SKKN Suggested ways and approaches to stimulate learning phrasal verbs for 12th graders

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 12
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Số trang: 55
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Thanh Tuyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Nguyễn Xuân Ôn
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 55
Tác giả: Đặng Thị Thanh Tuyền
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Nguyễn Xuân Ôn
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Suggested ways and approaches to stimulate learning phrasal verbs for 12th graders” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

1. Reading: textbooks and other materials
2. Listening to music that has Phrasal verbs.
3. Through watching
4. Suggested Funny Game Learn Phrasal Verbs

Mô tả sản phẩm




1. Rationale 

Nowadays, English is considered the global language and is used in every field of our life. English is the first criterion concerned when we want to apply for a good job. The development of the whole society requires us not only to know English but also to reach a high level satisfying the high requirements of the job we want to apply for. Therefore, the need of studying this language today is higher and higher. 

Economic, political, military, and commercial ties between countries have substantially developed and become more crucial in recent years. The subject of learning and teaching language has taken on a lot of importance in order to carry out these relationships. Teaching and studying English is critical since, in the computer age, English is the sole language that everybody utilizes to keep up with technological advancements. That is why individuals are becoming more interested in studying English, and why parents are allowing their children to interact with English at a young age. 

Learning English is a difficult and time-consuming task. All four basic skills must be acquired equally by the students: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. To gain all skills, students must have one thing: vocabulary, which can be considered the foundation of language. 

It is reasonable to assert that vocabulary is one of the most essential aspects of the language. Phrasal Verbs are one of the most important components of vocabulary, and they can cause a lot of confusion and difficulties when learning English. 

“Phrasal Verb” – a crucial and challenging feature for English language learners learning as a second language. Native English speakers frequently utilize phrasal verbs. However, they have been discovered to be challenging to master for second language learners. Phrasal verbs have also been a cause of frustration for English learners. Many students express their dissatisfaction with the challenges they have while utilizing phrasal verbs… The topic of how to learn Phrasal Verbs is still hotly debated. There is no prescribed or pre-programmed approach for a learner to acquire all of the phrasal verbs, nouns, adjectives, and idioms. Because phrasal verbs have figurative meanings, when one of the components that make up the Phrasal Verb changes, the meaning usually changes as well. It is difficult for the student to use them correctly. As a result, pupils must be encouraged to learn them thoroughly. From my vantage point, I see that 12th-grade students at Nguyen Xuan On High School, as well as other Vietnamese students, face significant challenges in learning and practicing Phrasal verbs. Due to a lack of professional expertise and adequate learning methods, they frequently become confused when translating and employing Phrasal verbs. 

As a result of the foregoing, I’ve come up with the concept of conducting an investigation into these issues and offering more approaches to help better the current situation. Hopefully, the study, titled “Suggested ways and approaches to stimulate learning phrasal verbs for 12th graders at Nguyen Xuan On High School” may be of some help to people who have struggled with or become bored with learning phrasal verbs in the near future. 

   2. Aim of the study 

The goal of the Phrasal Verbs experimental study is to determine a basic understanding of Phrasal Verbs and other related topics. My graduation paper’s specific goals are as follows: 

  • Getting a base on Phrasal Verbs and presenting it. 
  • Studied on learning Phrasal verbs of 12th graders at Nguyen Xuan On High School and found out they encountered difficulties in learning Phrasal verbs. 
  • Another purpose of this research is to recommend some more effective and acceptable ways for first-year English majors to reduce boredom and increase enthusiasm for Phrasal Verbs. 
  • Because it is not their native tongue, the most difficult component of a language for second language learners is grammar. Phrasal Verbs are a difficult subject for students to grasp. I wish my research paper had been a source of beneficial and practical reference material on Phrasal Verbs to assist 12th graders at Nguyen Xuan On High School in minimizing tediousness and problems and achieving higher achievements in their studies. 

3. Scope of the study 

Phrasal Verbs are widely regarded as one of the most difficult subjects for English learners to master, requiring a significant amount of time and effort to research. In addition, there is a wealth of information on phrasal verbs. Due to the study’s limited scope, it focuses mostly on learning conditions and effective approaches for reducing current challenges in learning phrasal verbs. And the study’s main subjects are aimed mostly at Nguyen Xuan On High School’s 12th graders. 

 4. Methods 

In order to fully grasp all of the study’s objectives, I used the following procedures in my research: 

  • Researching and gathering information from reference books, the internet, and the experiences of other researchers… 
  • Interviewing and administering survey questionnaires for 12th graders at Nguyen Xuan On High School, with the goal of discovering their learning attitudes and challenges. 

5. Design of the study 

A table of contents with page numbers makes it very easy for readers to acquire a clear overview of the research report. It also makes it easier and faster for readers to find the information they require. This paper is divided into three sections: 

  • Part I: The Introduction includes: Rationale, Aim, Scope, Design, And Methodology Of The Study 
  • Part II: The Development are three chapters: 

  Chapter 1: is  the presentation of Background Theory Which Provides Readers The 

Basic Knowledge Of “ Phrasal Verbs” 

Chapter 2: consists of 

Set of the survey questionnaire – gives the situation analysis, subjects, and data collection instrument. 

Data Analysis- show the detailed results of the survey and make a comprehensive analysis of the collected data. 

Findings and discussions. 

Chapter 3: gives suggested methods and techniques for 12th graders at Nguyen Xuan On High School to learn phrasal verbs effectively 

  • Part III: The Conclusion presents an overview of the study, suggestions for further research, and limitations of the study. 



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