SKKN Teaching English during Covid-19: Using Web-based Quizizz Tool to encourage EFL 11th graders to do grammar exercises in language focus parts

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 11
Bộ sách:
Lượt xem: 502
Lượt tải: 4
Số trang: 56
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Diệp
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Quỳ Châu
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 56
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Diệp
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Quỳ Châu
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Teaching English during Covid-19: Using Web-based Quizizz Tool to encourage EFL 11th graders to do grammar exercises in language focus parts” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

– The step one is the pre-test conducted before the intervention to measure the students’ result of doing language focus exercises before using Web-based Quizizz Tool
– The step two is teaching 10 lessons
– The step three is the post-test, this test is similar to the pre-test, but conducted after the intervention
– The step four is interview. The writer interviews the students to find out their opinions about using Web-based Quizizz Tool

Mô tả sản phẩm



This chapter consists of six sections which involve the reason of the study, aim and objectives, research questions, research approach, scope of the study, and new features in the study’s result. 

1.1. Reason for the study. 

Since early year 2020, when WHO declared coronavirus pandemic, Government of many countries moved to make policies that enable them to control the pandemic, many restrictions were put in place, international travel was suspended,  Education sector and other service sectors were disrupted and Vietnam was not shield for these problems. To this end Nghe An Province implemented  many policies to cope with these difficulties such as applying the official letter 4040 promulgated by ministry of Education and Training on September 16th, 2021, guiding to build the Teaching Plan responding to the pandemic, consequently, promulgated by people’s committee of Nghe An on September 17th 2021 and holding online workshop for teaching and applying Web-tools in teaching online. 

Like many schools in Nghe An Provice, Quy Chau High School has been  applying both teaching forms: online and offline. However, teachers meets many difficulties.  It was noticed that many  students live in remote and mountainous areas, they can not finish homework on time because of long distance from their accomodation to school. Thus, teaching offline became difficult and many occasions were interrupted, which affects teaching process. Moreover, some family prevents their children from coming back to their school due to fear of Covid-19 pandemic spread,  this resulted to unable to assign teachers directly to all  students.  

Meanwhile, in an effort to achieve education for all and carry out online study effectively, local council committee was able to install internet connectivity throughout the locality, it was also discovered that families have either of the computer gadgets that enables online study such as computers, smartphones and ipads. In addition, students are eager to keen on this technology aided way of studying. I think that if teachers make use of the trend effectively, teachersstudents interaction will be enhanced and students assignments can be assigned to students easily.   

It is designed that students will both do their exercises effectively and  respond the covid-19 pendemic, the writer proposes “Teaching English during Covid-19: Using Web-based Quizizz Tool to encourage EFL 11th graders to do grammar exercises in language focus parts at Quy Chau High School” for this study. 


1.2. Aims and Objectives This research is aimed at: 

  1. Exploring the encouragement of EFL 11th graders in using Web-based Quizizz Tool to do grammar exercies in language focus parts at Quy Chau High School. 
  2. Investigating the students’ opinions on using Web-based Quizizz Tool during Covid-19 pandemic.  

1.3. Research Questions 

The study formulates the research questions as follows: 

  1. To what extent does using Web-based Quizizz Tool encourage EFL 11th graders to do grammar exercises in language focus parts? 
  2. What are the students’ opinions on  using Web-based Quizizz Tool during Covid19 pandemic ? 

1.4. Research approach 

The study adopts action research approach in which Web-based Quizizz Tool was applied with a view to encourage the students to do exercises in language focus parts. The data analysis was both quantitative and qualitative to seek answers to the research questions 

1.5. Scope of the study 

With the goal mentioned above, the study focuses on the teachers’ using Web-based Quizizz Tool as a means to encourage the students to do exercises. Therefore, the researcher makes an attempt to investigate how using Web-based Quizizz Tool is used in doing grammar exercises in language focus parts, the problems students faced, and the solutions were taken by teachers to handle these problems. 

In terms of participants, the study is carried out on the EFL 11th graders’ students at Quy Chau High School. These students are at a low level and have just studied English for six years. 

1.6. New features in  the study’s result 

It is expected that the result of the study will give significant contribution for the teachers, the students, the researchers and also the institutions. 

  • Teachers. 

This study is expected that the result will give contribution to the teacher to vary their students ways in giving the students assignments. Teachers can apply the Web-based Quizizz Tool and encourage the students to do exercises in language focus parts. Hopefully by using this Web-based Quizizz Tool in doing homework assignments that the students can really know the benefits of Web Tools. 

  • Students. 

The study is also expected that the students can find more interesting ways to do exercises. Then, the students can be encouraged to imbibe the habit of self-study and ability to use Web Tools. Therefore, I think it can help them to perform well and achieve higher results.   

  • Researcher. 

It is expected that the results give some knowledge an exprerience for the researcher in design and give students exercises, especially in doing homework assignments  through Web-Quizizz Tools. It is also can be used as new reference about media in teaching learning process especially in doing exercises at home. 

  • Institution. 

Web-Quizizz Tool is media tool in teaching and learning process that can be used not only to encourage students to complete homework assignment but also can be used in testing. If the implementation of webquest media is running well, it can improve the achievement of the institution among other institutions 




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