SKKN Organizing games in teaching speaking lessons of English 10

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 10
Bộ sách:
Lượt xem: 962
Lượt tải: 10
Số trang: 18
Tác giả: Trần Thị Bích
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Đô Lương 4
Năm viết: 2019-2020
Số trang: 18
Tác giả: Trần Thị Bích
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Đô Lương 4
Năm viết: 2019-2020

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Organizing games in teaching speaking lessons of English 10” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. Game “ Nought and Cross ”
2. Game “ Lucky numbers / stars ”
3. Game “ Shark attack ”
4. Game “ Magical Wheel / Hat ”
5. Role play game

Mô tả sản phẩm



I. Reasons for choosing the theme 2
1. Basis of theory 2
2. Basis of practice 3
II. Aims of the research 4
III. Objects of the research 5
IV. Methods of the research 5
I. Definition of Game 5
II. Effectiveness of games in speaking lessons 5
III. Games and the ways to organize them in speaking lessons of English 10 6
1. Game “ Nought and Cross ” 6
2. Game “ Lucky numbers / stars ”  8
3. Game “ Shark attack ” 9
4. Game “ Magical Wheel / Hat ” 11
5. Role play game 12



  2. Basis of theory :

It is undeniable that the more the world’s economy develops, the wider the cultural, political and social exchanges become. So as to integrate into the world as well as extend international relationship with other countries in various fields, especially to access to the latest scientific achievements, mastering English has been of great vitality. It has been considered the core subject in the syllabus of our country’s education system.

At present, there has been considerable reform in English curriculum at secondary level. Not only is it renovated in content and appearance but also in teaching method. Teaching foreign languages in general and English in particular no longer focuses students on studying the language system but helps them know how to use it as a means of communication. That means to improve students’ communicative ability which is expressed by two productive skills : speaking and writing.

Of the two skills mentioned above, speaking is considered a more difficult task for a large number of learners. Not only does it require vast knowledge about the topics they would like to talk but also a great deal of  vocabulary and grammatical structures to express what they mean. In addition, to acquire a perfect communicative competence, it is essential that learners should have a thorough grasp of suitable structures applied flexibly in diversified contexts.

The fact is that the prior interest of  both teachers and students is how to effectively teach and study English so as to improve their ability of communication in English. Experiencing a rather long period of teaching English at Upper – secondary level, I have realized that students possibly do grammatical exercises quite well, however, hardly do they speak a sentence with correct grammatical rules, regardless say it in appropriate situations or not. It is open to question that how teacher manage to guide students to practise and apply their speaking skill efficiently.

In recent years, teaching and studying English with communicative approach has become widespread. Its objective is to develop students’ activeness, creativeness and initiative to enable them to accomplish their communicative skill. As a result, students have been getting more and more flexible and active in the lectures and so have appeared the learner centered classes. In order to achieve great success in teaching speaking skill, it is vital that learners should be motivated. It is Games that are regarded as efficient motivation and environment of communication. Undoubtedly, teachers probably avoid dull lessons as well as making students more excited and interested by applying games in practising speaking skill.

It is the reasons mentioned above that have been encouraging me to choose the theme : “ Organizing Games in teaching speaking lessons of English 10  ”.

  1. Basis of practice :

As can be seen, English is a rather difficult subject to students particularly the rural ones. Among four language skills, speaking is considered the most challenging task for both teachers and learners.

From the matter of fact, during most of speaking lessons, if teachers apply the out of date teaching method – teachers only read or give illustrations and students’ work is either copying or imitating, there will be only a small  number of  students branstorming and working actively, the rests will passively listen regardless understand the meaning, purposes and usages of structures and communicative situations given. Hence, this results in low teaching quality and few students with flying colours. To make it worse, students increasingly lose their interest in practising speaking skill and fail to upgrade their communicative abilities.

To get a better view of the fact of teaching and learning English speaking skill, I have carried out a survey on Grade 10 students of  three   classes ( 10A5, 10A6, 10A7 ) of my school by 5 questions relating to learning speaking skill and using games in teaching it. The questionnaire is as follow :


ANSWERS Percentage (%)
1. Enjoy learning English 62
2. Consider speaking skill the most important 83
3. Enjoy speaking skill 22
4. Enjoy playing games in speaking lessons 90
5. Get excited when playing games in speaking lessons 95


The result of the survey indicates that over 60% of students are interested in learning English. Although over 80% of students appreciate the importance of speaking skill,  only 22% are fond of  it. On the other hand, most of them (90%) enjoy playing games in speaking lessons and the number of students that get excited and stimulated by games organized in speaking lessons is up to 95%.

It can be concluded that organizing games in speaking lessons is certainly effective in teaching speaking skill.

It is known that applying games in teaching brings about a great number of benefits. Not only do they creat excitement and relaxation after stressful hours of studying but they also change the atmosphere of the class and make the lessons more attractive.


 As an English teacher with over ten years’ experience, I have continuously been wondering and researching for the techniques to better the quality of teaching English. Knowing that the students’ psychophysiology is doing what they fancy, enjoying new things, putting their noses on  pleasures rather than studying, I have been trying my best to offer them lectures  in which they can work for both study and relaxation . This method brings them the sense of joy and easiness when they learn English lessons in general and speaking lessons in particular through several games. In order to creat motivation and situations in which students are encouraged to speak, I have been getting the best out of the popular games not only to draw students’ attention but also enable them to actively take part in speaking activities.

Through my years’ time of teaching English as well as exchanging,  referring to related materials and drawing experiences after each lecture, I myself have found a suitable technique of teaching speaking skill for students in Grade 10 ( the first year of secondary level as well as the background for developing speaking skill in the next grades ). This technique has not only enabled me to lull most of students to take part in speaking lessons actively, enthusiatically and creatively but also creat an exciting atmosphere, raise students’s love for speaking English and help them increasingly upgrade their

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