SKKN Exploring the teaching of Communicative Grammar in Tieng Anh 10 Global Success through integrated skills to enhance students’ Language Use in Context

100.000 đ
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Lớp: 10
Bộ sách: Global Success
Lượt xem: 445
Lượt tải: 3
Số trang:
Tác giả: Trần Thị Thanh Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Quỳnh Lưu 2
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang:
Tác giả: Trần Thị Thanh Mai
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Quỳnh Lưu 2
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “Exploring the teaching of Communicative Grammar in Tieng Anh 10 Global Success through integrated skills to enhance students’ Language Use in Context”triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:


Mô tả sản phẩm


  1. Reasons for the study

English has now become a global language. Among hundreds of different

languages, the world chooses English as the medium for people to understand each

other. According to data from Wikipedia, 53 countries use English as an official

language. Event countries such as Olympic, global organizations, multinational

companies… also consider English as the language of communication.

Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a

multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad. It is

also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so

learning English is important for socializing and entertainment as well as work.

The new general educational program in subject of English follows the

regulations setting in general educational program of Ministry of Education and

Training. It focuses on setting objectives from which enables teachers to identify

requirements about learning outcomes. Afterward, from the outcomes they can

choose or suggest content of teaching.

As far as we are concerned, one of the key features of the current National

Curriculum was the introduction of Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation as an

independent subject within the English Programme of Study for Key Stage 2.

The Department of Education also brought in a statutory Spelling,

Punctuation and Grammar or SPaG test, which requires children to demonstrate

competence in this area during their KS2 SATs.

The government states: “Explicit knowledge of grammar is extremely

important, as it gives us more conscious control and choice in our language.”

It goes without saying that grammar is part and parcel of the language

thanks to which we can communicate messages precisely and accurately. However,

a lot of students find grammar an unattractive concept in itself and often associate

it with the tedious act of studying grammar rules and gap-filling generic sentences.

Furthermore, they are also indolent to try to memorize grammar rules and

structures exactly. If teachers always mechanically provide grammar knowledge

and ask students to learn by heart, they will forget what they acquire immediately.

As a result, they cannot apply grammar in real context. Consequently, grammar

lesson become depressing. The truth is that grammar can be taught and practiced in

fun and engaging ways. Besides, Speaking is actually an important skill in learning

a language. At EF English Live we think the most exciting part about learning a

new language is communicating – it is the real reason we fall in love with

languages in the first place – we want to have the ability to talk to anyone, from

anywhere in the world. When you have enough skills under your belt to open up

your mouth and chat to people, really using the language, it is genuinely exciting.

Talking to people in their own language is challenging too – trying to keep up with



the speed of the words, the new words and sentence structures you are not used to,

slang words and dialects –the challenge and excitement can be incredibly


Also due to the same requirement, in high school level, English is one of the

compulsory subjects and a graduation exam subject in high school. In the general

education program, learning English is built in the direction of communication.

Forming communication skills is the ultimate goal of the teaching process. To form

communication skills, the learning environment in general and the English practice

environment in particular play a very important role. Being learned and practiced

in a positive and favorable language environment will help students have good

conditions to practice and apply the knowledge they have learned as well as

increase their confidence when using English. From the above facts, we can

confirm that the renovation of English teaching grammar methods in general and

creating an environment for students to practice their own language is very

necessary, contributing to the implementation of educational goals and human

development in Vietnam in the period of industrialization, modernization of the

country and also contribute to improving the quality of human resources for the

country in the process of integrating into the world economy.

Stemming from the above reasons, I choose the topic: “Exploring the

teaching of Communicative Grammar in Tieng Anh 10 Global Success through

integrated skills to enhance students’ Language Use in Context”

  1. Aims of the study

To increase students’ creativity and activeness in learning grammar

To help students learn in free and flexible ways

To help students become more confident, empowered, motivated in other

curriculum areas.

To produce a dynamic and stimulating environment

To reduce students’ stress and pressure

To increase connections between the home and school

To help students feel more positive toward learning that reflects their own

culture and identity

To help grammar lesson become absorbing

To enhance student’s speaking skills

III. Methods of the study

Base on my personal teaching experience

Study a variety of documents and share experience with my colleagues

Carry out surveys and interviews among the 10th graders


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Tiếng Anh


Tiếng Anh


Tiếng Anh


Tiếng Anh


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