SKKN Using web tools and online apps in testing and teaching English

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Môn: Tiếng anh
Lớp: 12
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Số trang: 42
Tác giả: Trần Thị Minh Hằng
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Nguyễn Đức Mậu
Năm viết: 2021-2022
Số trang: 42
Tác giả: Trần Thị Minh Hằng
Trình độ chuyên môn: Cử nhân đại học
Đơn vị công tác: THPT Nguyễn Đức Mậu
Năm viết: 2021-2022

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “SKKN Using web tools and online apps in testing and teaching English” triển khai gồm các biện pháp nổi bật sau:

In my innovation, students use a mobile phone, laptop, or computer accessed to the Internet and the teachers control their students’ learning. Quizizz, Blooket, Azota, and LMS testing on the VNPT system are rather new to the teachers and students, particularly at my school. At my school, I am the first one to apply these web tools and online apps in designing activities for students. They make my students more excited in learning my lessons, helps my students love the English language and find interesting things in English

Mô tả sản phẩm


  1. Reasons for the study

As we know that, English is necessary for life. However, learning English is not easy for students in a coastal area, in which the population is still poor because they only know how to make a living by fishing. Learning English for students is torture, moreover, students and teachers do not have enough tools to help students learn more excitedly. In my heart, I always want my students to love English so that it will be useful for their lives in the future. 

When the Covid 19 pandemic occurred, students were forced to study online. Parents of students buy phones, iPads, and computers for students so that they can study better but they are not enough for all. Fortunately, the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education launched the movement “Computer and Internet for students”. The poor students in my school have the tools to learn. 

Realizing this is also an opportunity for English teachers and students to promote English learning and testing through web tools and online apps such as Quizizz, Blooket, Azota, LMS which are very familiar with children in economically developed and urban areas. 

Having applied Quizizz, Blooket, Azota, and LMS testing on the VNPT system in teaching testing English at Nguyen Duc Mau high school. I decided to choose the topic “Using web tools and online apps in testing and teaching English at Nguyen Duc Mau high school” for my experienced innovation. 

  1. Aim of the research The aims of this study are: 
  • To give out a brief overview on Quizizz, Blooket, Azota, and LMS testing on the VNPT system. 
  • To discuss the way to teach English 12 by using Quizizz and Blooket. 
  • To discuss the way to test English 12 by using Azota and LMS testing system. – To design some activities with Quizizz and Blooket to teach some parts of units of English 12. 
  • To design some tests with Azota and LMS testing system. 
  • To propose some suggestions and recommendations to attract students’ attention in learning English. 

III. Research method 

  • Draw from the experience of my teaching 
  • Consulted many documents especially methods of study 
  • Asked colleagues’ experience. 
  • Surfed the Internet for further study. 
  • Scope of the study 

The study was carried out at Nguyen Duc Mau high school for mix-level students with only four classes 12A4, 12A7, 12A9, 12A11. 

  • New features in the study’s result: 

In my innovation, students use a mobile phone, laptop, or computer accessed to the Internet and the teachers control their students’ learning. Quizizz, Blooket, Azota, and LMS testing on the VNPT system are rather new to the teachers and students, particularly at my school. At my school, I am the first one to apply these web tools and online apps in designing activities for students. They make my students more excited in learning my lessons. This helps my students love the English language and find interesting things in English. 




  1. Theoretical.   
  2. What are Quizizz, Blooket, Azota, and LMS testing on the VNPT system? a. Quizizz: 

Quizizz is primarily an online-based quiz tool that operates like a game show. That means a question-and-answer platform that works across web browsers and Chrome as well as iPhone and Android devices, with dedicated apps for both. From a student’s perspective, this makes learning more fun with game-based interactions and an ability to work through a quiz using their own devices. For teachers, there is a host of pre-built quizzes to pick from as well as the option to edit and create their own from scratch. Since students only need an access code, they don’t need to signup for an account, making it super simple to access for everyone. It also means their privacy and personal details can be kept protected. For teachers, this platform offers a large database of quiz options, making it simple to use tool that doesn’t require a lot of time and effort. But since these can be edited, this can also provide a more indepth and personalized offering for students and classes.  b. Blooket: 

Blooket is a web-based quiz game platform for group competition or solo study. Blooket joins an expanding group of game show platforms for the classroom. What sets it apart is that the quizzes can be re-themed using a variety of “game modes” that offer unique visual themes and gameplay types, turning quizzes into competitive experiences similar to games students might play on their phones for fun. Like other quizzing tools, teachers create question sets and then launch games. Students join with a code and then answer questions in real-time with their devices. Students can participate in teams or individually, and the participant with the fastest correct answer wins. Unique to Blooket, however, is that quizzing is embedded with the context of different games — each with its own visual theme and rules 

