SKKN Develop digital competencies and self-practice of vocabulary and English grammar for10 graders through building data source on Quizziz, Kahoot…

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Môn: Tiếng Anh
Lớp: 10
Bộ sách: Global Success
Lượt xem: 543
Lượt tải: 9
Số trang:
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Hạnh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Đô Lương 1
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang:
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Hạnh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Đô Lương 1
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “Develop digital competencies and self-practice of vocabulary and English grammar for 10 graders through building data source on Quizziz, Kahoot…”triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:


Mô tả sản phẩm



.1. Rationale

In today’s world, technology is becoming increasingly integrated into our

daily lives. As such, it is important for students to develop the necessary digital

competencies to navigate this technology effectively. Furthermore, in order to

succeed in the globalized world of today, students must have strong language skills,

particularly in English, which has become the international language of

communication. Therefore, the topic of developing digital competencies and self-

practice of vocabulary and English grammar for 10th graders through building data

sources on Quizizz, Kahoot, and other similar platforms is particularly relevant.

One reason for choosing this topic is that Quizizz, Kahoot, and other similar

platforms offer a fun and engaging way to learn and practice language skills. By

using gamification techniques to make learning more interactive and enjoyable,

these platforms can increase student engagement and motivation. Additionally,

building data sources on these platforms can help teachers and students track

progress and identify areas where students may need additional practice. This can

make language learning more personalized and effective.

Another reason for choosing this topic is that Quizizz, Kahoot, and other

similar platforms can help students develop self-directed learning skills. By

practicing at their own pace and receiving immediate feedback on their progress,

students can take ownership of their learning and develop important self-directed

learning skills. Furthermore, building data sources on these platforms can help

students identify areas where they need to improve and set goals for themselves.

This can help students become more proactive in their learning and take

responsibility for their own success.

A third reason for choosing this topic is that Quizizz, Kahoot, and other

similar platforms offer flexibility and accessibility. These platforms can be

accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them particularly

useful for students who may not have access to traditional classroom resources. By

using these platforms, students can practice their language skills on their own time,

from anywhere in the world. This can help level the playing field and ensure that

all students have access to high-quality language learning resources.

In conclusion, the topic of developing digital competencies and self-practice

of vocabulary and English grammar for 10th graders through building data sources

on Quizizz, Kahoot, and other similar platforms is important in today’s world. By

using these platforms, students can develop important digital competencies while

also improving their language proficiency. Additionally, these platforms offer a

fun and engaging way to learn and practice language skills, help students develop

self-directed learning skills, and offer flexibility and accessibility for all students.

As such, this topic is an important area of study that can benefit both teachers and




students alike.Internet is perceived as the most favorable environment for self-

education, which enables pursuit of all the set objectives of the education process,

but most of all, it allows everyone to access the most recent knowledge in a fast,

easy and cheap way. As a result, the use of information communication technology

(ICT) in education has developed since the mid-20th century and is promoting

apps such as Quizziz, Kahoot,… as an alternative data source to facilitate student

self-learning. The combination of web-based games or mobile language learning

has aided teachers and students by making teaching and learning more effective.

This technological method not only raises students’ motivation and autonomy or

independence, it also allows students to self-assess based on the feedback provided

after immediate assessment. In Vietnam, the four most searched and used online

quizzes are Kahoot, Quizlet, live worksheet, and Quizizz for teaching and learning

vocabulary, particularly for the grammar. This online data source is believed to be

a highly effective tool to support students’ self-assessment, particularly when it

comes to learning grammar. Formative assessment plays an important role in the

continuous development of the language to develop its competences and skills, and

to continue to support them in this growth process. One of the most important

elements in formative assessment is self-assessment, which is an essential element

of efficient learning. It enables students to activate them as masters in their

learning process and develop the necessary skills for independent learning.

Based on the reasons above, I have decided to conduct a study on Develop

digital competencies and self-practice of vocabulary and English grammar for


0 graders through building data source on Quizziz, Kahoot…”


.2. Purposes and objectives of the study

The study on developing digital competencies and self-practice of vocabulary and

English grammar for 10 graders through building data sources on Quizizz, Kahoot,

and other similar platforms has several purposes and objectives.

Firstly, the study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using Quizizz, Kahoot,

and other similar platforms in developing students’ digital competencies while

practicing their English language skills. This involves examining how these

platforms can improve students’ engagement, motivation, and overall language


Secondly, the study seeks to explore the impact of self-directed learning on

students’ language development. By analyzing how students use these platforms to

practice their language skills and track their progress, the study aims to identify

how self-directed learning can enhance language learning outcomes.

Thirdly, the study aims to investigate the potential of building data sources on

these platforms for tracking student progress and identifying areas where students

may need additional support. This involves analyzing the data generated by these




platforms and how it can be used by teachers and students to guide language


Overall, the main objectives of the study are to:

Determine the effectiveness of Quizizz, Kahoot, and other similar platforms

in developing students’ digital competencies and language skills

Investigate the impact of self-directed learning on students’ language


Explore the potential of building data sources on these platforms for tracking

student progress and identifying areas where students may need additional


By achieving these objectives, the study aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts

to improve language education and support students’ development of digital



.3. Scope and research methodology

The scope of the study on developing digital competencies and self-practice of

vocabulary and English grammar for 10th graders through building data sources on

Quizizz, Kahoot, and other similar platforms is focused on the use of these

platforms in language learning among 10th grade students. The study aims to

investigate the effectiveness of these platforms in improving students’ language

proficiency and developing their digital competencies. The study will be conducted

in a specific school or schools, with 10th grade students as the target population.

The research methodology for this study will involve both quantitative and

qualitative research methods. The study will use a mixed-methods approach to

collect and analyze data. The quantitative data will be collected through surveys

and pre/post-tests to assess the effectiveness of using Quizizz, Kahoot, and other

similar platforms in developing students’ language skills. The surveys will be

administered to both teachers and students to gather information about their

perceptions and experiences with using these platforms in language learning. The

pre/post-tests will be used to assess the students’ language proficiency before and

after using these platforms.

The qualitative data will be collected through focus group discussions and

interviews with teachers and students. The focus group discussions will be used to

gather more in-depth information about the students’ experiences with using these

platforms in language learning, including their engagement and motivation levels,

their perceptions of the effectiveness of these platforms, and their experiences with

self-directed learning. The interviews with teachers will be used to gather more

information about their experiences with using these platforms in language

learning, including their perceptions of the effectiveness of these platforms and

their experiences with using data sources to track student progress.

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