SKKN Applying Quizizz in Lessons and its Effects on EFL Grade 11 Students’ Motivation and Participation

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 11
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Lượt tải: 8
Số trang: 62
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Diễn Châu 4
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 62
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Huyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Diễn Châu 4
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Applying Quizizz in Lessons and its Effects on EFL Grade 11 Students’ Motivation and Participation”:

Teachers they should regularly attend qualified courses and workshops which are beneficial for teaching English methodologies.Teachers should also learn how to use some basic technical skills, including designing PowerPoints, using google forms or learn advance technical skills such as making the videos, using Teams, Kahoot, Quizziz in online teaching and learning.

Mô tả sản phẩm



The development of science and technology is dispensable to the world of education. One of the most crucial factors that is affected is the Web-App used in the learning process. The purpose of this experience is to reveal several positive effects of Quizgame namely Quizizz to students’ learning process. These effects include level of  students’ active participation and motivation. 

Engaging students’ involvement in learning process is one of potentially decisive factors which leads successful lessons and plays an integral part in achievement in all of levels ranging primary schools to higher education. Students’ engagement brings them tremendous opportunities to acquire knowledge from their mentors as well as their partners. It is teachers’ observation about students’ participation, teachers can have a more accurate idea that what is the understanding level of students about the concept being taught (Maznevski 1996).  

Educators and scholars including Hashim, Yunus & Hashim, (2019) have recognized the significance of motivation in the learning process and Iaremenko (2017) claimed that motivation is accorded as one of the most powerful catalysts in ESL learning, in other words motivation is one of the key factors driving language learning success. Motivated learners are regularly willing to work hard, add their own goals to those of the classroom, focus their attention on the tasks at hand, persevere through challenges, do not need continuous encouragement, and may even stimulate others in the classrooms, promoting collaborative learning..  

I have been teaching English at a high school for more than fourteen years and have been applying several updated methodologies in my various classes recently including MI-based lessons and mindmaps etc. These methodologies are very useful in attracting students’ attention in learning process, however, they are not integrated engagement and motivation. After a long time to try applying various ways in a wide range of classes, I explore one thing interesting that cannot only encourage students to participate in more actively but also motivate them is Quizizz App. It is the reason why I have attempted to write this experience. I would like to share my minor ideas about Quizizz App’s advantages for students’ participation and motivation in my classes.  


Using Quizizz in teaching and learning process has attracted the great interest of numerous educators as well as lectures and teachers on the worldwide scale However, at Vietnam’s state schools, the exploitation of potential of Quizizz in lessons seem to not be highly appreciated, particular schools in mountainous and remote areas like in my location. Up to present, Quizizz seems to be one of the most effective solutions for learners’ engagement and motivation. The activities gamified with Quizizz application regularly have a more positive impact on academic achievement and student engagement when compared to the other groups.  

At the modern time, children both learn differently (Prensky, 2014) and prefer to learn the information that is useful, fun and relevant (Jukes & Dosaj, 2004). The requirement to know how this generation can learn better and what their preferred learning styles are (Arabaci & Polat, 2013) has emerged as a new educational issue (Campell, 2016). The education faced new challenges and lessons had to be redesigned based on the needs, preferences and orientations of digital natives in order to be successful in the 21st century (Prensky, 2001).  

Demirtaş & Kahveci, (2010) claimed that the approach which instructional activities designed based on student needs increased the success in education introduced the need for new methothology. According to (Lee & Hammer, 2011 and Kumar & Khurana, 2012), the lack of student motivation to learn and student engagement in the instructional environment became a fundamental problem in modern education as a result of the digital revolution. This difficulty cannot be solved by traditional ways and the motivation and engagement in learning cannot be achieved. Quizizz application, one kind of gamifications could be effective on the improvement of learners’ motivation and engagement, should be introduced to the education system as a new approach.  

In education, Quizizz application is a way of playing creative games with a wide range interesting lessons in classroom. In an educational setting, Quizizz application supports the individuals to acquire the potential to develop critical thinking and multi-tasking, while training successful 21st century digital natives. This application makes learning more entertaining, increasing the motivation of the students to learn and students acquire knowledge as well as lessons subconsciously. Particularly, instant feedback capability of Quizizz using game elements such as scores, badges, rankings and rewards in Quizizz leads to student engagement in learning environment and enforces their behavior to reach their target.  


With the aim of discovering the effect of Quizizz games on EFL learners’ involvement and motivation , a survey was conducted to collect the needed data from the learners. Forty four students of a high school in Nghe An province were involved in this study. 


The main methodology which was used in the project was experimental. One class of high school students, in Thanh Chuong district was involved in the study. 

The study is intended to measure students’ active involvement, motivation  as well as to see benefits of Quizizz games with learners’ participation and motivation.  




1. The definitions 

1.1 Definitions of participation 

In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, participation is defined is that the act of taking part in an activity or event, for example a show with lots of audience participation  (p.1107). 

Sartika Andi Patau (2018) claimed that classroom participation requires to students interact in the classroom to indicate  that  they  are  learning  and  paying attention. Beside that it also emphasis students attention to the teacher and peers to make sure they  understand  their questions  or opinions so that they can express their thoughts and feeling to make sure their activity participation in the classroom  and  also  in  the  lessons. 

1.2 Definitions of motivation 

According to Hamid Tohidi and Mohammad Meddi (2011), motivation is powering people to achieve high levels of performance and overcoming barriers in order to change. 

Definitions of motivation were gleaned from a variety of psychology textbooks and reflect the general consensus that motivation is an internal state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire, or want) that serves to activate or energize behavior and give it direction (Kleinginna and Kleinginna, 1981a). 

1.3 Definitions of Quizizz 

Quizziz is an online assessment tool that allows to teachers and students to create and use another’s quizzes online by typing codes of the quizzes. With this online platform we can design the quizzes with music, pictures or video, many kinds of questions. 

Quizizz is an Indian creativity software company headquartered in India, that creates and sells a gamified student engagement platform. The software is used in class, group assignments, pre-test review, formative assessments and pop quizzes. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). 

2. Literature Review of Related Studies 

In recent years, teachers, educators as well as scholars have been fully aware of the importance of motivation in the learning process. According to Iaremenko (2017), motivation is considered as one of the most powerful catalysts in ESL learning. There are two types of human motivation including intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Iaremenko (2017) also mentioned that intrinsic motivation is longlasting and self-sustaining, and it is personally driven by enjoyment, positive feelings, or interest. However, extrinsic motivation is driven by external factors such as rewards, prizes, praise  and compliments. In the fact, there are not many students who possess intrinsic motivation, therefore, teachers should design the activities encouraging students’ extrinsic motivation and game-based lessons are one of effective methods to enhance learners’ motivation and participation. 

2.1 The Role of Technology and Games in Education 

Papadakis (2019) believed that as a part of the educational use of ICT, digital games can be learning tools, motivators and generators of curiosity and as a result an effective means of optimising student learning and performance in daily educational practice. The positive relationship between learning and students’ engagement while using digital games has been confirmed by various independent studies over the years. 

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