SKKN Enhance students’ reading skill by using Liveworksheet to design interactive exercises for 10th graders

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 10
Bộ sách:
Lượt xem: 896
Lượt tải: 7
Số trang: 82
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Minh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Diễn Châu 4
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 82
Tác giả: Bùi Thị Minh
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Diễn Châu 4
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm SKKN Enhance students’ reading skill by using Liveworksheet to design interactive exercises for 10th graders triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

– Teacher asign the exercises to students by sending the LWS link to them
– Teacher checks the result of students in the mail box
– Teacher check the result individually to know what mistakes each student make in order to give students comments and ask them to revise the language knowledge

Mô tả sản phẩm


1. Rationale for the study 

The importance of English and reading skill in teaching and learning English at high school. It is true that English has become more and more popular in the modern society because of its important role. English is not only an international language but also a compulsory subject at school. Mastering English means that you will have a golden key to open opportunities in many fields. Learning English plays an important role in the modern society. It is said that English is the only language that is capable of connecting the whole world together. Vietnam has become one of the members of World Trade Organization (WTO). Therefore, the opportunities to WTO integration is gradually increasing and the person with fluent English skill will have more chances to study and work in an English speaking environment. Also, it is necessary for high school students to learn English and prepare well for the mid-term tests and final tests at school. It is very important to help students improve their results in the middle term and final term test to meet the direction of general educational program. From my teaching experience, I recognize that students find it difficult to do the reading part in the test. Therefore, supporting students to develop their reading skill is an objective of this study.  

The nececessary of applying ICT in teaching and learning English as the Covid 19 has spread widely in Vietnam. Technology is currently accepted in Vietnamese schools due  to Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020. Covid-19 pandemic from March 2020 has led to the blooming of technology in teaching and learning English in Vietnamese high schools. Therefore, it brings many opportunities for high school teachers and students to apply ICT in teaching and learning. There are many applications that can apply in education such as Zoom or Ms Teams, Quizlet for learning vocabulary, Quizizz for doing exercises, Wordwall for view previous knowledge, Google forms for online assessment, etc…, which are  favourable circumstances for these students. Liveworksheet is an useful tool for online learning because it helps students to interact with their exercises. Besides, teachers can design interactive exercises on Liveworksheet and assign them as homework for students. Interactive exercises will help students have the opportunity to do the mock test directly and know the results after finishing the exercises. Liveworksheet is considered as an effective tool for both online and offline learning.  

Help students to get familiar with the reading skill questions in Mock test and have the right directions with types of reading questions. The 10 Graders are new comers and they need to learn from scratch in order to get familiar with the reading 

skill questions designed in the Reading part of Mock test of  

Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and help students have the right directions to get acquainted with types of reading questions in the national GCSE examination. There are many difficulties for students to do the reading test effectively and most of 10th graders in Dien Chau 4 high School find it difficult to do the reading part in the test. It is the reason why adapting the reading skill in the textbook 10 is necessary for students to get familiar with reading questions. The study will help EFL teachers adapt reading tasks in the textbook English 10 in the orientation of the format of Mock Test and help students grade 10th get acquainted with types of  reading questions in Mock Test of MOET. The writer also wants to provide some reading strategies for reading questions to helps 10 graders learn reading skill effectively. 

For the above reasons, I decided to choose the topic “Enhance students’ reading skill by using Liveworksheet to design interactive exercises for 10th graders”

2. Aims and objectives of the study 

The aim of the study is to design different types of learning interactive activities using an online tool – Liveworksheet to support 10th form students’ English reading skill based on Reading part in Tieng Anh 10.  In order to reach the aim, the researcher sets the two objectives as follows: 

  1. To find out the influence of liveworksheet on 10th graders’ English  reading skill. 
  2. To explore 10th  graders’ attitudes towards the use of Liveworksheet in doing the reading mock test. 

3. Research questions 

The research seeks the answers to the following questions in particular: 

  1. How could liveworksheet enhance English reading skill of  tenth graders in “Tiếng Anh 10” (new textbook)? 
  2. What are students’ attitudes towards the use of liveworksheet to learn reading part in Textbook Tieng Anh 10? 

4. Subjects of the study 

  • The usage of liveworksheet to design interactive exercises for developing 10th form students’ reading skill. 
  • The process of using liveworksheets to help high school students do reading exercises better. 

5. Scope of the study 

  • Content: The study only focus on interactive activities for Cloze reading skill in order to support 10th form students’ learning reading more effectively. The material used is Reading skill in Tieng Anh 10, a combination between Pearson and Ministry of education and training.  
  • Revenue: The study was studied and conducted extensive pedagogical experiments at Dien Chau 4 high school from the 2021-2022 school year. 
  • Experimental time:  The duration for completing data and the projects is in the school year 2021 – 2022 

6. Research methods 

6.1. Theoretical research 

Theoretical research is an important way to find out the theoretical information which is useful for the study. The writer used study materials, scientific books, articles, publications  related to teaching reading topics, reading skill of students and application of ICT in teaching and learning English at high school. 

6.2 . Experimental method of pedagogy 

Experimental method of pedagogy has an vital role in doing research.  It helps the researcher develop criteria which evaluate the grade 10th students’ ability of doing the reading tests. After designing the content and teaching methods for teaching Cloze reading exercises  in English 10, I conducted the experiments at D i e n c h a u 4 high school to check the objectivity and practicality of the topic. Experimental results were assessed through the results of the questionnaire, survey and students’ marks . 

7. Significance of the study 

The research focus in using Liveworksheet to adapt Cloze reading section in the dirrection of Mock test to help students do the mid-term and final test better.  

Also, it helps teachers determine the level of applying Liveworksheet in the direction of designing interactive exercises for both online and offline classes. The study aims at applying Liveworksheet bases on Mock test to adapt the Reading Skill in textbook Tieng Anh 10 to motivate 10th graders students do the Cloze reading section in the test better.  

8. Structure of the study 

Besides the introduction, the conclusion, references and appendix, the content of the study presents 3 chapters as follows: 

Chapter 1:  Theoretical background  Chapter 2: Using Liveworksheet to design interactive reading exercises  Chapter 3: The result of the study   



This chapter will provide the information about different aspects of theoretical background of Cloze reading, Liveworksheet and process of designing interactive

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