their interest in the subject, and to test the

background knowledge learned and stimulate curiosity about culture. Through the

measure “Designing Culture/ClIl lessons in textbook English 10 Global Success

in the form of games to stimulate and promote cultural knowledge for 10th

graders”, I hope to receive a lot of positive feedback as well as spread to my

colleagues, to help improve the overall goal of education in all parts of the country.


.2. Objectives of the research

The objectives of designing culture/CLIL (Content and Language Integrated

Learning) lessons in textbook English 10 Global Success in the form of games to

stimulate and promote cultural knowledge for 10th graders are:

To enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of different cultures and

their values.

To improve students’ language skills in English, particularly in the areas of

vocabulary, grammar, and communication.

To engage students in interactive and fun learning experiences that stimulate

their curiosity and motivation to learn.

To promote critical thinking skills by challenging students to analyze and

evaluate cultural differences and similarities.

To foster collaborative learning and social interaction among students

through group work and discussion.

To provide students with authentic and meaningful learning experiences that

relate to their lives and the world around them.

To encourage students to become responsible and respectful global citizens

who appreciate cultural diversity and can communicate effectively across cultures.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the games based CLIL approach in promoting

cultural knowledge and language learning outcomes.

To design activities in the culture and communication section in the form of

games or gameshows.

To survey and evaluate students’ attitudes and progress through the activities





.3. Scope of study

The scopes of the research designing Culture/CLIL lessons in textbook English

0 Global Success in the form of games to stimulate and promote cultural


knowledge for 10th graders are:

To review and analyze the existing literature on the CLIL approach and its

effectiveness in promoting cultural knowledge and language learning outcomes.

To identify the cultural topics and language skills that should be incorporated

into the CLIL lessons for 10th graders.

To design and develop games based CLIL lessons that are engaging,

interactive, and effective in promoting cultural knowledge and language learning


To pilot test the games based CLIL lessons with a sample of 10th graders and

gather feedback on the effectiveness of the lessons.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the games based CLIL approach in promoting

cultural knowledge and language learning outcomes compared to traditional

classroom teaching methods.

To identify the challenges and limitations of implementing the games based

CLIL approach and provide recommendations for future implementation.

To contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the CLIL approach and

its potential to promote cultural knowledge and language learning outcomes among

0th graders.

To provide practical implications for teachers and curriculum designers in


designing effective CLIL lessons that promote cultural knowledge and language

learning outcomes.


.4. Research Methodology

The research methodology for designing Culture/CLIL lessons in textbook

English 10 Global Success in the form of games to stimulate and promote cultural

knowledge for 10th graders includes the following steps:

Literature review: A review of existing literature on the CLIL approach,

games-based learning, and cultural knowledge and language learning outcomes will

be conducted to identify best practices and effective strategies.

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Tiếng Anh


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Tiếng Anh


Tiếng Anh


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