  1. Azota: 

Azota is a new software, developed by a team of Vietnamese people. This platform allows teachers to easily and conveniently create exam questions and exercises right on it. Based on this foundation, teachers can assign exercises to students and have effective review exercises to consolidate knowledge. Azota supports both phones and computers, but most teachers and students use the Web version of Azota because of its intuitive and easy-to-use interface. d. LMS testing on VNPT system: 

VNPT LMS is an online learning and exam solution, located in VnEdu Smart education ecosystem developed and implemented by Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), contributing to supporting the education sector in preventing Covid-19 pandemic as well as improving the application of modern information technology in teaching and learning for educational institutions in Vietnam. VNPT LMS is able to meet a variety of needs and is suitable for many educational institutions from high schools, universities, organizations, businesses with the need for internal training, etc. So far, the VNPT LMS solution has been deployed by VNPT Group in 63/63 localities, attracting more than 10,000 schools with more than 8 million users, thanks to the application of cloud computing and blockchain, schools, educational institutions and enterprises are able to deploy this solution quickly. 

  1. Overview application of Quizizz, Blooket, Azota, and LMS testing on VNPT system  a. Quizizz. 

Quizizz is a free tool. It works on any device: web browser, iOS, Android, and Chrome apps. You can access hundreds of ready-made learning quizzes or create your own. Join as a teacher, pick a quiz, and use the code for a virtual room to give to your students. Alternatively, you can create your quiz on Quizizz, even importing questions from excel/CSV files with just a click of a button. Students use the code to enter and submit a nickname, code name, or numerical name (students do not have to register). Better yet, if you have Google Classroom students can join by signing in with their Google Account; with just one click. If you assign a Quizizz through Google Classroom, all your data gets updated in your Classroom dashboard. You will get notifications when students complete assignments, and their responses and grades show. Teachers can choose to make their quizzes public or private. Embed images with your questions. Check or uncheck the settings including music. You can even duplicate an existing quiz to save into My Quizizz. A created Quizizz can have randomized or non-randomized questions. The memes that are displayed when students answer a question; are sure to be a hit with students. You can also customize your Quizizz by creating your Memes. Use images of the school mascot, students’ pets, or favorite game characters to create a set of ten or more memes. Click the My Memes from the top menu, then the plus symbol. You are now ready to start. Be sure to click “Start Game” after students have entered the code. Send the game link to students (or other teachers to use with their classes) by email, website, or social media. Set time limits of 30 seconds to 5 minutes for students to answer each question. This allows more time for more complex questions. Students earn points for speed and accuracy. Unlike other sites, both teacher and students can see the questions, answers, and the leader board throughout the quiz. Most other tools require the teacher to project the answers and leader board on a whiteboard. The leader board can be turned OFF in this tool as well. And, what is the best part of this tool? Two separate classes can play together using this tool. Quizziz works on any web-enabled device including smartphones and tablets and has an iOS app. You can email student reports to parents (even send the student reports to multiple/all parents at once), the main navigation bar has moved from the top to the left, and there is a search bar that you can access on all pages, and now you can search both your quizzes and your reports.  As with other similar tools, Quizizz is a formative assessment tool that is best used to obtain information about how the class as a whole is doing in understanding content material. Use Quizizz when asking questions that require a reading of a passage or a long time to answer questions. Be sure to set the time limit to the upper reaches of 5 minutes. Students can use code names or numerical screen names for anonymity if desired. Create pretests to offer to gifted students to “test out” already learned material. Students can easily see the choices and choose answers using a browser on a laptop or any device. Make it a class challenge! Use this tool at the start of a new chapter or unit. Students can see who is at the top of the leaderboard during the play and can even ask questions while going through the quiz. Use this tool often to obtain a snapshot of each student’s understanding of the content. As with other tools where there is a leader board, it is helpful to have a collaborative environment where competition is not the goal, instead of working together and improving is important. Quizizz is PERFECT for remote learning in that it is engaging for students, works on any device, and you can keep track of how each student is doing with your content and who needs help. Use it frequently during remote learning as an exit to a teaching session. b. Blooket. 

World of Blooket a new take on trivia and review games. The way it works is that a teacher/host picks a question set and a unique game mode. Then, we generate a code that players can use to join the game on their own devices. After the game starts, players will answer questions to help them win. That’s where the fun starts, because we offer a variety of games to keep students engaged and excited. Students are encouraged to participate in games with rewards for answering questions and exploring new methods of learning. Overcoming our challenges drives students to perform well while reviewing. Question sets can be painlessly imported or created easily with their powerful Set Builder. You can also explore their incredible collection of sets built by other amazing users on the Discover page. Ditch the old, redundant classroom review game and try out our variety of unique, engaging game modes. Also, edit game settings with a variety of options to truly make Blooket the perfect tool for you. Our personal favorite part of Blooket is the

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