SKKN Using a student response system (socrative app) as a pre-Reading technique to improve 11th students’ ability in Reading skill at high school

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Môn: Tiếng Anh
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Tác giả: Phạm Thị Thanh Loan
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Diễn Châu 5
Năm viết: 2022-2023
Số trang:
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Thanh Loan
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Diễn Châu 5
Năm viết: 2022-2023

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “Using a student response system (socrative app) as a pre-Reading technique to improve 11th students’ ability in Reading skill at high school”triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:


Mô tả sản phẩm


1. Reason for choosing the topic

Nowadays, technology presents some media to be used in communication like social media. Most people use technology to deal with problems around their lives. With the increase of time, scope, and frequency of the Internet and technologies use, people have started to shape the way they communicate, share, and behave.

Every element of life has been affected by technology, and the educational system is likewise evolving quickly. Technology like computers, mobile phones, smart phones, and the internet are thought of as useful instruments to support the teaching and learning process. However, the majority of teachers have not yet made the best use of technology when teaching English. Lailiyah and Cahyono (2016), who assert that “some EFL teachers are reluctant to take the opportunity to integrate technology into their classrooms”. For instance, when teaching English, teachers tend to favor the conventional methods.

In order to make the teaching and learning of English in the classroom interesting and unique, it is probably because the teachers are not innovative in integrating the Internet and mobile phone technology. Socrative (2017), an online platform, is one of the most well-known clicker programs. Compared to other Student Response Systems (SRSs), this particular application has several special advantages. Nowadays, a lot of students use cellphones. Because the program is freely available to everyone, it is simple to access as long as one has an internet connection. In comparison to other SRSs, Socrative, according to Wash (2014), provides “the most flexibility and ease of usage” (p. 99). Additionally, teachers might create many kinds of exercises and quizzes using Socrative. It also enables pupils to respond right away. As a result, instructors can now give feedback and keep an eye on students’ progress in real time. The findings of the students’ responses are additionally arranged in a report format (Awedh, Mueen, Zafar, & Manzoor, 2014; Dakka, 2015; Kaya & Balta, 2016).

One of the key components for successful language classrooms is regarded to be the students’ active participation (Stowell & Nelson, 2007). Different strategies have regularly been tried out by teachers to get pupils more involved in class activities. However, even in small group sessions where such techniques are employed, learners who are less demanding, shy, or unmotivated may find it difficult to participate. Teachers and students can interact online with others through the features of Socrative. Socrative can present multimodal media through its features for learning English language. Then, Socrative also facilitates students with visual. According to Marshal (2002) as cited in Gon and Rawekar (2017), people have ability to remember what they read only 10%, 20% of what they hear and 30% of what they see. The technology that combines images, texts and audio all in one is able to improve people in remembering something more than 50%

Thus, Socrative will make the teaching and learning process of English language to be interactive and can create a new atmosphere for both students and teachers. The use of Socrative as a new technology can be utilized for teaching and learning English language. The writer will explain about why Socrative is a potential technology for teaching English language and how to use Socrative in teaching English language, especially for online learning in Viet Nam.

2. Research purpose

Use a student response system (Socrative app) as a pre-reading technique to improve 11th students’ ability in reading skill.

3. Subjects and objects of research

3.1. Research subjects

The process of using student response system (Socrative app) to teach and improve reading skill.

3.2. Research object

The process of teaching English reading lessons in English 11

4. Scientific hypothesis

If Socrative app can be used and designed good pre-reading activities to organize and teach the reading lessons by a reasonable process, students can develop reading ability.

5. Scope of research

Using Socrative App to organize teaching pre-reading activities of the reading lessons to develop reading ability for students.

6. Research mission

– Research the theoretical and practical basis of teaching to develop reading skill for students

– Analyze content knowledge of English 11 reading comprehension passages to serve as a basis for determining the contents of organization and activities to reading skill

– Research and propose the process of organizing pre-reading activities to develop reading skill for students

– Pedagogical experiment to test the scientific hypothesis of the topic.

7. Research Methods

7.1. Theoretical research methods

– Research relevant documents to serve as a theoretical basis for the topic such as: teaching manuals for skill development, documents on active teaching methods, etc.

– Research the content of reading comprehension passages in English 11 to design and organize teaching activities.

– Research other relevant documents: articles, research results related to the research direction of the topic, etc.

7.2. Methods of pedagogical investigation

– Survey and attend English classes at high schools.

– Communicate directly with teachers and students about the application of a student response system (Socrative app) as a pre-reading technique to improve 11th students’ ability in reading skill

– Using questionnaires for teachers and students.

7.3. Expert method

Get opinions from scientists, high school teachers with experience on the survey questionnaire system for teachers and students; Consult experts about the process of using Socrative app as a pre-reading technique to improve 11th students’ ability in reading skill

7.4. Experimental method of pedagogy

– Purpose

To test the effectiveness of using a student response system (Socrative app) as a pre-reading technique in reading comprehension lessons (English 11) to develop reading ability for students.

– Content

Conduct experiments at Dien Chau 5 High School to evaluate the effectiveness of using a student response system (Socrative app) as a pre-reading technique to improve 11th students’ ability in reading skill

– How to proceed

+ Experimental class: lesson plan designed in the direction of using Socrative app

After the experimental lesson, conduct a 15-minute test and assess students’ reading ability.

8. Contributions of the topic

– Contributing to systematization of theory and practical basis of organizing teaching activities through Socrative app to develop reading ability for students in teaching English at high school

– Develop a process to use a student’s response systems to organize pre-reading activities in teaching reading lessons in English 11 in order to improve students reading skill.

  1. Structure

Our topic has a structure including an introduction, conclusion, appendices and the main content of the topic divided into 3 chapters.

Chapter 1: Theoretical and practical basis of the topic;

Chapter 2: Using a student response system (Socrative app) as a pre-reading technique to improve 11th students’ ability in reading skill

Chapter 3: Pedagogical experiment.

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