SKKN applying “Quizizz” to design English exercises and support teaching English for 12th

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 12
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Lượt tải: 4
Số trang: 31
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Mai Trang
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Tương Dương 1
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 31
Tác giả: Phạm Thị Mai Trang
Trình độ chuyên môn: Thạc sĩ giáo dục
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Tương Dương 1
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN applying “Quizizz” to design English exercises and support teaching English for 12th” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

– Studying about Quizizz software generalization and how to set up an account, compile Quizizz exercises. Thanks to this solution, teachers can get an overview of the software and how to use it in teaching effectively in order to develop the students’ competencies and qualities
– Using Quizizz software in English teaching activities: warm-up, practice, regular check-ups ..; Give some specific examples when using Quizizz in teaching activities. This solution aims to help students become more interested in learning English activities, self-study and regular training of knowledge. Besides, it contributes to improving the quality of teaching and learning the subject.

Mô tả sản phẩm


A.Rationale of the study  

English is the most widely spoken language in the world and has more second-language speakers than any other language. There is no doubt that the role of English in the world today has been becoming more and more important. It is English that is used as an effective medium of international communication. It is also the language of the Internet, and so studying, doing research, interacting with international companies and traveling are almost impossible without at least some English. The widespread need for English as an international language puts considerable pressure on the education resources of any countries. In Vietnam, since the government carried out the open door policy to attract foreign investment and co-operate with other countries, teaching and learning English has become more necessary. That is the reason why learning English is not only the interest but also the great and practical demand for many people, especially for students who always want to assess the modern world. Therefore, English is now taught as a compulsory subject to students at high schools in our country.  

Today, dramatic IT development has positively impacted several aspects of life, not except education. Technology application in teaching English is a suitable new direction of the trend of times. This action is appreciated by the Ministry of Education and Training and paid attention to invest in development during this time. Information technology, especially applications, software stores on domestic and international websites actually are valuable gadgets for us to develop, utilize and bring into our lessons that play their part to arouse students’ learning interest as well as improve the quality of teaching subjects in general and English in particular.  

In recent years, schools have created maximum conditions for teachers to bring technological achievements into their lessons such as: installing projectors, speakers, TVs…, universal internet access in classrooms, and Circular No.  

32/2020/TT-BGDĐT dated September 15, 2020 of the Ministry of Education and Training which has promulgated recently, has allowed students to use phones, tablets, and laptops in school for learning purposes. This has motivated me to research and apply information technology in my teaching work.  

As a teacher of English in a mountainous district, I find it difficult in teaching foreign languages to students. They do not seem to be interested in learning English. Therefore, I am always aware that I have to regularly self-study, self-practice, learn and exchange experiences with colleagues, spend a lot of time researching IT, software applications,… to find solutions to apply in teaching and improve the quality of my teaching. The application of Quizizz software in teaching English contributes to the innovation of teaching methods. Thanks to this software application, the lecture becomes not only interesting but also attractive.  

Particularly for 12th form students, the graduation exam has been changed to multiple choices for many years, so practice doing many exercises helps them consolidate their knowledge after each lesson without getting bored. And also helps students remember longer the content of the lesson, thereby improving the quality of teaching and objectively assessing the quality of students’ learning, and also reducing the cost of printing and photocopying documents. That is the reason why I choose the thesis “ applying “Quizizz” to design English exercises and support teaching  English  for 12th form students inTuong Duong mountainous district”. This solution is really necessary and effective in the era of global connectivity, and especially in the context of the country with a long  Covid- 19 epidemic happened. Schools often have to choose online teaching methods, so the integration of online applications in student‘s learning activities to stimulate students’ interest and promote the effectiveness of the lesson is perfectly reasonable and feasible.  

B. Aims of the study  

The study aims to improve the quality of teaching for  12th form students through the introduction of Quizizz application software into teaching, to help students review and consolidate their knowledge after each lesson and to improve English learning for mountainous students and also  students will feel more confident in the exams. To achieve this goal, the study sets out the following specific solutions:  

Solution 1: Studying about Quizizz software generalization and how to set up an account, compile Quizizz exercises. Thanks to this solution, teachers can get an overview of the software and how to use it in teaching effectively in order to develop the students’ competencies and qualities.  

Solution 2: Using Quizizz software in English teaching activities: warm-up, practice, regular check-ups ..; Give some specific examples when using Quizizz in teaching activities. This solution aims to help students become more interested in learning English activities, self-study and regular training of knowledge. Besides, it contributes to improving the quality of teaching and learning the subject.  

C. Scopes of the study  

The study is concerned with investigating the effectiveness of using Quizizz application in designing exercises and supporting teaching and learning  English for 12th form students in Tuong Duong 1 high school.  

  1. Method of the study

Research the theoretical and practical basis of the topic:  

  • Method of pedagogical observation.  
  • Methods of investigation, comparison, analysis, and synthesis.  
  • Method of summarizing through work and teaching experience.  
  • Pedagogical experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the topic.  

E. Significant of the Research  

It is expected that the result of the study will give significant contribution for the teacher, the students, the researcher and also the institution.  


This study is expected that the result will give contribution to the teacher to vary their students’ ways in teaching English. Teacher can apply the Quizizz application and improve students’ knowledge and help students easier to review the lessons. Hopefully by using this Quizizz application in designing exercises and supporting teaching English that the students can really do English exercises well and students know the benefit of web application.   

  1. Students  

  It is also expected that the students can find more interesting activity in practicing. Then, the students can improve their reviewing ability by using web application. Therefore, it can make them easier to really improve the revision ability.  

  1. Researcher   

It is expected that the result give some knowledge an experience for the researcher in teaching learning process, especially in reviewing the lessons using Quizizz application. It also can be used as new reference about media in teaching learning process especially in reviewing and consolidating the knowledge.  

  1. Institution   

 Quizizz application is the media application in teaching learning process that can be used not only in reviewing, but also in the test. If the implementation of web quest media is running well, so it can improve the achievement of the institution among other institutions.   



Starting from the point of view “learners are at the center”, the method of teaching and learning has fundamentally changed. The teacher is not the only one who holds the knowledge and imparts it, but also the leader, the mentor, and the one who paves the way for learners to be more active in their study and espeically ,directive No. 666/CT-BGDDT dated August 24, 2020 of the Ministry of Education and Training states: “Promote digital transformation, promote the application of information technology in education and training”.   

This chapter discusses the solutions about the theory and research into Quizizz application to form the theoretical and practical base for this study   

A.Solution 1: To research Quizizz software and how to set up an account, to compile exercises on Quizizz.   

  Through this solution, teachers can better understand the software features, how to use them in teaching and lead students to participate in learning on Quizizz.  

1. Definition Quizizz application  

Quizizz application is one of the educational applications that applies the concept of germination. It has some interesting features such as: avatars, music, leaderboard, and theme that make the students learn something like they are playing game (Mac Namara & Murphy, 2017). Furthermore, (Zuhriyah & Pratolo, 2020) argue that quizizz application can provide the students with interactive and joyful experience of doing exercise especially to answer the questions. After the students answering the question, Quizizz automatically presents the memes to inform if their respond is correct or not. Moreover, (Zhao, 2019) states that Quizizz application is an educational game based software that takes interactive activities into classrooms and provides the students with enjoyable learning experience. In this case, the Students can do the exercises of the materials that they have learned on their laptop, smartphone or other electronic devices, they can have a healthy competition in doing the quiz with their friends because Quizizz complete with the leaderboard to show the rank of the students lively. In addition (Zhao, 2019) informs that the teacher can track the process and download the summary at the end of the quiz to measure the success of the student

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